We are thrilled to announce that the UK Defence Journal (UKDJ) is now officially regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

This achievement underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity and ethical reporting.

UKDJ began in 2014 as a volunteer-driven blog created by a passionate individual dedicated to providing reliable and insightful news on the defence industry. Over the years, our small volunteer operation has evolved into a large, independent news website. Today, UKDJ boasts a team of over a dozen dedicated contributors, some of whom are now working full-time in journalism in various roles.

This transformation has been built on a foundation of rigorous journalism and an unwavering commitment to providing in-depth, accurate, and timely defence industry news. Our expanded team includes experienced editors and sector experts drawn from leading news outlets and defence publications, ensuring we deliver comprehensive and insightful coverage of all facets of defence.

Today, UKDJ reaches millions of readers every month, ranging from defence enthusiasts to key stakeholders in government. This broad and diverse audience relies on us for accurate and timely information, further highlighting the importance of our adherence to the highest journalistic standards.

Why IPSO Regulation is Important

Being regulated by IPSO, the UK’s independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry, brings numerous benefits that enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of our publication. Here’s why this milestone is crucial for us and our readers:

  1. Enhanced Credibility: IPSO regulation signals to our audience that the UK Defence Journal adheres to strict ethical guidelines and journalistic standards. This enhances our credibility and assures our readers that they are consuming reliable and well-researched information.
  2. Accountability: As a member of IPSO, we are held accountable for the content we publish. This includes a commitment to correcting mistakes promptly and fairly, providing rights of reply, and respecting privacy and accuracy in our reporting.
  3. Complaint Handling: IPSO offers an independent platform for handling complaints from the public. This means any concerns about our content can be addressed efficiently and transparently, fostering greater trust between us and our audience.
  4. Guidance and Resources: IPSO provides valuable resources and guidelines that help us stay informed about best practices in journalism. This ongoing support ensures that we continue to improve and adapt to the evolving media landscape.

Recognition of Our Team’s Hard Work

This milestone is a recognition of the dedication and hard work of our team. Our writers, editors, and contributors have consistently strived to produce high-quality, accurate, and insightful content. Achieving IPSO regulation is a testament to their unwavering commitment to journalistic excellence.

George Allison, Editor of the UK Defence Journal, commented, “Joining IPSO marks a significant step forward for us. It reflects our dedication to maintaining high standards and our commitment to our readers to provide trustworthy and ethical journalism. This milestone is a testament to our efforts as a team.

By adhering to IPSO’s rigorous standards, we are reinforcing our promise to deliver accurate, balanced, and fair reporting. Our readers, whether they are defence enthusiasts, professionals in the sector, or officials in government, can now have even greater confidence in the integrity of the news and analysis we provide. This move aligns us with some of the most respected media outlets in the country, ensuring that we continue to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and quality in all our journalism.”

Looking Ahead

As we move forward under IPSO regulation, we remain committed to our core values of integrity, accuracy, and accountability. We will continue to deliver in-depth analysis, breaking news, and comprehensive coverage of defence-related topics that our readers have come to rely on.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to upholding standards and continuing to serve as a trusted source of defence news.

For more information about IPSO and what this means for our publication, please visit IPSO’s official website.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Bill (@guest_826466)
1 day ago

TEAM UKDJ. Many, MANY congratulations and well done.

ChariotRider (@guest_826475)
1 day ago
Reply to  Bill

I’d like to second that Bill,

It is quite and achievement to build the site from nothing to a nationally and internationally recognised source of reliable news on UK defence matters.

A very impressive achievement.

I wonder how much the UKDJ has contributed to defence becoming a general election issue if it reaches millions of readers?

Cheers CR

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_826549)
1 day ago
Reply to  ChariotRider

NL started it as STRN before the rebrand.

George has picked up the batton and run with it.

George Allison
George Allison (@george-allison)
1 day ago

Not really, we started around the same time.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_826671)
18 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

My point was a little more nuanced than that.

NL had more traction to start with.

That changed around or after the NL rebrand.

Also you are running a much wider range of articles now across different spheres.

So I suppose I’m saying well done to both for raising defence matters up the agenda.

George Allison
George Allison (@george-allison)
12 hours ago

Apologies, I misread your remark.

Bulkhead (@guest_826471)
1 day ago


FormerUSAF (@guest_826525)
1 day ago
Reply to  Bulkhead


Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson (@guest_826477)
1 day ago

Well done all!!

Patrick (@guest_826478)
1 day ago

Well done!

Athelstanthecurious (@guest_826479)
1 day ago

Well done George and all
UKDJ is essential daily reading for me.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_826484)
1 day ago

Deserved. Congratulations to you George and the team.

Frank62 (@guest_826502)
1 day ago

Well done George & all the UKDJ team. I love the website & appreciate greatly the content & forum for discussing our forces & the global threats & alliances.

Lonpfrb (@guest_826528)
1 day ago

Congratulations for the recognition that the UKDJ deserves. Good luck to all who sail in her!

FormerUSAF (@guest_826530)
1 day ago

Hmmm…a self evidently excellent concept of ops. Mind exporting it to the Colonies? Really, large portions of American journalism could be considered the new wild, wild West. Lots of gunslinging journalists, of every political persuasion, w/ relatively few facts marshalled, and an occasional outlier news organization that insists on presenting the unbiased news. Helluva a way to run a railroad, or an influential democracy. Rant over. 🤔😳😱

SailorBoy (@guest_826544)
1 day ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Well, you could start your own with UKDJ backing…
I’m sure George would be happy to start an American franchise 😉

FormerUSAF (@guest_826583)
1 day ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Hmmm…the thought had literally never entered my consciousness. 🤔🤔

SailorBoy (@guest_826700)
15 hours ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

You mean you’ll do it? 😉
No doubt UKDJ would lend you a website, the branding etc.
Seriously, someone should

Nick C
Nick C (@guest_826741)
13 hours ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Call it USDJ, that would work. I’m sure George A would be happy to advise.

Jon (@guest_826531)
1 day ago

Well done, the staff of the UKDJ. Proper job!

Brom (@guest_826550)
1 day ago

Well done guys, congratulations

Expat alien
Expat alien (@guest_826585)
1 day ago

BZ George and team

lordtemplar (@guest_826675)
18 hours ago

cingrats and keep up the good work
thanks 👍

George Amery
George Amery (@guest_826691)
16 hours ago

Hi folks hope all is well.
Great news and well done George Alison for the foundation of a great publication. For me, this is a good way of learning so much on a very interesting subject!

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_826694)
16 hours ago

Congratulations ukdj 👍 Now sort the government put 🤗

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_826695)
16 hours ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Sorry out 🙄

Jonny (@guest_826706)
15 hours ago

well done!

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_826776)
10 hours ago

Great news. Well done to George and the entire team. Much deserved.

Carrickter (@guest_826808)
8 hours ago

It’s a pity IPSO regulation isn’t compulsory for mainstream media organisations; The Guardian and a few others just opt out, so they can print nonsense regularly with little consequence!