During Prime Minister’s Questions, Alicia Kearns MP accused the RAF of forcing Group Captain Lizzy Nicholl to resign for refusing to implement “illegal recruitment orders.”

Kearns claimed that despite multiple inquiries vindicating Nicholl, fair compensation has not been offered. She also alleged that the former Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Mike Wigston, lied to the Defence Secretary about the case.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer committed to arranging a meeting with the relevant minister to address the issue.

Kearns told the Commons that, despite multiple inquiries vindicating Nicholl, fair compensation has not been offered, while those responsible for the orders have “walked away.”

Kearns also alleged that during the purdah period, RAF officials offered Nicholl a “derisory” £2,000 as compensation, which she believed was an attempt to bypass ministerial oversight. She went on to accuse the former Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Mike Wigston, of lying to the then Defence Secretary about Nicholl’s case.

Kearns stated: “I have documents proving beyond doubt that the former Chief of the Air Staff lied to the then Defence Secretary about her case.” She further urged the Prime Minister to meet with Nicholl, saying, “If the Prime Minister believes in righting wrongs, will he meet Lizzy and help ensure those responsible are held accountable and that Lizzy gets the justice she deserves?”

Responding, Prime Minister Keir Starmer acknowledged the gravity of the case, stating:

“I thank the hon. Member for raising what is obviously a very important case, and she is right to do so. I am not across the individual details of it, but it obviously does need to be looked into.”

He assured Kearns that Nicholl would be granted a meeting with the relevant minister, promising to investigate further, adding, “I will make sure she gets a meeting with the relevant Minister to lay out such details as she has and to get some answers as to our inquiries.”

This case revolves around the RAF’s alleged illegal recruitment policies that reportedly prioritised ethnic minority and female candidates, and has led to broader concerns about accountability and transparency within the Ministry of Defence and the RAF.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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AlexS (@guest_863578)
4 hours ago


Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_863580)
4 hours ago

As often seems the way, the high ups waltz into the sunset Scott free.
Good on the Group Captain for fighting her corner.
Incase HMG, MoD have not noticed, this is a predominantly white country and we have a recruitment crisis.
Stop alienating your main recruitment source with your ideological diversity agenda.
All are welcome to serve if they’re good enough.
And OT. General Sir Mike Jackson has died.

Lonpfrb (@guest_863720)
5 minutes ago

RIP General Sir Mike Jackson, a Soldiers Soldier, I’m told. Leadership is difficult and important.

Coll (@guest_863618)
2 hours ago

It would be nice to see Mike Wigston in prison.

Lonpfrb (@guest_863721)
14 seconds ago
Reply to  Coll

If they were “illegal recruitment orders.” there must be a prosecution and court case.

Integrity and ethics of those in command are national security matters.