The future of The Black Watch has now been guaranteed.

When asked about earlier speculation that The Black Watch could be cut, the Prime Minister said:

“It is preposterous to listen to the Scottish National Party talking about their desire to support defence when everybody knows fine well that it is thanks to the UK-wide investment that we’re able to deliver not just the Black Watch and DfID in East Kilbride, but a fantastic programme of shipbuilding in Govan and Rosyth.”

The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Why are they called the Black Watch? According to Forces TV here there a few theories:

  • The colour of the tartan is so dark and therefore gave them the name
  • The Black Watch were employed against the protection rackets at the time
  • It was suggested that as they worked for an unpopular government when they were created they were considered black-hearted

Prime Minister Boris Johnson also  announced what the Ministry of Defence have called “the biggest investment in the UK’s Armed Forces since the end of the Cold War”, confirming an “injection of £16.5 billion” over four years.

Johnson confirmed that the Royal Navy acquire 8 Type 26 Frigates, 5 Type 31 frigates, the “next generation” Type 32 frigates, the new Fleet Solid Support Ships and a new multi-role research vessel.

Johnson also said that the funding would allow for:

  • A new centre dedicated to artificial intelligence
  • A national cyber force
  • RAF space command launching British satellites from Scotland
George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. The Black Watch is going nowhere! I was a little concerned when I read the headline which could be interpreted several ways,but happily more good news!!

  2. No surprise.

    One, cutting a Scots battalion would cause the usual storm.

    Two, as a light Infantry unit, apart from personnel what’s really to cut? No armour, IFV, APC, or artillery to save money on.

    I think their base at Ft George is still going, mind.

    • Howdy Dan correct Fort George is scheduled to go in 2032 , I’m not sure what you consider soon but judging by some in here they treat years down the line as mere days ?. The base is ye olde and in need of massive redevelopment it’s just not financially viable better to move elsewhere.

      I’m a great believer in the “man” being the most important asset. You can have all the equipment with bells and whistles in the world but if you don’t have the people to utilise it thens what’s the point.

      Black watch a glorious history and one of the finest regiments in the British Army???????????

      • Hi mate.

        Agree. They will probably move east to Kinloss, if there is room?

        Fort George is a mightily impressive sight, mind! Hardly fit for an infantry battalion though.

        I agree on the Black Watch. Despite my name, I have Scots blood in me and I am mightily proud of Scotland in the UK and its contribution to defence.
        The name Black Watch is world famous.

  3. As much as the SNP likes to moan about Westminster “destroying” these Scottish regiments. The simple reality is Scotland is not generating enough man power to fill these regiments in anyother form.

  4. Of course the Black Watch or any other Scottish regiment won’t be cut. Hardly politically expedient. Always easier to cull a few English battalions as nobody will bat an eyelid.

  5. You have to hand it to the SNP. They handle Westminster very cannily. Start a fake rumour and get an instant denial from the PM and MOD.
    Oh, and all our space junk will be launched from there apparently.

    • I do wonder how things would have panned out had the SNP won that referendum in 2014. I don’t think the EU referendum would have happened to begin with, but the UK government would have been quick to sever financial ties and the barrnet formula. Oil revenue is at an all time low, I think England would have matched or undercut Scotland if they tried lower Corp tax to match the ROI and the frigate factories would have been closed. The problem for the SNP is they are so far left they wouldn’t have an option other than to raise taxes which would kill off a significant number of their champaign socialist voters that like to have their cake and eat it.

      • Hi BB85,

        The SNP isn’t a “far left” party – it’s a pragmatist political organisation, with a main objective of independence. Its message is skilfully tailored to pick-up disaffected Conservative, Labour and Liberal voters. Indeed, I can even remember when the SNP was nicknamed the “Tartan Tories”!

        In a continuity from the past, you could argue that the SNP heartlands are in the old 17-18th century Jacobite recruitment grounds from the north-east of Scotland. But more recently, from 2007 onwards, it’s attracted lots of Labour supporters, but these aren’t Islington Corbynista types – but traditional, solid working class voters.

        Within the UK, the Scottish economy is one of the better performing areas – but critics argue that an independent Scotland can’t support the current high-levels of public spending. The SNP counter that through a “Westminister” accounting sleight-of-hand, there are resources not allocated to Scotia. So there you are: Scottish politics condensed to a single paragraph!

        In my own view, an independent Scotland in 2014 would shortly afterwards have faced a double-whammy of a public finance and a currency crisis. Today, Scotia would be in an acrimonious wrangle with rUK about an “equitable” divorce settlement – this instability would sap political energy and rumble on for years.

        In many ways, in this hostility between Scotland and rUK, we would return to the Jacobite world of the late-17th century!

        • Hi Alan. Yes the SNP has been rightly described as a broad church! I see there is a move afoot to get a Unionist ‘broad church’going in time for the May elections. Unionists have lost many constituencies due to their vote being spread over the 3-Labour, Libdem and Tory. As to a Jacobite resurgence-it might come(if Charles steps aside) just as another King William ascends to the throne!! 🙂

      • SNP are not far left! Left of centre yes, and definitrely not right wing, but not as left as the Labour Party. And If Scotland were independant quite obviously financial ties and Barnett would cease to exist and would not be required. The difficulty is that critics assume that the funding received in Scotland is all down to England (and Wales) largesse out of the goodness of their hearts. That funding is not charity but only a proportion of our tax revenue being returned to us! And since Scotland does not aspire to gunboat diplomacy we would not have any need for expensive aircraft carriers et al, and would not participate in dubiously justified wars as a primary aggressor.

        • Maybe true but Scotland’s receives far more back than its tax’s. Wasn’t the last figure £10billion a year deficit? So if snp gets its way with a second once in a generation vote(no I don’t understand it) they gunna have to decide on loosing nhs or benefits.
          I’ll never understand it does yorkshire demand to succeed from Union when we don’t like general election vote? No course not cos democracy is when u loose u shut up and try again next time


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