Analysis Section

The analysis section contains opinion on topical defence issues and reviews of media such as books, games and films, please note that these are not news articles and are purely the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the UK Defence Journal.


We aim to draw opinion from a wide range of sources on a wide range of topics.

Our opinion articles feature a banner in red, just like this, explaining what they are and who the author is..

Defence Review 2024 – There will be cuts, but what’s going?

The UK's 'Global Britain' ambition is at risk, with the military facing severe cutbacks and equipment shortages leaving the nation ill-prepared for growing global conflicts.

Britain pressured as West yields to missile rhetoric

The USA and the UK should not be deterred by Putin’s increasingly deranged bluster. If anything, it should be the other way around, argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.

More ‘Red Lines’ than troops: Russia’s endless warnings

"Putin’s red lines are about as firm as jelly. They exist mainly to sow doubt and fear in Western capitals, delaying military support for Ukraine."



Media Reviews

Our reviews aim to cover defence related media from games to books.

Our reviews feature a banner in blue, just like this, explaining what they are and who the author is.

Harrier 809 by Rowland White – A review

Harrier 809 by Rowland White tells the story of how the public perception of the Harrier went from a novelty to an iconic symbol of British combat aviation.

Microsoft Flight Simulator – A review

Despite a launch marred by calamitous community engagement, Microsoft Flight Simulator manages to soar above and beyond expectations.

1917 – A film review

1917 depicts the horrors of trench warfare of the First World War with raw tension, terror and urgency.

Submissions Policy

These articles are the opinion of their authors and not necessarily that of the UK Defence Journal. If you would like to submit your own article on a relevant topic, please see our submission guidelines.