Saab carried out the first flight tests with its new advanced Electronic Attack Jammer Pod (EAJP) this week.

The firm say that the pod’s interfaces with the aircraft’s hardware and software as well as cockpit control and monitoring were tested during the flight.

“The purpose of Saab’s new EAJP pod is to protect aircraft against radars by sophisticated jamming functions, thereby blocking the opponent’s ability to attack them. The first flight marks an important step of the pod’s development programme.

Saab is sharpening its electronic attack capabilities and the new advanced pod is an important element of this development. The EAJP is a strong complement to the built-in electronic attack capabilities of the highly advanced on-board electronic warfare system on Saab’s new Gripen E/F fighter. It can also be used on other aircraft types. The pod forms part of Saab’s Arexis family of electronic warfare systems.”

“We performed the flight tests with a Gripen fighter and this new pod is an important part of the development of our new electronic attack capability”, says Anders Carp, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab’s business area Surveillance.

Electronic warfare systems are also used for self-protection by passively detecting hostile radar systems and missiles, protecting the aircraft or platform by using active and passive countermeasures. Offensive electronic warfare, also known as electronic attack, involves actively sending jamming signals to disrupt the sensors in the enemy’s air defence systems so they do no longer constitute a threat.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
5 years ago

Excellent piece of kit all round.

Perfect for air policing duties as well as carrying ant ship missiles to protect the UK coastline saving unnecessary flying hours on our more expensive Typhoons. Around half the price I believe?

Paul T
Paul T
5 years ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

Another obvious option -×425.jpg

5 years ago
Reply to  Paul T

That does look impressive, but where the Saab offering scores is that the Gripen has very advanced EW features built in, and this pod will enhance that. The two seat Gripen has already been developed for a warfighting role.

The Eurofighter ECR is still on the drawing board, so to speak, the two seater trainer will need to be adapted, and the whole project will need to overcome the substantial political inertia in Germany that so often plagues defence procurement plans!

5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis

It was Germany that put the halt on the EuroDASS development. The aircraft’s DASS was supposed to be incrementally improved every couple of years, but Germany cancelled the contract. This has a knock on effect for the other partners, as any development must be agreed by all partners, so became yet another political football. The German Airforce has finally got their Government to agree the aircraft needs updating. This has come on the back of them doing the Baltic air policing and facing off against Russia. Their Typhoon is at least a step behind ours and in some parts way… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

Hi DaveyB, your suggestion of adapting the Typhoon T1s for EW is interesting. It’s a shame Eurofighter hasn’t been able to develop the Typhoon as quickly as possible due to all the political speedbumps, as any future work will have to compete for money with F35 procurement and the R&D for Tempest within the fast jet sphere, not to mention competing projects across air warfare more generally, and the wider defence budget, and at a macro level, the national spending decisions taken by government. The question of maritime strike is an interesting one, whether to leave it to the F35s… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis

Do you have any links on the effective radar range of the SAAB EW suite or the new Jammer Pod?

5 years ago
Reply to  TwinTiger

No, that would be secret info. But what I can say is the aircraft’s capabilities without the extra jammers is good enough to support a couple of aircraft. With the addition of the extra ECM gear it puts it in the same area as the current Growler. However, the Growler is getting the next generation jammer, which will push it further ahead again. I’ve always said that the T1 Typhoons that we mothballed, should be reactivated for the electronic warfare role along with acting as a mothership for a couple of drones. This is due to the complexities of electronic… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

Thanks – the effective range is most likely confidential. The Growler’s new NGJ had power issues initially, and whilst that runs independent of the aircraft engines via a ram-air approach, it is effectively drag and requires engine power to drive the jet and the jammers. Gripen uses an onboard auxiliary power source fed from the jet fuel, so the effect of running these jammers is likely consequential on the effective aircraft range and/or the jammer’s power output. interestingly, both aircraft use the same jet engine, however the Growler runs 2 of them, so ‘in theory’ it should still be able… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Paul T

supposedly RAF Typhoons will, at some point, be getting a version of the AESA radar with an electronic warfare capability.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

The Gripen would be great, but we can’t even decide how many F35s to buy, so I can’t see us operating a third fast jet type. Too bad, as you say, with anti-ship missiles already integrated, it would be a useful cheap fighter to task with a number of awkward missions that Typhoon and F35 are either not currently fitted out for (such as maritime strike), or would be uneconomical (say, CAS in places like Afghanistan where the counter-air threat is non-existent but the environment is tough on high end machinery).

