Palestine Action activists have once again targeted Teledyne CML Composites in Bromborough, Wirral, which manufactures parts for F-35 fighter jets.
The protestors scaled the building, cut holes in the roof, and sprayed red paint on the exterior to symbolise the bloodshed in Gaza.
This is the latest in a series of protests by the group against the production and export of military equipment used by the Israeli military.
Teledyne CML Composites, a subsidiary of Teledyne Technologies, produces components for the F-35 jets, which have been used in Israeli airstrikes. According to the activists, these jets play a significant role in Israel’s operations in Gaza, which have been the focus of international concern.
A senior Teledyne manager has reportedly said that damage to the clean rooms could halt production for up to 12 months. This is not the first time Palestine Action has targeted Teledyne; in July, activists drove a van into the factory gates and sprayed red paint on the building. In April, the group disrupted operations at Teledyne’s Shipley site, halting the production of military electronics.
Palestine Action’s ongoing protests are part of a broader movement challenging the UK’s role in exporting military equipment, particularly to countries involved in conflict. While the activists argue their actions are meant to draw attention to the human cost of these exports, companies like Teledyne operate under legally approved export agreements.
This protest is reminiscent of a similar incident in Glasgow in 2022, where five activists caused over £1 million in damage at a Thales UK facility. Those protestors were later jailed for their actions, which caused significant disruption to the site, although none of the equipment produced there was destined for Israel.
As protests like this continue, they highlight ongoing debates over the balance between lawful protest and the disruption caused to businesses. Palestine Action has vowed to keep targeting companies involved in military exports to Israel, while the companies involved argue that they are complying with international law and regulations.
This latest action at Teledyne’s Bromborough site adds to the growing tension over the role of defence companies in global conflicts, with ongoing protests likely to persist.
If they’re not careful, they’ll get a visit from Mossad.
They need serious jail time. We cannot risk the security of this country and the western world for uninformed idiots or extremists in tie dye.
Absolutely right.
Spot on their actions are madness in the bigger picture. But these types simply don’t care so should be treated as traitors against the State.
Sounds like an American.
Security of this country, was that a joke.
These people are directly threatening the security of the UK, they need to be treated with the utmost severity.
Deport where possible
Now that was a good joke
Why you call them “activists” a subliminal camouflage language term created by leftist journalism to hide the extremism in their own ranks?
The idea behind it is to use the tag “extremism” only on the ideas from the right . First to disfranchise them and latter to make it illegal.
The objective is to build an Overton Window only populated with leftist ideas.
It is important that everyone understands that the battlefield is also shaped by language.
Sadly with new media we are seeing that from both left and right (not much difference these days beyond the colour of their shirts) truth is becoming meaningless to the masses, real life becoming a sideshow to multimedia rather than the reverse.
Starmer employs that. Scary.
Apparently it’s now okay to interview a Hamas leader on BBC prime time. I thought we learned that the oxygen of publicity, which they desperately want, is one of the reasons they commit terrorist acts in the first place. As Hamas have said, they thought the October attack was justified to put the Palestinian cause back onto the international agenda.
The trouble is the BBC don’t seem to feel that Hamas is a terrorist organisation. They just use that tag line “As prescibed by the UK government” We really need a vote on the BBC licence fee.
Wow what a complete failure to learn and improve security by Teledyne. Hopefully the head of security made recommendations that weren’t implemented and has kept the evidence, or they may be hung out to dry!
How many times do we see this in this country, if they seriously take 12 months to resume production how much more of a cost to actually protecting it in the first place? What danger and cost in actually losing the contract? Tends to suggest it was hardly fit for purpose in the first place what was it a corrugated roof? These were hardly SAS infiltrators at work after all. Probably suggests how much run down facilities still exist in the uk industrial base even for high end products to be honest as we even saw at Bae building Frigates… Read more »
It seems to be a relative new(ish) build, just one of those cheap types that are quick to erect. Also looks like its just on your average industrail site. Probably not that hard to get into for the determined individual.
Totally. Teledyne seriously to improve their security. Are their camera’s, security connected to 24/7 security watch and or police? And way to easy access for these morons. Hope they’ve caught them all and they’ll face the music.
