The Ministry of Defence has published its 2023 Equal Pay Audit, which examines pay equality among its civilian personnel.

According to the report, there is “virtually no gender pay gap” when salaries are adjusted for length of service.

The audit, aligning with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty, evaluates salary differences by analysing factors such as gender, ethnicity, and promotional trends.

It reveals that when adjusted for the length of service in the substantive grade, the gender pay gap across all grades is negligible, with the largest reported disparity being less than 1%.

The report further highlights that women make up 75% of the part-time workforce within the broader banded grades. Interestingly, it notes that part-time female employees tend to work more hours as they advance in grade, potentially reflecting a trend towards increased responsibilities.

In terms of ethnicity, the audit finds that ethnic minorities, who make up less than 10% of the personnel at any grade, generally receive slightly higher average salaries than their white counterparts. This is partly attributed to a significant proportion of ethnic minority personnel working in London, where pay rates are higher compared to other regions.

The promotion trends identified in the audit indicate a varied landscape. From the Executive Officer level up to the Senior Executive Officer level, more women than men were promoted. However, this trend reverses at higher grades and within industrial roles, where men are more frequently promoted.

The full report is available on the MOD’s official website.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Coll (@guest_815781)
4 months ago

The wage difference per region would be interesting.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_815789)
4 months ago

negligence? sack them.

Tim (@guest_815880)
4 months ago

Obviously then there going to do something about ethnic minorities earning more than there white counterparts

Roy (@guest_815908)
4 months ago

The MoD is a bit of a silly place …

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_815957)
4 months ago
Reply to  Roy

What do you mean, Roy?

Roy (@guest_816137)
4 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

It’s “box checking” related to the “equality of outcomes” ideology … honestly, one would think that given the state of the world and the state of UK defence, the MoD would have more important things to worry about.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_816223)
4 months ago
Reply to  Roy

Ah, OK. The MoD has many, many branches and directorates etc – they aren’t all focussed on operational readiness, ORBATs and procuring kit.

Grizzler (@guest_816346)
4 months ago
Reply to  Roy

A bit like Camelot?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_816330)
4 months ago

How valid is the methodology employed? I heard once that a finance house had a terrible gender pay gap – they compared female cleaners pay with that of the (mostly male) financiers!

In the Civil Service (CS) I cannot see how there can be any gender pay gap if you are comparing a male and a female of the same grade and the same years served in the same location. If there is a pay gap in the CS then the methodology must be suspect.