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Lisa West

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.

British heavy lift aircraft spearhead major NATO exercise

Royal Air Force heavy lift aircraft have delivered a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) to the British Army during a major NATO exercise in Estonia.

British armour rolls in to Poland

British troops and armoured vehicles have begun training in Poland as part of NATO’s largest exercise in a generation.

British warship and helicopter hunts submarines

Royal Navy submarine hunters have joined forces with international allies in Norway to enhance their collective skills in submarine warfare.

NATO warships dock in Reykjavik

RFA Tidesurge highlighted the scenic beauty of Iceland, expressing that the "stunning background never fails to disappoint."

NATO warships engage in anti-submarine warfare training

NATO's Dynamic Mongoose 24 exercise has brought together ships, submarines, aircraft, and thousands of personnel from 10 allied nations to sharpen their anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and anti-surface warfare (ASuW) skills.

Youth recruitment in British armed forces holds steady

Newly released Ministry of Defence data reveals consistent recruitment of young people aged 16 to 18 into the Regular Armed Forces and Future Reserve Programme between 2016 to 2019.

UK sells surplus H135 military helicopters to Australia

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed the sale of five surplus Airbus H135 helicopters to Australia.

HMS Trent seizes half a billion pounds worth of drugs

HMS Trent has been involved in five major drug interdiction operations, cumulatively seizing narcotics valued at approximately £511 million.

Royal Navy utilises French logistics for Pacific resupply

This operation saw the transfer of several thousand rounds of ammunition to HMS Tamar as it docked in New Caledonia, strategically located between Fiji and Australia's Gold Coast.

First graduates on Protector drone training

The Royal Air Force has announced the graduation of the first personnel trained to operate the Protector RG Mk1.