Outrage in Scotland over contracts for ships that can’t be built on the Clyde, not going to the Clyde
If you've been on social media recently you can't have failed to notice the volume of outrage over the announcement that the news that the Solid Support Ship contracts are being tendered internationally and not being awarded to BAE on the Clyde.
Why smaller carriers would be bad idea for the Royal Navy
Many often argue for smaller, cheaper carriers but would this be a good idea?
The Clyde hasn’t been ‘betrayed’ over new support ships – They’re not even bidding
The Ministry of Defence is to put the order for Royal Fleet Auxiliary support ships out to international tender at the end of this month, this has been met by accusations that the government have somehow "betrayed" the Clyde yards.
‘2,000 percent increase in Russian trolls’ since the Syria strike says Pentagon
There "has been a 2,000 percent increase in Russian trolls in the past 24 hours," chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White said this weekend.
The Western cruise missile strike against Syria by the numbers
On the morning of the 14th of April, the United States, the United Kingdom and France carried out a series of cruise missile against multiple government targets in Syria.
Whisper it: Gavin Williamson is actually doing pretty well at the MoD
Gavin Williamson was a far from popular appointment when he was promoted to defence secretary last year. Among the more charitable descriptions, he was branded a "self-serving c***". But take a closer look at what he's been doing at his department and a slightly different picture emerges. The truth is, Williamson has a good story to tell.
Global Britain, Defence and Gibraltar
Since the Brexit vote in 2016 Theresa May’s Conservative Government have sought to push forward the ‘Global Britain’ policy campaign. However, as the Foreign Affairs Select Committee recently highlighted, there has thus far been little change in policy output to reflect this pan-government policy.
The Axis of Evil: An Evaluation of the Bush Doctrine
In his famous 2002 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" to describe any and all states that sponsor terrorism and to highlight to the people the "enemies of America" in an attempt to rile up support for his War on Terror and expansion of the US Military's involvement in International Affairs worldwide.
Cyber needs to be centre stage for every world leader
It seems every day brings news of another high-profile cyberattack or intrusion affecting our personal data, national security or the very integrity and availability of the institutions and infrastructure on which we depend.
The potential futures of British power projection
The United Kingdom is a serious player on the world stage. We need to hit the ground running.