Four U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortresses, assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, arrived at RAF Fairford, England, on November 8, 2024, for Bomber Task Force 25-1.
Before landing at RAF Fairford, the B-52s conducted joint training with Finnish F-18 Hornets and Swedish JAS 39 Gripens, demonstrating the U.S. Air Force’s strategic integration with European air forces.
During the deployment, the B-52s will operate as the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, working alongside NATO Allies to synchronize military capabilities and reaffirm security commitments across the U.S. European Command area of responsibility.
“This Bomber Task Force mission exemplifies our unwavering commitment to our European Allies and partners,” said Gen. James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa. “Together, we build stronger, more strategic relationships that reinforce security and stability across the region.”
U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) continues to enable dynamic force employment in the European theatre, enhancing strategic predictability and demonstrating the capability of U.S. bombers to operate seamlessly with NATO Allies. Hecker added, “Through these missions, we not only demonstrate the global reach of our bomber forces but also the strength of our collective partnerships in Europe.”
Regular deployments like this one serve to assure NATO Allies of U.S. support while contributing to deterrence efforts by introducing operational unpredictability for potential adversaries. “Our ability to work side-by-side with Allies is a key advantage,” Hecker added.
“This sends a message of assurance to our friends while deterring potential aggressive actions by strategic competitors.”
The Bomber Task Force-Europe deployments, say the U.S. Air Force, underscore the United States’ dedication to maintaining global stability and reinforcing its alliances across Europe. By working in concert with NATO partners, the U.S. say it aims to enhance collective security measures and contribute to the defence of Europe amidst evolving global threats.
Past rotations have included B-52 Stratofortress and B-1B Lancer bombers, which have flown from bases in the continental U.S. to temporary operating locations across Europe, including RAF Fairford in the UK.
During these rotations, U.S. bombers have engaged in a range of training exercises alongside NATO allies, such as air-to-ground strike simulations, maritime support operations, and electronic warfare drills. Missions frequently involve close coordination with NATO fighter jets, naval vessels, and ground forces.
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One has to wonder what deterrence value some very older bombers have when the US president elect is currently on the phone to Russia negotiating a US surrender.
I agree in as much as the USA itself is becoming increasingly unpredictable over time. Even before that becomes the potential for unreliability the UK and Europe’s planning scenarios will surely lead to the realisation that Europe as a whole must become a self sustaining military power group. The knowledgeable contributors to UKDJ (not me!), have been saying this for some years and even our politicians are making the right noises.
I look forward to some positive action after the next review, not another round of saying the obvious without firm action.
If the U.K. hadn’t lost it’s corporate balls over the last quarter centruy we would be in a position to really promote the pan Atlantic partnership. As things stand i think we’ll be lucky to keep what we’ve got.
What’s AUKUS about then? I can’t see the uk can do anything different with the US or anything more. It’s not the UK leaving the Atlantic partnership it’s the USA checking out of the world.
I didn’t realise that AUKUS had anything to do with the the traditional view that the UK was the Atlantic link betweent the U.S. and Europe. Do enlighten me Jim
Shows that the US values it’s relationship with the UK over anyone else.shows the UK adds more value than any other US ally.
I think that’s what I said but there is no doubt that we would have more clout if we had more kit.
Right noises that depends. Look at Europe, who is to blame for the mess at present? The EU, Russians are not a threat, the threat is already at the door and have been allowed in. Russia are like the IRA they once in a while show a power of strength. This will stop when Trump steps in. Biden is weak and so is his administration. But having an eye army is going to be a burden on the UK. We have all got our own armies. Th y van be called up to fight separately if needed..France would have us surrendering, Spain and Portugal would remain out of this war and Switzerland again would be waiting to get stolen gold to stash away for the new Nazis after it’s all over. The UK has 4 separate regions. We all learn to fight together in wars. So what’s the difference between the rest of Europe and the UK doing that?
Look at it from the US perspective. Why should they spend money to defend a continent that won’t even spend to defend itself? The US has far more reliable allies in Asia, which is why they get the most advanced US systems (THAAD) and carrier battle groups stationed there.
Of course, B-52s would be employed as stand-off weapons platforms in a peer conflict.
Platforms not bombers. Therein lies the relevance. Influence and negotiation is realistic from a position of immediate strength, not of capability gaps.
See them as Platforms not Bombers. Therein lies the relevance. Influence and negotiation is realistic from a position of immediate strength, not of capability gaps.
Ah.. the Americans! always a scapegoat for europeans who somehow can’t defend themselves! if that is your opinion Jim don’t bother asking the United States for help the next time another hitler/putin is on its way to invade Europe/ England a lot of Americans gave their lives and blood during ww1 and ww2 for what!?.. so that people like you can mouth off!
