Russia’s annual Army 2024 International Military-Technical Forum in Moscow witnessed a noticeable decline in international participation this year, according to a recent defence intelligence update from the Ministry of Defence.
The forum, which serves as an arms sales exhibition, usually attracts a mix of Russian and foreign defence manufacturers.
However, the update notes that “international attendance has reduced since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
The forum typically runs alongside Russia’s International Army Games, a global military competition, but this event was “called-off again this year,” as highlighted in the UK Defence Ministry’s update. The cancellation marks a continued impact on Russia’s military engagements since its conflict with Ukraine began.
The event was officially opened by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defence Minister Sergei Belousov. In his address, Belousov characterised the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as an “armed conflict between Russia and the collective West,” a statement quoted directly in the UK Defence Ministry’s update. This framing aligns with Russia’s broader narrative that its actions in Ukraine are part of a larger confrontation with Western powers.
The intelligence update reflects on the broader implications of the forum, noting the decline in international attendance as a significant indicator of Russia’s growing isolation on the global stage, particularly in the defence sector.
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to influence Russia’s ability to engage with international military partners, as seen in the reduced scope and impact of this year’s forum.
Saddam Hussein and his regime was destroyed for less than the mad mullahs have done to it’s own people. surely the same as Iraq suffered for, will be visited by the west on Iran.
Hopefully someday but for now they have cosied up to Russia and China so that short of risking WW3 what can be done?
I think the ball is in their half of the court. We have to watch and wait.
Also even if the Russians were able to translate attendance into sales it’s obvious to all that their equipment is nowhere near good enough
They could move into manufacturing chocolate fireguards?
“Nobody has anything like the Russian equipment” (V Putin) – I wholeheartedly agree – other countries have equipment that works: nobody else has such useless equipment.
Remember a lot of Ukranian equipment is Russian donated.
Do you think Zelensky sent Mad Vlad a note thanking him for his contributions?
“Dear Vlad,
Thank you for the 4th Guards Tank Divison’s vehicles and ammunition.
Big Z.”
You’d hope that he’d have taken the opportunity to jot that down and get it in the post!
I’m a little surprised they got anybody there. They need everything they can possibly make. What could they possibly have which is a match for weapons from the west. Better to buy western weapons surely in which case don’t be seen at a Russian event.
Russian kit has always been cheaper than western kit. There’s also the question of political alignment. The bigger question is becoming less “Russian or Western kit,” but “Buy Russian or Chinese?”
As long as Russia can supply men for their war effort, then this barbaric inhumane assault on Ukraine will continue. The braindead Russian Z zombie’s have shown no compassion for human life nor military excellence, despite all this bravado and lies they spout to domestic and international audiences.
I’ve said for a long time that ex Soviet state’s need to form an alliance against Russian imperialism which is happening before our very eyes.
If Putin achieves his goals, then in years to come it won’t be long till we see Chinese tanks in parts of Europe as the Belt and Road initiative gets under way, because Russia is not doing all this for a few measly borders to combat NATO. Imo there is a much sinister plan involved and right now I believe Russia will win this War if there is no NATO or pro Ukraine presence in and around Ukraine.
Thing’s are not as nearly as bad as they could become.
I wish all our men and women in a range of services all the courage and love in the world and support what ever action occurs in the weeks and months ahead.
I think Kiev will be targeted by both Belarus and Russian forces, so world and NATO leaders need to be bold and be fully committed.
It’s evident all the dark forces are in play here.
Putin, Iran, China, Africa, North Korea and the many terrorist group’s will do what they can to cause havoc against the West and those alligned to the West.
China brought us Covid-19, they allowed a million plus of it’s people and diplomats to travel around the world before declaring to the world health organisation of a infectious Respiratory virus, How very convenient right? For a country that was less than apologetic for bringing covid, you’d expect them to be looking to make amends with the world, yet they are hardly against the Russian war effort in Ukraine, and they are hell bent on backing up North Korea when it’s convenient for them to do so also.
The Chinese economy in it’s current state has the potential to be brought to it’s knees due to its failed real estate adventures and slow growth rate, so why aren’t they doing more to bring peace to the world???? They have no intention of doing such thing, esp with Taiwan in it’s sights.
We’ve heard the ridiculous excuses by the braindead Russian Z zombies for the war in Ukraine, that has only emboldened the NATO alliance. Part of Putin’s war effort was about stopping Western growth post Covid that would keep Russia further behind the West and regional neighbours.
We continue to hear and read about the continued hypocrisy around Israel and the massacre that took place against innocent Israeli’s. I didn’t see any protests against Hamas? Did any of you?????