Steve R
Steve R
5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis

I think it’s a crime that our Typhoons arent fitted out for maritime strike, more so that we dont even have any anti-ship missiles apart from the ancient Harpoon! With so few fast jets in our inventory I’d have thought it would be common sense that every single Typhoon was able to fight air to air, attack ground targets – both CAS and strike – and maritime strike. I’ll forgive the F35 a bit as it’s so new. It shows how the government and MoD were so focused on the war on terror, on bombing jihadis on the ground with… Read more »

Paul T
Paul T
5 years ago
Reply to  Steve R

Steve R – If the need arises it wouldn’t be too hard to integrate Maritime Strike onto the Typhoon.

5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis

What about upgrading the hawk and using that as a trainer and light attack, policing etc. Then you are not introducing a third type. Back to hawk 200?

Steve R
Steve R
5 years ago
Reply to  DRS

I think we should.

Seems pointless using £100million Typhoon or Lightning jets to drop bombs in jihadis, not only costing more but wearing down the airframes, when a Hawk could do so for less than 1/3 the cost.

We should have a few combat squadrons of Hawks for CAS roles. Hawk can be armed with Sidewinders or ASRAAM so they can defend themselves from enemy aircraft. Could be a good asset to have in a war once F35 an Typhoon have established air superiority.

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve R

I wonder if a more robust CAS capability will be a consideration when the time comes for the Hawk to be replaced with a clean sheet design.

5 years ago
Reply to  DRS

A Hawk couldn’t keep up with a Blackjack which would be a bit embarrassing which Russia Today would love.

Alan Reid
Alan Reid
5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis

Hi Marquis, I know many of us on this forum admire the Swedes, but I’m sometimes surprised at the enthusiasm for the Gripen. Isn’t it really just a Swedish F-16? Or “cannon-fodder”, as an RAF Typhoon once pilot joked with me at an air-show! Another commented that the performance of Typhoon made the F-16 (or Gripen by inference) feel like a trainer! In an era of scarce resources, the RAF has focussed on its core assets – Typhoon and Lightning. You can use these aircraft in a close-air-support role, if needed (not ideal, I agree), but you can’t use the… Read more »

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
5 years ago
Reply to  Alan Reid

Two sides to every story!

“Several years ago the Gripen pilots got tired of being made fun of byGerman Typhoon pilots and came to play with their wartime electronic warfare and gave them a hell of a hard time,” Bronk said. One of the Gripens was “reportedly able to appear on the left wing of a Typhoon without being detected” by using its “extremely respected” jamming ability, Bronk said.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Alan Reid

Hi Alan, Firstly yes given the limited funds available, if there’s any money spare, the MOD should try and speed up the F35 buy and if possible increase the Typhoon fleet (while at the same time seeding the Tempest R&D), rather than investing in a third type. Developing new capabilities for the existing fleet of Typhoon is a must, eg EuroDASS, Praetorian, the upgraded EJ200 engines etc. What takes precedence for funding out of all of that is a tough decision. However, in fairness to the Gripen, it is more than a Swedish F16. True, it won’t supercruise at 40,000ft… Read more »

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
5 years ago
Reply to  the_marquis
Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
5 years ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

I found this post which was quite interesting albeit from 1998 which suggests the possibility of a Gripen fitted with the EJ2000 engine.

Given the expected increase in power since this was originally posted and Saab coming on board with Tempest whether this would make a second-tier platform more likely? It would certainly help to reduce additional maintenance costs.

“The company says that a 700h flight test programme is being planned to explore thrust vectoring on a standard Gripen airframe for the export market. Eurojet has proposed to Saab a 102kN (23,000lb)-thrust version of its engine, called the EJ230”

5 years ago
Reply to  Nigel Collins

Gripen would be a good fit and look in the colours of the Scottish Defence Forces.

5 years ago

Maybe other NATO counties can buy these to take some pressure off the USN’s Growler fleet.

Paul T
Paul T
5 years ago
Reply to  dan

Yes true but with many Airforces going over to the F35 the need maybe limited,its certainly worth considering for the Gripen users though.

5 years ago
Reply to  Paul T

It’s true that the F35 can operate without ECM support. However, having a Growler operating nearby significantly increases the capability of a strike package. As it can blanket an area with white noise or discrete and targeted spoofing. This could allow the F35s to operate unnoticed.