The UK Government has stated that it will review a recent report by the British Palestinian Committee on British military collaboration with Israel, but has not indicated any immediate policy changes in response.

Responding to a written parliamentary question from Brendan O’Hara, SNP MP for Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber, Defence Minister Luke Pollard said:

“We will consider the report and continue to act in line with our obligations to International Law.”

The report, British Military Collaboration with Israel, published on 28 January 2025 by the British Palestinian Committee, examines the extent of UK-Israel defence cooperation, including arms exports, military training, and intelligence sharing.

Campaigners have called on the UK Government to reassess its military relationship with Israel, citing concerns over human rights and international law compliance.

The UK has long maintained defence ties with Israel, including joint training exercises, equipment sales, and intelligence cooperation.

While the UK Government has committed to reviewing the findings of the report, it remains unclear whether this will result in any policy changes. The reference to “acting in line with our obligations to International Law” suggests that existing UK policy—ensuring that arms exports comply with international humanitarian law—will remain a central guiding principle.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. I have always been pro-Israel, but after the complete overreaction and continued carnage in Gaza, Lebanon and now the West Bank, it may be time for many european nations to review their stance on Israel and introduce sanctions at least while Netanyahu and his crazies are still in power.
    my 2 cents

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  2. Another extremist anti Semitic organisation making demands. Israel is one of the wests strongest bastions against terrorism. It deserves all our support.


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