British soldiers have teamed up with their Australian counterparts in a major multinational exercise in California, where they are testing the latest battlefield technology, including drones and uncrewed ground vehicles.
Troops from the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment, 5 Rifles, and 22nd Engineer Regiment joined forces with Australian Army personnel for Project Convergence Capstone 5 (PC-C5)—a large-scale warfighting exercise at Fort Irwin, California. The training focused on Fighting in Built-Up Areas (FIBUA), urban combat tactics, and the integration of cutting-edge battlefield systems.
British and Australian forces assaulted a simulated enemy-held village, with troops arriving by Chinook helicopter and on foot. The operation provided an opportunity to test and experiment with new technology in urban combat scenarios while refining close-quarters battle tactics.
Among the key technologies trialled was the Ground Unit Sensor (GUS)—a battlefield monitoring system used by the Australian Army—as well as ATAK (Android Team Awareness Kit), a digital situational awareness tool designed to enhance communication and coordination.
The exercise continued into its defensive phase when soldiers from the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment defended Razish Village—a key location within Fort Irwin’s “The Box” training area. Troops shared real-time battlefield intelligence with Australian soldiers via ATAK devices, improving coordination and response times in simulated combat scenarios.
A key highlight of the exercise was the use of Rheinmetall’s Mission Master Uncrewed Ground Vehicle (UGV)—an advanced autonomous vehicle designed for reconnaissance, logistics, and fire support. British troops patrolled alongside the robotic system, further integrating artificial intelligence and automation into military operations.
Project Convergence Capstone 5 serves as a key testbed for rapidly integrating advanced military technologies while fostering stronger international partnerships.
By working alongside the Australian Army, British forces not only honed their combat skills but also evaluated cutting-edge systems that could enhance future capabilities.
Interesting how there are no comments or articles on UKDJ about SAFE.
Security Action For Europe, and the 150 billion fund.
The UK is excluded.
But Japan S Korea and others are not.
Now why is that?
Japan apparently has signed a non binding agreement that doesn’t involve signing away fishing rights.
Interesting. If Trump was involved there would be plenty of comments I’m sure.
I read this on UKAFC. I agree with him. It stinks.
Regards this article and 2 Yorks, they are the experimental Battalion and part of thr E&TG, so no surprise to see the MMUGV being used.
Wish they’d get on with it and buy the things for wider use, it seems years since they started playing with them.
Agreed. There is a conspiracy of silence among many commentators on here regarding the failings and occasionally billigerent actions of our European neighbours. They have proved themselves more unreliable and hostile than our American friends ever have, even with Trump. There’s a large degree of confirmation bias in what people are concerning themselves with, and the direction they want to take the UK, which is objectively not in the country’s interest (both long and short-term).
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Why is that? It’s because the UK is a servile lapdog of the Merkins (as are you). Your craven obeisance to Drumpf is not exactly hard to see. Even the bimbo front for your own righttrash nation, Meloni, doesn’t trust the UK 🤡🤣
TDS is strong with this one.
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Hello, garbage.
St Petersburg’s finest over-processed borscht spills out again. Happy days, and crack on tovarisch.
Interesting. The UK can and should surely collaborate with the EU (without being in the EU) on Defence matters. What interest has Korea or Japan or others ever really shown in European defence? Why now? Are they worried about the Ukraine war spreading to their western/central European trade partners?
UGVs. I was SO2(W) at RARDE Chertsey in the Unmanned Vehicles and Robotics research division in 1989/90 – our work was cutting edge (our Technology Demonstrators were probably 15 years ahead of civilian industry) but the army was disinterested in fielding such kit following further development! Have things changed? [The Germans fielded some remote platforms and weapon systems in WW2]
The UGV seen here have been trialled for some years.
In years to come, probably more trials.
Before they find something else to trail.
The SAFE thing is the usual bash us for Brexit political crap, lead by France.
Ok for Asian countries to join.
The UK. Conditions.
Despite our role at the forefront helping Ukraine while others sat on their hands.
Of course, silence on UKDJ as its not Trump bashing.
You’re saying UKAFC didn’t like something about the EU? I’m shocked. The man is a Brexit maniac and has never had a single positive word for the continent.
I thought he was a bit less extreme than that, myself Dern.
You agree with a non EU member in the UK being excluded but non EU members from Asia included?
With no conditions?
I read yesterday a German minister stated the UK must pay if it wants inclusion.
Are S Korea and Japan paying?
I don’t think so, I’d be happy if they were then it wouldn’t look like we’re being made a special case.
I was hoping the political crap might end and we start acting like grown ups, joint procurement as some have mooted.
I’m not even against rejoining if it’s rhe right move, and I voted out.
Glad you commented though, the rest of UKDJ are avoiding it like the plague….
Put it this way: I’d want to read about it from sources that aren’t known rabid anti-EU guys before I make judgment. I have no reason to believe that Gabi would in any reality portray EU actions with any degree of impartiality or consideration for their POV.
So reading around a bit, this kind of confirms what I was suspecting.
The entire point of the 150 billion SAFE fund is to be as protectionist and exclusionary as possible. It’s there specifically to build up European (EU) Military Industry and supporting Infrastructure, and where at all possible, foreign companies and nations are being shut out. Effectively this is because Europe wants to use that fund to build up it’s own MIC and reduce dependence on others.
To that end: The UK is not being specifically excluded. The default position is exclusion. Turkey is also being excluded, as is the US (in fact given the Trump administration the way that SAFE was set up was probably specifically to exclude the US as much as possible). UKAFC is, as I said, anti-EU to an unreasonable degree and is portraying this in a pretty dishonest light if he’s claiming that the EU is deliberately targeting the UK.
