A large-scale search operation in the North Sea has been called off after no evidence of a downed aircraft was found.

The operation began after HM Coastguard received a report at 1:30 pm today of a possible aircraft crash in the area.

HM Coastguard quickly mobilised a comprehensive search effort, deploying a rescue helicopter, a fixed-wing aircraft, the Eyemouth RNLI lifeboat, and two nearby vessels to the scene, approximately 48 nautical miles east of Edinburgh.

The search covered a wide area of the North Sea, but despite the intensive efforts, no signs of an aircraft or debris were discovered.

A spokesperson for the Coastguard told the UK Defence Journal:

“At 13:30 this afternoon (13 August) HM Coastguard received a report of a possible downed aircraft in the North Sea. A coastguard helicopter, coastguard fixed-wing aircraft, Eyemouth RNLI lifeboat, and two vessels that were in the area were sent. A thorough search was carried out with nothing found, and the search has been stood down.”

Rumours circulating during the operation suggested that the aircraft in question might have been a Royal Air Force (RAF) plane.

However, when approached for comment, the Ministry of Defence told the UK Defence Journal that these rumours were incorrect, stating that no RAF aircraft were involved in the incident.

The circumstances that led to the report of a possible aircraft downing remain unclear.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_844732)
4 days ago

Mind you there’s been an awful lot of aircraft activity over the NE today. Good to hear no missing aircraft reported 🤔

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_844759)
3 days ago

Curious. Wonder who reported ?

Baker (@guest_844790)
3 days ago

A “Flat Earth’r”, 😁

Paul.P (@guest_844791)
3 days ago

Russian trawler ?

Cymbeline (@guest_844834)
3 days ago
Reply to  Paul.P

I heard it was Lord Haw Haws Russian female cousin mouth piece Lady Zak Zak.

Last edited 3 days ago by Cymbeline
Jonathan (@guest_844762)
3 days ago

A UFO…interesting…maybe it was Russian, I’m sure they would not report it…the theories..the theories.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_844808)
3 days ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Another of my interests. Known as UAP these days.

Jonathan (@guest_844814)
3 days ago

Cheers Daniele, UAP, every day is a learning day.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_844820)
3 days ago
Reply to  Jonathan

I’m old school so always UFO for me, but that’s the term the Pentagon use I think.
I’ve looked on news no reports, I’m very curious as to who reported it to generate this level of response.

Baker (@guest_844839)
3 days ago

It was a “Flat Earth’r”, thing is they do this all the time when a Plane flies over head and disappears over the horizon .
I tell you Danny, these people are a menace, even the Coastguard are fed up looking for Ships that have “Fell off”. 🛥😎

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_844847)
3 days ago
Reply to  Baker


TonyB (@guest_844802)
3 days ago

Rather off topic, but there is a super article on NL covering HMS Diamond’s Red Sea deployment.

Baker (@guest_844842)
3 days ago
Reply to  TonyB

With about 5 million comments from all the usual suspects I’ll wager !

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_844848)
3 days ago
Reply to  Baker

Is there a poster over there called….I don’t remember exactly now, sounded like akbar, they trolled here for a while, quite a few years ago.

Baker (@guest_844872)
3 days ago

There are a fair few who post both there and here, Hugo, Sean, Nigel Collins, Deep32 and a whole bunch more. There are probably way more but once again, their names are just random. I’m currently Andrew Harris if it makes any difference.
There are @ 5 regulars who just seem to bicker all the time which is rather tedious though.

Last edited 3 days ago by Baker
Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_845001)
2 days ago
Reply to  TonyB

If I can go off on a tangent from your OT. Jane’s reported on the RAN shooting off a SM6 from a Hobart AWD. That’s one hell of an expensive firecracker, but wondering how current and future Aster 30s would compare to the SM6? And if the T45s had mk41s could they then have an Aster, SM6 and CAMM mix?

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_844858)
3 days ago

Just curious, is the photo showing one of contenders for the UKs medium helicopter replacement? Kind of looks familar but I’m not sure what AW model this is or isn’t?

Baker (@guest_844875)
3 days ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

That’s an AW 189, it took over from previous Sea king and I believe they are privately operated by Bristow’s but I might be wrong on both counts.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_844894)
3 days ago
Reply to  Baker

It is and they do 👍

Baker (@guest_844916)
3 days ago
Reply to  Paul T


Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_845000)
2 days ago
Reply to  Baker

Thanks both!

AlexS (@guest_845908)
1 minute ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Yes it is the the AW-189 the civilian version of AW-149 contender.