NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union with EU Defence Ministers on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, to discuss continued support for Ukraine and the need to increase defence production, according to a press release.
“NATO and the European Union have worked very closely together to provide unprecedented military, economic, and financial support to Ukraine,” Mr Stoltenberg said.
He also spoke of the need to step up the delivery of “ammunition, air defence systems, and in particular the most advanced ones, the Patriot systems.”
Ahead of the Washington Summit, NATO is working on plans to further coordinate the provision of equipment and training, underpinned by a financial pledge.
Mr Stoltenberg underlined the need to “prevent gaps and delays as we have seen recently,” and the importance of providing “predictable, accountable support for the long haul,” so that Ukraine can prevail as a sovereign, independent nation.
Mr Stoltenberg added that NATO is “working closely with the transatlantic defence industrial base to ramp up production,” both to support Ukraine and for Allies’ own stocks.
Ukraine has better air defence than ANY NATO country,
Doesn’t help though when you can’t engage with most weapons until they cross the border does it? Hopefully that’s going to change🤞
true, but they have the best air defence there is, way better than ours, ours is a joke. 5 firing units/systems for the whole of the UK, and 2 are in the Falklands
Don’t worry mate HMG have a plan 🤔 🙄
really, every plan normally means less equipment, less people doing more with less reserve ammo.
uk have joined sky shield, plan to be up and running in 5 years
5 years is way too late! Something more is needed from right now! Where’s all the UK CAMM/CAMM-ER and Anglo-Polish CAMM-MR at?
Ok good i knew that but 5 years is a long time and i bet we go for the cheapest, crapest option like always. .
… and it involves employing the fastest longest range speedboats to ensure the elite can head across the Atlantic with their green cards if it all kicks off, no air defence required apparently the navy can supply it for the journey.
Yes. Their plan is to announce that they have a fully costed plan, very loudly and very often.
What is your source for that “5 systems” Martin?
the people who work them, i know some of them, check if you want we have 5 complete systems, 1 is in Baltic, 2 are in the Falklands
I cannot check, which is why I’m asking you.
What does a “system” comprise?
launcher, tracker , command depends on set up. i’m not an Air Defence guy more guns and missiles
Right, so you’re not sure either.
Now what I’m getting at is whether a “System” comprises several launchers.
Because the info I have is this.
4 Batteries in 16RA. Each of 2 Fire Groups.
Each Fire Group has 2 or 3 launchers, a command vehicle, and a Radar.
One Fire Group covers the Falklands, one is in Poland.
So that totals 16 or 24 launchers. Which is more comparable to the Rapier FSC days of 16RA.
And sounds a whole lot better than “5 systems”
Because people read 5 systems and equate it to 5 launchers.
Which I think isn’t accurate.
I pride myself in getting into the detail of things and Skysabre has always been a bit vague.
there are not 24 systems, its down to how many command systems you have and when we had Rapier we had 12/16/22 AD Regts and the RAF Regt with Rapier. Tell me what ground based system protects the RAF bases right now. ‘
we have 1 proper AD Regt now, Starstreak is not anti missile and its SRAD
You must be joking with Ukraine has better air defence than any nato country.
A few patriots, a couple of IRST and some frankenSAMs is not better than any nato country.
Also a airdefence is not just the missiles. The network, air picture, communications all play a vital role. They also don’t have much of an airforce that can get airborne and take out threats with there own weapons.
ok what has the UK got? great radar, fights but crap missile systems and not many of them, we have 5 med missile system in total, 2 are in the Falklands, Ukraine has way more and better missile systems than us what lacks is radar and fighters.
The UK ASCS is more than just radar mate.
It’s tried and tested. Sure, like everything else, it needs more mass.
ok, what ground based missiles systems does the UK hold, any long range, any CRAM? and only 5 mid range full systems 2 are in the Falklands one in the Baltics leaves two for the entire UK
Like I said, it’s more than things that go bang. Which I know is the be all and end all of many here.
I was on about the things that enable the bang in the first place, like the C3 system and network that links it all together.
Clearly of no interest to you!
Like I said, we need more mass.
Also, those 2 “systems” they’re for defence of the Field Army.
its 60% of the UK’s total ground based med range air defense, leaves 2 systems for every thing else including, Cyprus, Gibraltar, the entire UK, any other deployed Units. We could not even protect more than two RAF bases from missile attack its dismal
As I keep saying….UK has zero GBAD allocated as they’re for the field army, so 2 systems don’t need to be passed round the UK.
Yes, it’s an area that needs addressing, what do we cut to spend money in it?
Hopefully they’ll put additional funds in.
NATO doctrine is to engage up threat as much as possible.
Agreed they are solely for the Army’s defence, not location or home defence the last ones were Bloodhound, And Rapier for short range RAF base defence.
Hence Ukraine has way better GBAD than us, but lacks the long range Radar and fighters.
I’m wondering why CAMM doesn’t seem to be in the mix of discussions yet it has been adopted in numbers by Poland right next door?
CAAM is already being used in Ukraine.
Is it? What from?
The Supercat lash up with the old Tornado ASRAAM Launch Rails.
As an old style engineer I actually really liked that minimalist approach, small, mobile, cheap and no frills. Spend the money on the Radar and rather than being able to afford very few highly complicated dedicated launchers just lots of cheaper more distributed launch systems.
Old saying is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
But we would never buy anything like it, it’s not sexy looking with a dedicated reload vehicle all developed over a decade by a company for millions of £££’s.
That’s not strictly the CAMM we’re talking about here but yes, it’s something. I’d like to see a naval phalanx type mount of these ASRAAMs to for you know where… Lol 😁
You do know what CAAM stands for ?.
Yes I do. Common Anti-Air Modular Missile. My question to you is what exactly is “CAAM” then?
Common Anti Air Missile.
CAAM-on Paul? Please look up “CAMM” on the MBDA website.
We should really be playing Russia at its own game, plausible denieability. Missile is heading west over Ukraine NATO air defences intercept. We then shrug our shoulders and say to Russia well we didn’t now what it was targeting coulld have been heading towards a NATO country. Yes we shot it down but no we we’re aiding Ukraine, just protecting ourselves.
We don’t have a thousands-kilometer air defense system.
We don’t but Russia has hit targets close to NATO borders, Ports on the Danube are a good example. Ukraine knowing the far west of the country is protected would free up air defence assets to deploy elsewhere.
The “crux” of this is simple. You strike where the threat emerges from. That means inside Russia. You cannot fight with one hand tied behind your back. You lose.
Pussy footing around upsetting Russia simply allows Russia to fight the war on their own terms. Until we show a real determination to stop Russia in its tracks they’ll continue to eat away at UKR. Russia invades & escalates whenever it chooses, threatens anyone who opposes them & we need to stand up to them or keep starving UKR of what they need until they lose & millions are executed, imprisoned or left under cruel Russian tyranny.
Then they’ll move onto the next target. Eventually it will be us. Putting off standing up to Rusia or China is suicidal.