The UK Ministry of Defence has issued a Defence Intelligence Update detailing new measures by the Russian Government to prevent potential draftees from leaving the country.

This move comes as Russia prepares for its upcoming conscription draft in Autumn 2024.

According to the update, on 11 July 2024, the Russian independent media organisation Meduza reported that the Russian government is developing an ‘information exchange system’ between the Ministry of Defence and the Federal Security Service (FSB).

This system is designed to share details of potential conscripts with the FSB Border Guard Service to prevent them from fleeing the country. The system is expected to be fully functional before the Autumn 2024 draft.

The Ministry of Defence stated in its update: “The Russian Government is developing a system to prevent potential draftees to the Russian military from leaving the country. On 11 July 2024, the Russian independent media organisation Meduza reported that the Russian government is implementing an ‘information exchange system’ between the Ministry of Defence and the Federal Security Service (FSB) to pass details of potential conscripts to the FSB Border Guard Service and prevent them fleeing the country. Reportedly the system is to be fully functional before the Autumn 2024 draft. Russia carries out two conscription drafts each year, drafting in over 250,000 personnel annually to serve one year of compulsory military service.”

The update also highlighted the significant impact of past mobilisations on Russian society: “Hundreds of thousands of Russians left the country after the announcement of a partial mobilisation in 2022 and these were disproportionately concentrated among the young and highly educated, causing knock on effects to the labour market.”

The new measures reflect the government’s attempt to address the challenges faced during previous mobilisations, which saw a substantial number of young and educated Russians leaving the country, thereby affecting the labour market.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Frank62 (@guest_835582)
13 days ago

Very WW1 thinking by the Russian leadership, just feeding its people as cannon fodder. Tragic. Criminal.
UKR has its own manpower crisis. I’d like to see each NATO member contributing a battalion(two for larger natiuons) to fight alongside UKR on the front lines to pursuade Putin of the futility of his war & give exhausted UKR fighters a well needed rest. Only for service within UKR until all Russian troops are expelled. Under resourcing UKR & leaving them hanging until they’re exhausted & ground down has gone on too long.

Last edited 13 days ago by Frank62
English Brigadier
English Brigadier (@guest_835747)
12 days ago

Just need to make sure that Ukraine has sufficient ammo to slot them all.

John (@guest_836182)
11 days ago

A sign of what we will face. And a sign we need to prepare people for it.

Kibosh (@guest_837506)
7 days ago

This article is somewhat vague and misleading. First off, with massive sanctions, there is already a demotivational aspect, caused by said sanctions, for Russians to flee to Europe or western nations, and this claim is not substantiated with actual, provable numbers. Secondly, the article only looks at standard conscription for mandatory service training, which is a 1 year service requirement and does not specify if those undergoing training are being forced into combat operations as well. Thirdly, this article completely ignores the overwhelming number of volunteers who have joined the Russian military, often because of NATO provocations, Ukrainian war crimes,… Read more »

Make tea not war
Make tea not war (@guest_838876)
3 days ago
Reply to  Kibosh

If there’s an overwhelming number of volunteers why then recruit from prisons. Russia is inept in its ability to treat its own soldiers as people which no doubt has disastrous effects trying to obtain volunteers.

There’s no strategic press in a Democracy as we have freedom of speech. Russia has demonised itself by invading Ukraine and committing war crimes, Fact.

The irony is Putin has become the new Hitler, this will be his legacy as the West sees it not how Russia will indoctrinate its people with press censorship.

Kibosh (@guest_839774)
2 hours ago

In the USA, the privately run prison system has been a huge boon in modern slavery, with forced labour picking cotton and making the system huge amounts of money on the backs of the often wrongly accused, or those inflated out of affordable options, they commit petty crimes and epic levels of judicial corruption see them ‘processed’ into this modern slavery system. And ya’ll think Putin is Hitler? Who has the biggest concentration camp population on this planet? That would be the USA. It takes a lot of lies, brainwashing, and propaganda to white wash the most fascist NAZI like… Read more »

Make tea not war
Make tea not war (@guest_839794)
37 minutes ago
Reply to  Kibosh

Indoctrination…….i rest my case.