Great, equally damages our ability to defend ourselves against a madman or two in the East. But hey some of these will be welcoming them marching down Whitehall no doubt… the others running abroad, taking on new identities or ‘mysteriously’ disappearing as our new global overlords won’t like troublemakers, even those who helped them in their ambitions.
There is nothing to debate this is not a lawful protest, it is willful vandalism, the law has been broken. The question is why are these toxic activist groups allowed to exist, given that their intention is to cause more destruction.
These are terrorists, They imperial our industry and security. Ship them to Gaza where they can live out their fantasies as Muslim slaves or jail them for life
In many countries they would be shot.
This is treason and serious charges against the national interest. On a side note why has this company not got cctv all over and instant response from police
Blair got rid of the law of Treason or a reason, not sure what exactly that was for. I think causing a fire in one of HM Dockyards went on a few years longer as treason.
Amazing , then he goes and invades Iraq .
Blair abolished all remaining capital offences still on the statute book in 1998 (high treason, firing of HM dockyards,, piracy on the high seas) and offences under the various military Acts that carried the death penalty (generally specific wartime offences). The offence of high treason remains but the maximum sentence is life imprisonment.
is that full life – or what passes for a ‘life’ term these days.
These actions haven’t affected anything going to Israel they’ve affected production for the UK military.
Jail.these woke pathetic bxxxxxds,
I hope the Palestinian protesters who have broke and entry,trespassed and vandalised a business which manufacturers extremely Important parts for our F-35s are prosecuted under even the terrorist law or traitors law. Yes, this is that serious because it entails national security! What next? The components, the staff! Leaking pictures to foreign enemies?!!! This people should be imprisoned for a very long time and once their sentences have finished the UK government should revoke their citizenship and passports. When white poor people do this stuff we’re thrown in prison immediately!!!!! I really hope MI6,MI5 or the National Crime agency pull… Read more »
You can’t say that about the “new Britons”. That will get you put in front of a judge in 24 hrs for XRW communications. Don’t you know Anglo-Saxons aren’t real and Cheddar man was black? YOU are the colonialist on these islands, fascist.
I would say this is an act of terrorism against the state and vital military infrastructure.
I would treat them as terrorists and prosecute them as such….
It does beg the question as to why defence companies are incapable of security measures in this country
These activists should get a life sentence.
Fking riff raff, if they care so much about the cause, sod off over there and fight for them, strangely enough they never do.
Thought I had walked into the daily mail comments section. Damaging UK industry, (or) threatening the economic interests of the state falls into the security services lap. I hope they will be gathering steam.
Numpties being used by an ordained Terrorist group. like puppets on the strings of sympathy .If only they knew what Hamas and their masters Iran ,are doing too disable the middle east. Then if they still have sympathy for them,then the judiciary should sentence those involved, to a one way flight to Gaza. If that is not possible how about ,the charge of treason on the grounds of National security.
Protest is waving a placard, this is outright criminal damage and should be prosecuted as such.
To describe them as “activists” rather than what they are “criminals” is to misuse the English language.
Do these idiots truly support the aims of a terrorist organisation? If so I was under the impression supporting a proscribed organisation fell under section 12[1] of the terrorism act 2000.
”invite support for a proscribed organisation (the support invited need not be material support, such as the provision of money or other property, and can also include moral support or approval)”
The majority want peace and the minority want war, the history of civilization.
Can see that the anti west groups will be targeting F35 in years to come. Weird living in a country where people have such diverse interests. No real patience with Israel and think if they ever need west to support them they should be required to 2 nation UN solution before we lift a finger.
Everyone has the right to protest,this is not lawful protest and is attacking the defence infrastructure of this nation in support of the political purposes of another nation and or none state actor and should be treated as an act of terrorism.
When we stop labelling them as activists and start calling them domestic terrorists? Then we can start to treat them for what they actually are. Scum.
They should be treated as terrorists committing acts of sabotage.
How has this damaged clean rooms? They shouldn’t be affected by spray paint on the exterior walls surely.