If the Pro-Palestine movement in the West and elsewhere really wants to help Palestinians they should educate them on how to be civilized, how to coexist, to renounce violence and extremism and be able to let go, instead of investing their energy in hatred and spreading false, baseless, and delusional narratives against other faith’s and governments.
Hamas’s strategy in it’s barbaric attack was to make it impossible for Israel to do anything but invade Gaza.
I don’t think it was irrational savagery by Hamas, the aims, to destroy any hope of peace for a generation, to undo Israels alliance’s with Arab state’s, turn the world, especially the Arab world against Isreal and ignite a larger regional war.
The sheer hypocrisy and accountability from figures and leaders speaking on there behalf is that Hamas can dish it out, but are not so keen in getting it back in return. Who were the ones going to hold Hamas accountable???? Ffs Innocent children, men, women and the elderly were raped, tortured, beheaded and executed without doubt.
And now it’s with no coincidence that Iran and Islamist group’s are looking to disrupt and antagonise the West over Israel and the Red Sea shipping lanes by the authority of the puppet masters Russia and China, this is all linked, mark my words. The aims to exhaust public and political support whilst military hardware and supplie get used and depleted.
It’s not a surprise to me either reading about the Argentinian plans for the Falklands, because like most of the African continent too!, it’s corrupt and can be easily coerced due to poor wealth and so on. The potential flash point’s in South America right now is rather concerning also imo
The key components for me where our enemies can’t compete is the sheer scale of the alliance and our collective ability to carry out a range of measures. Our enemies however imo have made a calculative effort to have a go at us when military cutbacks have been criminal. Look at the timing of everything that has happened over the last few years.
The US needs to pressure Biden to leave office pronto also, and the sooner Trump is in the better, and here’s why ⬇️
I have to AGREE with Donald Trump and I AGREE with him on many, many things.
Firstly, go and have a look at Gérard Shroeder and the deals he did with Russia during his term as Chancellor of Germany. When he left that post he became CEO of many of Russia’s energy companies. It’s all on record go and check wiki. Now, the issue I have which isn’t on the record is Germany’s defence spending. You can bet yer last Euro that for any energy deals to be done, the Russian’s requested that less than minimal spending on NATO defence be carried out and be the norm for years.
The other argument why I agree with Trump and his tone used, is Europe isn’t united at all, hence American presence in the region. As a Brit and Scot whom voted for Brexit. I do not trust Europe and their are many, many factors why, just look at the English channel as the French police look on, back stabbing fphuckers so they are. Do you think the French and EU want to see a successful UK post Brexit with no border issues? No they don’t.
When Trump was president there was a complete over reaction to his term, esp with propaganda through the roof about world wars etc.
I’m wholeheartedly for a NATO alliance, particularly NATO expansion from any part of the world, however I’m dead against open border EU policy by unelected politicians that can’t see our street’s, towns and cities suffering a range of effects from no value of money, cost of living, massive cultural changes, specifically to those nations whom have the largest economies in the EU.
Look at the mess in Ukraine as mentioned? The EU want to offer EU and Nato membership, the Russians were always going to enter a conflict over that issue, despite the warped views and lies from the braindead z zombie’s in the Kremlin. Russia simply cannot compete with the rest of the world due to its gangster-esq economy and structure. It’s not even a friendly nation, and just like China it feeds its citizens lies and BS.
Ukraine should have been dealt with in a unique manner imo, but instead….they fphucked up as they did by failing to listen to the British public concerns of EU membership.
Brexit was a wonderful thing, and I know many will disagree, but I believe it is. We just need to get rid of the tories once and for all and unite our small and powerful wee island.
Trump will be great for America and the UK should pull away from the back stabbing Europeans too! The Dutch and Scandinavians will follow us too, I believe.
The best thing for Ukraine is for ex Soviet countries to form an alliance AGAINST “RUSSIAN AGRESSION” to combat Putin because. That’s a proper buffer before rest of Europe or Nato get involved.
NATO would kick Russia’s arrssee despite being under funded and undermanned from some leading nations. We do still have formidable and unmatched capability, training and professionalism.
Please apply the 7 D’s to our enemies action’s.
Disinformation all to
God Save The King! 🇬🇧
May God Bless America! 🇺🇸
Glory to Israel! 🇮🇱
Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦
That’s…….. a lot
That’s some post mate 👍 🇬🇧
😁 just my opinion buddy
Steven, much respect to you 👏 🙌
The Sunflower growing convention on the other hand…
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