For the first time since joining the campaign against Islamic State, Danish F-16 aircraft have dropped bombs in Syria.

The Danish Ministry of Defence say the raid was conducted “in the past week” but did not give further details. Denmark’s contribution includes seven F-16 jets.

The country operates 35 upgraded F-16A aircraft.

Recently the Danish Parliament has approved the government’s recommendation to acquire 27 F-35’s.

Denmark has become the 7th partner nation and 11th nation overall to buy the aircraft.

The Danish government and the Social Democrats, the Danish People’s Party, Liberal Alliance and the Social Liberal Party have agreed on the acquisition of new fighter aircraft to replace the current F-16 aircraft.

The Type Selection Evaluation report ranked the aircraft by various categories, shown below.

table1An executive summary of the Type Selection of Denmark’s New Fighter Aircraft can be found here.

Lockheed Martin said:

“Lockheed Martin is pleased that Denmark has reaffirmed its commitment to the program with the down select of the F-35 in this fair and open competition. Denmark is a longtime partner of Lockheed Martin and we are proud of our strong record of supporting its national security requirements. The F-35 will help ensure Denmark’s national security, and also positions danish industry to capture long-term work throughout the life of the program. We remain committed to assist the US Government and joint program office to support Denmark’s future fighter and other aircraft requirements.

Additionally, we will continue to work with danish industry on production throughout the life of the program. The projected industrial opportunities with the F-35 will bring long term economic benefits to Denmark for decades to come.”

This acquisition will replace Denmarks F-16AM/BMs.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Vait Weik Vait Ta
Vait Weik Vait Ta (@guest_359892)
8 years ago
Vait Weik Vait Ta
Vait Weik Vait Ta (@guest_359893)
8 years ago
Kent Reynolds
Kent Reynolds (@guest_359902)
8 years ago

As long as it’s not Russia’s version of attacking IS, attacking the FSA & Rebel forces opposing Assad. Russia’s actions put doubt in my mind regarding the Cold War and its end and it’s got me thinking, how do you end a war that never kicked off?
There are lines in the sand forming once more. Although this news doesn’t directly relate to the aforementioned tensions, it is still a highly symbolic and positive gesture for our allies.

joe (@guest_359994)
8 years ago

So, that’s the Danish weapons stockpile exhausted then!