Royal Marines with the Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron (SRS), US Marines and Mexican Marines participated in a helocast exercise during Bold Alligator.

Helocasting is an operation where a unit inserts into water from a helicopter then boards a combat rubber raiding craft, continuing by boat to the on-shore objective.

The SRS is an element of 30 Commando Information Exploitation Group, 3 Commando Brigade’s Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance formation. The Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron includes the Brigade Patrol Troop, an elite cadre of Mountain Leaders and Reconnaissance Operators who deploy ahead of the main brigade force to gather intelligence.

As part of the multinational amphibious exercise, the training simulated a unit inserting into a contested environment to execute complex shaping operations necessary to carry out an amphibious landing and attack to enhance the force’s expeditionary capabilities.

“To do this kind of insert, there’s a progression of training you have to complete,” said Capt. Joseph Accountius, a platoon commander with Force Reconnaissance Company. “It begins in the pool; everyone has to be qualified for intermediate water survival at a minimum, for reconnaissance Marines, they have to complete advanced water survival. From there we move to tower entries, then we have to practice our small boat handling skills, that includes surf passages, operating an out-board motor and then manoeuvring. From there we can put it all together and do it on a helicopter.”

There are potential concerns when working with multiple nations during an exercise, from procedural differences to linguistic concerns.

“Helocasting is something we do on a regular basis, but to do it with two other nations is quite an experience and we got a lot of good training out of it,” said Sgt. Eric Walraven, a radio team operator with Force Reconnaissance.

According to a release, each team was able to share specific tactics involved in the insert itself and the reconnaissance that gets them past the beach and to the next objective.

“In the event we work with allied nations again, this has definitely been a stepping stone into bigger operations,” said Walraven. “Our three nations coming together has made us improve and work effectively together.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. The modern version of the old RM Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre. And the RM answer to the paras Pathfinder Platoon. They do not need conventional landing craft.


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