The only countries that are involved at all with SAFE are countries that have specific defence and trade agreements with the EU. Not EU member-states, but with the EU. Hence why some Asian countries can join, they’ve made the agreements, and I suspect that if the EU could’ve phrased SAFE in a way that locked them out it would have (again the idea is to spend that money building up EU Military Industry, not offshoring it to Korea or Japan). The UK, like Turkey, the US, and many others, does not have a specific defence agreement with the EU (in part because we tend to insist on an atlantisist “Why do we need defence agreements with the EU, we have NATO, EU undermiens NATO” line, in part because we tend to go for Bi-lateral treaties with member states instead of EU treaties, and in part because under the Tories brexit negotiations where so “have our cake and eat it too,” that reasons 1 and 2 where easier to go for).
Now if we want in, that’s basicially us saying to Europe “Hey that massive fund that’s suppsoed to be spent specifically on building up EU defence industrial power, we want in on that.” And it’s entirely reasonable for the EU to turn around and baisically say “You’re unreliable since you literally quit this Union, and now you want us to allocate some of the money we’ve earmarked specifically to decrease our reliance on foreign supply chains on your military industry? Okay but you have to give us something in return.”
It doesn’t stink, unless you decide, as Gabi did, to leave out a lot of detail and deliberately try to paint the UK as a victim when it really isn’t. And most definitely we are not the “special case.”
Thanks. I’ll have a good read then reply.
Good read. I think the issue is the Japan, Korea link. They’ve signed an agreement with the EU already as you say, fine. Do you know if they had any conditions attached ? As I read any UK involvement will include such conditions. Like you say, “you want in, give us something in return.”
What did S Korea and Japan offer?
As non EU nations, like we are, exclusion is accepted. If one then has to pay penance for having voted to leave, that again brings to light reality amongst supposed allies.
It doesn’t really exist and allies will still be out to punish the other if it’s in their interest.
Special case, is clearly in my mind more a case of “being made an example of for daring to leave” so yes, we are obviously seen as unreliable there.
More of this Commonwealth co-operation is the right direction to take rather than relying on our European friends. 80 years ago, the Commonwealth came to our aid when America and Europe were either sat back watching how it all went, or under attack by Germany, Russia and Italy. Britain was not alone when it stood alone, we should seriously reconnect with our true friends.
And just who in the Commonwealth is going to send armed forces capable of fighting a major war? The Commonwealth’s armed forces are in worse shape than the UK’s.
fair point, I’m sorry.
I wouldn’t lump all ‘Commonwealth’ forces in together. Australia has significant new kit in service or about to enter service. Latest M1A2 Abram’s, K9 Hunstman SPH deliveries both commenced. HIMARS on order, Boxer CRV entering service, Redback tracked IFV about to start production and the logistics fleet completely recapitalized with Rheinmettal HX series trucks and MB G wagons and the battle proven Bushmaster and its sibling Hawkei PMVs. Not to mention the new battlefield management and communications systems.
UAVs and systems like GUS in the article
The Army is also investing in 18 new medium landing craft and 8 large (3,000 tonnes each) heavy landing craft.
And thankfully ditched the disasterous Tiger and NH90 for the much more reliable American equivalents, Apache and Blackhawk.
They’ve also received their full complement of 72 F35s, complemented by their Super Hornets and Growlers.
Yup they’ve basically become Murica’s bitch and are now just a useful staging post, consumer of merkin dross (& a prime target in the event of any hostilities).
They’ll never get US nuke subs and they can’t use their F-35s without explicit permission 🤣
The Australians are really stepping up. The RAN recently fired NSM, Tomahawk, and SM-6 from their Hobart class destroyers, and news just hit that a couple of RAAF F/A-18s launched LRASMs in February.
Actually replying to Pleiades comment above since he has somewhat cowardly blocked replies directly to his post (sorry Paul).
Pleiades has his tin foil conspiracy hat on I see and spouting nonsense about the mythical F35 kill switch.
If it were true that Australia could not use their F35s without the ‘explicit permission’ of the U.S. then the same would surely be true if the UKs F35s making the QE carriers useless. That would also make the UK ‘Muricas bitch’ too.
I suspect Pleiades is a Russian troll.
OZ: No he hasn’t blocked replies. That’s not something you can do on UKDJ. The platform only supports replies 4 deep.
During the 1st Gulf war I served with Canadian, Australian & New Zealand troops & they are exceptionally good, plus they had much better kit!
Canada and New Zealand are in terrible shape, Australia is in great shape. India might be motivated by self-interest to help us in a conflict with China, but probably not Russia. Pakistan should be considered a hostile state for all manner of reasons. Bangladesh and Myanmar are military non-entities. South Africa is a basket case with ever growing anti-western sentiment. Virtually all other Commonwealth states are minnows.
Canada has made several large procurement and construction commitments in the last 4 years for it’s Armed Forces. The Canadian army should also have been present at this exercise.
Stick to CANZUK, the Scandis and the Baltic States (plus Poland). The rest of Europe aren’t worth bothering about. The Defence spend won’t deliver anything substantive for years.
Further to the post above about new ADF kit the first of Australia’s 42 HIMARS have arrived in country.
Though many remnant European forces fought in the British forces. Free French, Poles, Czechs, Noeweigans, etc.
I agree. I wonder how long into the exercise it was before somebody called one of our guys a pommie bar steward or a reciprocal convict comment. All good natured stuff
Relax, problem solved. Trump is open to the idea of the US joining the Commonwealth.