A British F-35B Lightning joined a U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber and F-15 Eagle jet for multiple flypasts to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the U.S. Eighth Air Force.

The flypasts of both RAF Lakenheath and RAF Duxford were conducted as one was once home to an Eighth Air Force P-51 unit and the other now hosts the largest air museum in Europe.

According to a press release here:

“Originally stood up on 1st February 1942 at Langley Field, Virginia, VIII Bomber Command moved to England a short while later, first to RAF Daws Hill and later to RAF High Wycombe, the RAF’s Bomber Command, where it established its wartime headquarters in the Wycombe Abbey School.  The Eighth Air Force was a US Army Air Force Combat Air Force, focused on the European Theatre, that carried out strategic bombing of targets in France, the Low Countries and Germany.”

According to a statement from the RAF:

“The RAF works alongside the Bomber Task Force (BTF) throughout the year, and has done for a number of years, providing opportunities to work and train with our allies.  It traditionally involves exercising Quick Reaction Alert to escort BTF aircraft through UK airspace.”

You can read more about the flypasts here.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Thank God for the contribution the 8th has given to the countries of Europe for the last 80 years. So many young souls were lost during WW2 to ensure a peace that has endured. Today, we need the US Airforce more than ever to keep watch against so many potential enemies. I’m also pleased to hear that the key UK airbases are to remain for the foreseeable future. God bless the 8th.

    • Absolutely, successive Governments for 30 years have hollowed out our defence capability ‘far’ beyond sense and played fast and loose with our security.

      Thank goodness Uncle Sam is there to provide his umbrella!

      • I was in Afghanistan (at Camp Bastion) at the time of the US surge and found myself working on projects to ‘get them in’.
        Very embarrassing that we Brits could not properly do our job in Helmand province and win everywhere against the Taliban without thousands extra US troops being drafted in.

        I contend that the politicos have reduced the size of our armed forces (certainly the army) once or twice a decade since the end of the Korean War – they wouldn’t try that with the schools or NHS.

    • I fully agree. We can of course defend our own national airspace against potential foes but we need the USAF to aid alliance partners in prosecuting air warfare in large scale conflicts be they in eastern Europe or elsewhere. To that end we need to keep providing them with air bases in the UK.

      [When will western/central Europe (which includes 4 of the wealthy G7 countries) ever be in a position to defend itself without US assistance?]


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