Why can’t any European nations have their own bombers ? Always wondered sure if some banded together we can do it if Russia can have some then we can get it but that might just be me being naive
We’re all allies mate.. Have you seen the size of the USA? Have you seen the shear amount of space, land, money, military facilities and aviation production they have.
If we need to defend against Russia or china we need all the help we can get! Believe me and the b-52 is a tried and tested war machine and it’s not as if we’ve not helped them out in very similar ways in the past.. if you want your tax money to go on a load of yet to be designed bombers mate give them a call but your a pleb end if that’s the case. Currently trying to be out of recession.
People make lots money out war yer but many mothers loose there sons you can replace a tank you can’t replace a brother and Americans have no fear of war on there soil it be Europe that suffers they no that most Americans don’t want any more wars it won’t end well David and Goliath we no how that ended the only out coming of the the next world war is ashes ashes and more ashes the next generation missiles will take 2 minutes to destroy whole cities counties millions of families who care how many tanks you got
For one we don’t need that sort of intercontinental range. If we are thinking of Russia they are on our doorstep. Our multirole fighter bombers can carry cruise missiles to hit Russia.
If war broke out with Russia there is no way we would see b52s carpet bombing anyone, that would be suicidal. That’s a niche role for limited conflicts and isn’t justifiable spending.
Actually, that might be an intriguing theoretical option. Not certain USAF would authorize release of B-21 tech to any ENATO entity other than the RAF, but USAF would probably not resist a pooled NATO effort to purchase the a/c on behalf of the RAF. Whether other governments would exercise the enlightened aelf-interest to subsidize the RAF…🤔
… self-interest…🙄
We can’t afford them.
Because drones you could fit a nuke to some of the bigger drones the truth is the next generation wars will not be fought with big bombers you don’t need them what good did they do in Afghanistan you can fit 5 killoton missiles in to a raptor why use bombers people need to separate what wars we will be fighting next and what we fought before even in the second world war bombers had little strategic effects the Russians have a 50 killoton torpedoes autonomous that can wonder the ocean on its own lie in waiting imagine what that would do to a fleet truth is say hypothetically north Korea attack south and any Americans interest with nukes good by North Korea over in seconds war with sovets no one winning were all losing Europe become a wasteland Russia becomes a wasteland millions starve your worst nightmare a reality missiles supersonic carry nukes the future is drones limited tank battles may be Russian military now they can’t fight NATO thee getting beaten by on country’ support by the west just hope China does not start a war in the south China seas I recon it cost them dearly lessons have been learned from the war in Ukraine and Kurdistan the world has never been a more dangerous place
The UK has been rendered militarily toothless over the years with successive governments more concerned with what Lycra leotards they are wearing and brand of electric scooters they are riding to Parliament.
If Trump decides to withdraw from NATO it will be because of his his statement that he will stop the Ukraine war in 48 hours. To do the latter he will do a ‘deal’ with Putin that he can have the Baltic States, eventually Poland then Western Europe, provided the US and Russia don’t go nuclear on eachother.
A few B52’s and B1’s and B2B’s only give a false confidence and feel good factor for those in the US military who authorise such exercises.
Pitting B52’s against Russia is like sending Gloster Gladiators.
When inevitable conflict with Russia comes Europe cannot defend itself for long and the UK even less.
It is a repeat performance of the 1930’s when Hitler built up his forces in plain daylight and nobody in Europe believed what the consequences were to be except Churchill.
Never underestimate the enemy, Putin is using his old surplus equipment in Ukraine and saving his best for the fight with NATO.
Yes, the Americans may have the tools and brute headed force but they are not very adept at diplomacy or good at geography.
Why have we not got navel war ships in the water stopping illegal invasion instead of RNLI picking them up
Starmer is scared of his own shadow.
Whilst your answer is correct it is not the actual reason
The will to stop them is not in government. Is Poland hog-tied by the ECHR? If the ECHR was to melt away I doubt itcwould make any difference.
Such nonsense, how can the lumbering 50 year old B52 be any deterrent in this age of missile air defence systems and hyper sonic nuclear bomb delivery? US pretending to support by sending their scrap metal to Europe, I think.
US gives with one hand and takes with the other
There isnothing scrap about the B52, it has been upgraded and is still a very capable weapon platform. Other airforces are still operating turbo props.
In current-day tactics, the B-52 aircraft would not need to penetrate the air defense zone because it would launch long-range missiles and cruise missiles against the designated targets and thence egress from their launch zone. It also must be noted that under most conditions, the B-52s would not be the first line of attack. Stealth aircraft would be used to suppress air defense systems and sites along with Command, Control, and Communications sites.
