Highways England has called on ex-military personnel to consider a career in roads – not long after the organisation is rewarded for its own work to support people coming out of the armed forces.

Highways England is the government-owned company responsible for modernising, maintaining and operating England’s motorways and major A roads.

The organisation has just been given a prestigious award by the Ministry of Defence for its continued commitment to inspiring and supporting both veterans and reservists. The award is given to employers who support defence and inspire others to do the same.

It was presented to company representatives Royal Naval Reservist Lieutenant Commander Robert Jaffier, now an asset and resource manager, and Ron Calderwood-Duncan, Head of Engagement and Culture Change.

Robert, who nominated the company, said in a news release:

“I am delighted that the hard work carried out by Highways England to recognise the achievements and skills of ex-military personnel has been recognised. In practical terms, Highways England appeared a good fit for me to be able to continue my civilian career while pursuing my personal development as a reservist.

The main challenge was settling back down to civilian life from my time out on operations and become reacquainted with the culture of the business that had evolved while I was away. So, it’s great that my workplace offers successful applicants a buddy who is someone who has experienced making the transition from military life to working for Highways England. I am delighted to offer my support as a buddy for new recruits, and I urge anyone from the forces looking for a career change to consider Highways England.”

The Ministry of Defence makes awards under its Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. Employers have to show their values are aligned with the Armed Forces Covenant.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. How about ex military in boot camp type places teaching lay abouts and yobs some respect for country, themselves, property, and all the rest? I’d go further and put them in schools too.

  2. i applied for a job with the Highways years ago got turned down for being over Qualified don,t know how being ex infantry i never had anything to do with roads during my service other than driving land rovers or warriors on them

  3. Daniele you talk nonsense! The next thing you’ll be saying is bring back conscription! What would you have these former military doing??

    • Lets just carry on and leave them homeless in the street then.

      They have discipline, training, skills, which could be used.

      Thank you for the feedback anyway!

      • All their skills discipline and training could be used. But in real jobs, not sympathy projects like a boot camp.

        I don’t believe in creating jobs for the sake of jobs. They need to have a purpose. Creating jobs out of nothing purely as a gift for veterans is a little insulting, kind of suggesting they can’t do anything else.

        Their skills can be used in real jobs that already exist.

        • I hardly see it as a gift Steve.

          My thinking was they have skills that could be imparted on youngsters.

          More apt than the Highways agency….

      • All ex military are homeless? I would also suggest that the vast majority of soldiering skills are not transferable to children.

        • Paul. I did not say ALL did I.

          And I meant teenage yobs, the likes of which we all know of, and which I have dealt with often enough. Not Children.

          But hey ho thanks for the comments.

  4. Those skills already are imparted on youngsters via the army/air/sea cadets during teenage years, and UOTC during university years. Those have all been in decline in recent years but that is down to lack of interest so althogu8i agree they should be promoted more and made more widely available, I also believe it should be voluntary.

    Those are also not paid full time jobs for the instructors as no one has the money for that.

  5. Ok job if you want that kind of work . I would personally set up boot camps with no human rights for the thugs . Thugs don’t deserve human rights .

  6. I think a better idea would be to hire ex military for armed forces careers offices; they know the realities of service life and could answer questions asked by young potential recruits much better a private company could.

    Gives them a real job at which they’d be good at as they know the score, and is also a real job with a purpose: recruiting the next generation of soldiers, sailors and airmen.

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