15 paramedics and combat medical technicians from 16 Medical Regiment will work on ambulances in partnership with NHS paramedics, say the British Army.
According to a news release from the British Army, the partnership between 16 Medical Regiment and the East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST), will provide more frontline staff for life-saving care in Essex’s ambulances, whilst giving military medics wider clinical experience.
The military medics will be working alongside EEAST staff from this week onwards.
“All military medics must do clinical placements with the NHS to maintain their qualifications, with 16 Med Regt personnel working at hospitals across Essex and Suffolk. Training covers vehicle and equipment familiarisation, advanced life support and dementia care.
Similar relationships between NHS trusts and military medical units are happening across the country and are the foundations on which the military’s ability to support the NHS, such as tackling the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, are built.”
Very good to hear but only 15 people, surely the need is for 1500 at least. Must do more…
It’s just for Essex only as it says in the article.
Just for Essex isn’t good enough Robert. RAMC should be supporting every Ambulance Service in the country. Not the Army’s fault though, the Gov needs to mobilise all resources weeks ago but certainly now. The peak looks like the next few days, after that is too late for many, many people.
The last paragraph says it all. Not just this regiment. All Military medical units are involved. Just so happens this article is about one based in Essex. A lot of military medical staff are reservists from the NHS anyway, so there has always been a close support relationship between the two.
Similar relationships between NHS trusts and military medical units are happening across the country and are the foundations on which the military’s ability to support the NHS, such as tackling the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, are built.”
The last paragraph gives you the answer you are looking for.
I do wish people would spend the minute it takes to read the article before responding I must admit.
? I think some read the headline, then go straight to the comments to see who is bitchin about what ? .
Top regiment. They host the training for UKSF Medical Group medics, as well as support 16 AA Bde.
Stay safe 16 Medical Regiment, this disease is a nightmare very very contagious.
Thanks to the military for their support, very much appreciated by the NHS.
Trump today in a usual ill thought out treat said that as soon as this crisis is over (‘sooner rather than later’) everyone but relatives should forget it so the economy can rebound. The last thing we should be doing is to forget what a pandemic can do to an advanced society revealing its inate fragility under such a threat. Fact is this one is only a taster of what could happen in the future with the interactive world wide based economy we are in that has only really been in building over the past 40 years. The next one could be even more destructive and lethal so this should in fact work as a wake up call to all of us especially Governments.
Trump’s press conferences are legendary – based on his stupidity and willingness to be ambushed by every reporter attending about almost any subject they care to raise. Also legendary, but for very different reasons are Andrew Cuomo’s press briefings for NY State. This guy is super smart and puts POTUS to shame. Then you get the idiot Governor of Florida who is basically in denial there even is a virus. He was late to close the beaches and now wants schools going back after Easter on the basis that kids are not vulnerable.
Just a normal function of our military medics
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