The B-52 remains understood as a very capable offensive system and will likely see a further couple of decades of service irrespective of drones.
Deterrent my ass. These things are more bluster and posturing they’d be downed before they got close to Russia
Even at the height of the Cold War and the mighty PVO, USAF thought 75% would get to release point before turning home.
They don’t need to get close to Russia.
Jamming can be very effective.
Daniele, thinking something and knowing it are completely different propositions.The ancient B52’s success is pretty much going to be dictated by the allies ability to completely supress Air defences and establish air superiority, all the way to Russia and back. That level of engagement and resource, just for B52’s to drop dumb ordinance and it will be overwhelmingly conventional bombs with low accuracy to little strategic effect, makes this tactic and this aircraft completely redundant in this theatre. They may have a roll in an Iraq like war scenario but not Russia.Why would a war planner want to play out a scenario like this when US and UK submarines and surface ships can launch 100’s of cruise missile sortes with virtual impunity.
Would be stand off weapons, no dumb ord mate. Will not have to get into Russian Airspace, just remain over NATO airspace, but the fact they fly, move and can change location, gives them the flexibility and ensure Russia has to update and have them in their planning considerations. Also, its a show of force and a show of commitment to Europe.
I take your point but stand off weapons in relatively slow moving easy targets, even with the new RR engines. As missile platforms, at least Ships have very effective collective air defence and submarines are virtually immune. B52’s would cannon fodder, shot down in large numbers. They are a relic in modern warfare terms but I accept its just an opinion.
I think you presume too much if you underestimate the currency of relevance of the B-52.
These obsolete monoliths are as much use as the heavy brigade, we may as well send the light brigade. All that B52’s will achieve for us is target preference from an enemy. I must admit though “love shack” is in my top 100. 😉✌️❤️
Obsolete? They launch massive salvos of 2000+km cruise missiles. Each one carries more than an Astute submarine. It’s like a mobile missile base, you have no idea which direction they will come from.
Why post a news item that is nearly a week out of date ?.
Why not?
Teamwork in this day and age is a positive outcome for all.
In current-day tactics, the B-52 aircraft would not need to penetrate the air defense zone because it would launch long-range missiles and cruise missiles against the designated targets and thence egress from their launch zone. It also must be noted that under most conditions, the B-52s would not be the first line of attack. Stealth aircraft would be used to suppress air defense systems and sites along with Command, Control, and Communications sites.
So is this the build up to WWIII
Why would Russia invade the UK. They already have Starmer in government. He is a commie and treats the citizens worse than mother Russia. It’s great for those non british muslims and DEI people.
If there is not enough coordinated training between different defense of likewise thinking nations, then, it will be late should a conflict arise… unfortunately, some nations insist in destroying the human ethics and humans solidarity, not understanding the difference between competition and humanity destruction and all the suffering it brings to many nations, but, mainly to poorer nations,….that is selfishness. How long can we be spectators of destruction and abuse of power ?…
This is a lie
I’m a scot but evan I can sée American interest in arms trades are vary lucrative but say that,they have carry the world for way to long . Europe needs to recover from its differences the world really does change vary apprahencely over a very long time it’s only when crisis happens it moves along at a pace history shows us this when the perceived threat levels rise we avole much quicker America has been involved in what could be described a war with socialism for over 80 years save the world from what is no less a threat than national socialist ideas, ie, Nazis two of the same Spirit. but it’s now obvious that we are face threat from many fronts .ask soldiers if we have really won the wars since 1945 Vietnam Korean Afghanistan Iraq isis Israel north africa Iran hutties Palestinian and many more I can only think of of one that was really resolved the Gulf war figures are staggering but that was oil Europe needs now to unite whith robustness and treaty’s that work together share common goals share resources we can only have a deterrent if Europe is strong the price is high but better pay now than later now one in there Right mind wants another war in Europe I include new Zealand Canada Australia in this for our values are there’s and must be protected at all cost from personal empire builder’s I can see troubles engulfing Africa because of there decisions there making any many problems come from Pakistan Afghanistan and north Korea the future happiness of Europe can only be kept by united goals free from personal gain and greed corruption must not be aloud to erode trust and cooperation I see a world full of wars Europe you are the so called hope of the free world and that includes all Scandinavia country’s .and Americans you need us you are not strong without us don’t believe the Hollywood’s version of world war two the Americans came in late and I don’t blame them after the price of the first world war but look what happened to them in the Pacific we stand together share the cost or pay the price
“Four star clowns who are going to wind up giving the whole circus away”.
I don’t like when man cry like bussy don’t fight feed you children you can’t defeat those countrys Russian China turkey north Korea Iran Pakistan and many more is better you talk peace you can’t win war thunk before you cry