U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted a precision airstrike in Northwest Syria, killing Wasim Tahsin Bayraqdar, a senior leadership facilitator of the terrorist organisation Hurras al-Din (HaD), an Al-Qaeda affiliate.
The airstrike is part of CENTCOM’s ongoing effort, along with partners in the region, “to disrupt and degrade efforts by terrorists to plan, organise, and conduct attacks against civilians and military personnel from the U.S., our allies, and our partners throughout the region and beyond.”
“We will relentlessly pursue and destroy terrorist threats, no matter their location, in order to protect our homeland and our allies and partners,” said Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, commander, U.S. Central Command.
According to the U.S. Counterterrorism Center:
“Hurras al-Din replaced the Nusrah Front as al-Qa‘ida’s formal presence in Syria in February 2018 when al-Qa‘ida loyalists—opposed to a decision by the Nusrah Front to break from al-Qa‘ida, merge with other groups opposing the Syrian Government, and rebrand as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)—publicly announced the creation of Hurras al-Din. The group adheres to al-Qa‘ida’s Salafi-jihadist ideology, which advocates attacks against the West and Israel to expel foreign influence from Muslim lands, and it seeks to set the conditions necessary to form a new caliphate across the Levant and the broader Middle East.
Hurras al-Din maintains access to several longtime al-Qa‘ida members who could enable the group to pose a threat to US and other Western interests outside of Syria, despite its weakened state following successive personnel losses since 2019 that have removed many of the group’s veteran leaders. Moreover, an aggressive, wide-scale campaign by HTS to detain Hurras al-Din members since 2020 has hampered Hurras al-Din’s ability to conduct operations and prompted some members to defect from the group.”
How about doing something about the terrorist in the Kremlin rather than toadying up to him. Where’s the sharp words over his behaviour?
Hey Putin and Trump are both ‘devoted’ Christians it’s only non ‘devoted’ Christians they have problems with. Britain, France and others are far too secular for them so at best we are terrorist sympathisers. Welcome to the new World of MADA.
Jesus said “beware of wolves in sheeps clothing” & “You know a tree by its fruit”. By either measure it is clearly not Christ they’re following but Satan.
Again you will find, we don’t care. While Islamists have flown planes into buildings in Manhattan and DC, Russians have not.
They’ve only invaded Ukraine, killing untold thousands, and generally acting barbarically.
Putin also put a price on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump seems to conveniently ignore that part in his eagerness to toady up to the Russian tyrant.
Working from home offers flexibility, allowing individuals to manage their schedules and avoid daily commutes. It promotes a comfortable work environment, but also requires strong self-discipline and time management skills. While it can boost productivity, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential to
prevent burnout….. 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭𝟏.𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞/
Why don’t you go do something Frank?
The International Legion is always recruiting.
See you in the trench!
Why don’t you go join the Russian Army? They’re always looking for fresh cannon fodder.
I quite agree with you.
How about the US get out of other people’s lands and leave them be to rule their own nations as they like? And don’t think people don’t realise that Israel is a US colony. You make imperialism sound like a good thing.
How about Russia gets out of Ukraine’s lands and leave them be to rule their own nation as they like? And don’t think people don’t realise that Russia is a Chinese puppet. You make imperialism sound like a good thing.
Elegantly done, and, of course correct too.
The delusion and corruption inherent in the terrorist state has allowed them to believe that they’ve been winning these past 3 years, whilst the reverse is true.
Dearth to dictators. #vpdfo
Slave Ukraine 🇺🇦
Slava Heroyam 🇺🇦
Give yourself a tea break and lay off the excess sugar, it’s spinning your brain!
It is not sugar… Marxist-Islamic alliance.
Far to many ignorant wok lefty’s here, whom have No knowledge of warfare or what it entails or how to identify the enemy. Danger surrounds you, plus Europe is importing evil via the boat load every single passing day, the environment looks bleak therefore prepare for the worst outcome, as Europe is headed down the tubes.