U.S. Marines and Navy personnel conducted a large-scale amphibious landing in Pohang, South Korea, offloading tactical vehicles and equipment from USNS Dahl as part of Exercise Freedom Banner 25, according to a press release from Marine Corps Blount Island Command.

The exercise, which took place on February 28, highlighted the U.S. military’s ability to rapidly deploy forces and sustain operations through maritime prepositioning force operations, which rely on forward-deployed, pre-loaded ships to ensure combat readiness.

The offload operation was a joint effort involving sailors from U.S. Navy Cargo Handling Battalion 13, who manoeuvred equipment from the USNS Dahl onto an Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS) causeway ferry—a modular system designed to transport cargo from ship to shore even in the absence of port infrastructure. Supporting these operations were Beachmaster Unit 1 and Naval Beach Group 1, who assisted in moving vehicles onto the shoreline.

Freedom Banner 25 is a key component of the larger Korean Marine Exchange Program (KMEP) 25.1, aimed at refining logistical processes and enhancing U.S.-Republic of Korea interoperability. The exercise underscores the role of Marine Corps Support Facility Blount Island in Jacksonville, Florida, which serves as the central hub for the Marine Corps’ global prepositioning network.

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jesse Johnson, operations director for Blount Island Command, pushed the significance of these operations:

“We are the linchpin in the Corps’ ability to project power globally,” Johnson said, explaining that his team ensures that Marines’ equipment and supplies are strategically positioned and ready whenever needed.

Lisa West
Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.


    • More interesting if they concentrated on the Dahl and its self deployed equipment for getting kit ashore. This kit would be more rear echelon than anything else.

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        Today!….. 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭𝟏.𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞/

    • It’s just the new style of reporting that we see on all news sites. Sensationalist headlines (even given the quotes) that the vast majority of folk would believe and take seriously without actually reading the article in full. Gen Z seem to lap it up. There is no hope.

      • Pause – I’m Gen Z, we’re not all idiots 🙂

        Agree though – there’s no need to see this repeated every time there’s an exercise. Just report on the exercise.

        • My sincere condolences. I have Kids your age and I must admit that they are not Idiots either. Well, not all the time.

        • Me too, it gets tiring when people my age get attacked as being lazy with short attention spans.
          Sure, there are idiots, but no more than in any other generation.

        • But You do all tend to have a predilection for ridiculous tattoos that look like they have been drawn on with a biro by a sugar rushing 6 year old…

          • We do?
            I don’t know anyone with a tattoo…
            Maybe it’s just the South East, but I’ve never really seen anyone below 35 who doesn’t have blue or pink hair with a tattoo either.


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