With an open-door policy to new submissions, the UK Defence Journal is a highly-visible venue to publish your thoughts — from timely analysis on the news events of the day to shining a critical light where one is needed.
We feature a constant stream of news articles and analysis. Our audience ranges from government officials, military personnel around the globe, industry professionals and every day enthusiasts.
Successful submissions should be 400 words or less for news pieces and around 800 words for analysis pieces, submissions should make a clear and convincing argument, and cover a topic about which the author is clearly qualified to write about. We accept no party political pieces.
Please note, article submissions cannot be paid for, nor do we accept pieces published elsewhere without express permission from the publisher.
The UK Defence Journal is an association of writers writing as and when they can on topics we’re passionate about, please feel free to follow that model should you wish to join us.
If you’d like to write for the UK Defence Journal, contact us at [email protected]