According to a press release, NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to NATO Headquarters on Thursday, 27 June 2024, to finalise preparations for the upcoming Washington Summit in July.

During the meeting, Secretary General Stoltenberg spoke of that increasing support for Ukraine will be a primary focus for Allied leaders at the Summit.

Stoltenberg was quoted in the press release saying, “I think we are really on track to a very good NATO Summit for Ukraine and for NATO.”

He expressed optimism about Allies agreeing for NATO to lead in the coordination and provision of security assistance and training for Ukraine. Additionally, Stoltenberg has proposed a long-term financial commitment to provide Ukraine with more predictable support.

The Secretary General also congratulated President Zelenskyy on the recent signing of an EU-Ukraine security agreement and the commencement of EU accession talks.

This visit marks a significant step in strengthening NATO-Ukraine relations and setting the stage for a productive Summit.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_830374)
4 hours ago

Counter to Farage’s views it is Russia not NATO that is the aggressor in the Ukraine war. NATO is just supporting Ukraine’s right to self defence

Spyinthesky (@guest_830413)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Indeed Farage and indeed his mate Putins argument that the EU and NATO provoked this war due to expansion is the equivalent of Britain declaring war on India as one of its old colonies because it joined BRICS. Just because he hates the EU he has no right to dictate to other Countries that they have no right to join it after all he likes to rant about democracy. Like his other mate Trump his only real interest in democracy is using it to get us into a state of tyranny led by him. In reality this war has always… Read more »

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_830417)
55 minutes ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Russia attached Ukraine. Sovereign nations of their own volition joined NATO. That alliance is the bedrock of this nation’s defence. Those who are actually patriotic and understand geopolitics and defence would know these truths

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_830421)
7 minutes ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Totally agree. Farage’s use of the subject to score political points speaks volumes.