Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman arrived in Marseille, France, for a regularly scheduled port visit today.

“We look forward to the opportunity to enhance U.S.-French relations during this visit,” said Commander, Carrier Strike Group 8 Rear Adm. Gene Black in a press release published by the US Navy.

“France is our oldest ally. This visit reinforces our common goals for a stable, secure and prosperous Europe, as well as allowing our Sailors and our hosts in Marseille to gain a greater understanding and cultural appreciation for one another.”

During the port visit, Truman sailors will have the opportunity to take part in cultural and sightseeing events, and the ship will also host a reception for approximately 350 guests and crewmembers.

“We’re honored that France is hosting us during this deployment, and we’re grateful to the French people for this amazing opportunity to foster stronger relationships between our nations,” said Truman’s Commanding Officer Capt. Nicholas Dienna.

“I expect that all of our Sailors will really enjoy this port visit, and my hope is that that they will leave Marseille and France with a great impression of USS Harry S. Truman and America’s Navy.”

According to the release, the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group has been operating alongside allies and partners in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility and conducting precision strikes on ISIS targets in support of Operation Inherent Resolve from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, ‘demonstrating the U.S. continued commitment to furthering stability, security and prosperity in the region.’

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • ‘Admittedly some of the populace’

      Really? Because I’ve literally met no one who gushes over the ‘special relationship’ bar politcans. People I’ve met either don’t like the US in which case they’re opinion on the SR is obvious, or they have no illusions over how it really works. Anyone who might have hold any lost it after the Iraq war and the ‘UK poodle’ episode with Blair.

      • Yeah. True re the populous, the interest there is almost (but not completely) zero but I disagree that is is only politicians. It is the mainstream media that tries to whip up a frenzy around the SR just as much as politicians do. How many times have you heard interviewers asking some politician “where does that leave the SR?” sometimes even followed by some tedious studio debate, or newspapers dissecting some “he called someone-or-other before us” incident purely in the context of the SR. It’s so pathetic and needy.

      • Its interesting to note that US media also reciprocate the ‘special relationship’ wording (though perhaps not as intensely.) As a US resident, I can confirm however that the relationship with UK is considered right up there. There’s no relationship considered closer and that includes that with Israel.

        • I forgot to add, there are naturally ebbs and flows to this – often depending on who sitting heads of state are

    • The only interest I have with the special relationship is when it garners benefits, for example Tier 1 partner in F-35 and our special forces fighting almost as part of JSOC (a winner due to the resources the US can bring to bear in support of special forces).

      Other than that, it’s just words politicians bring up whenever an American is in town to bask in their perceived radiance.

      • For me it goes a bit deeper than defence and benefits, it’s a cultural relationship that’s important imo.

        I do genuinely love American culture and they have given amazing things to the world.

        I don’t always agree with their foreign policy and defence posture, but their people and culture, well that’s quite a special relationship to me, and since America was our baby all them centuries ago, just like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, I consider them a kind of family if you will.

        • What is “American culture?”. I certainly don’t like the guns, the racial attitudes in many parts of the country, the “America first” attitude. The general expectation that America MUST lead the world in everything. I also don’t like the whooping and aspects of the youth culture. There are things I like, but a lot I don’t. Culturally I don’t feel the US and UK are as closely aligned as many think.

          • The guns is a weird one for me, I think the gun laws need changed obviously, but I read the other week online, someone asked a question about 50cal handguns what is the point etc, and an American replied in detail about his own personal Desert Eagle that he has, was so proud of it, gave a list of the benefits and how it’s amazing when he is at the range and people hear it go off and come over and ask him about it, he wrote about safety and posted pictures of his Desert Eagle in the case etc, and I thought that was cool as f**k tbh.

            There are racial attitudes in Britain as well, I deplore all forms of racism, but I don’t think racism should define a culture, it’s a part I wish wasn’t there in any culture.

            America first attitude I don’t really know anything about, if you mean Trump etc then yeah I can comment on his foreign policy but I don’t live in the states so I can’t really judge, it’s certainly not something I would put in American culture though.

            The whooping I actually don’t mind, I was at the open a few years back and followed tiger woods and every t off was followed by whooping and shouts of c’mon tiger! I thought it was hilarious, it’s not something we’re used to so it has a novelty factor in small doses haha

            I don’t think they are aligned but intertwined if you know what I mean, two totally separate cultures but large parts are enjoyed and adopted by one another through Music, TV, film and language.

      • France may be their oldest ally but the emphasis there is on oldest. Does not mean they are the closest allies. That honour (I would hope) still rests with us.

    • I think we should also remember that the French only helped the US because they saw it as an opportunity to weaken Britain. They did not do it out of a sense of friendship and loyalty. They also did not declare war on Britain until they were sure America had a chance of winning…

      • “Technically the US did not exist until after the war of independence. So they have declared war on Britain as many times as they have on Israel… ie None…”

        Ahh, you might want to check your history books again. There was that little thing called (at least in the US) the War of 1812. Our National Anthem came out of it.

        And, frankly, claiming that the United States did not exist until after the War of Independence and thus it does not count as a declared war between America and Great Britain, strikes me as being hairsplitting on a truly epic level.

        Americans have had the experience of both fighting against the British and along side them. Myself, I would much rather we continue to do the latter.

      • Very true and it was a big error they never got the influence they were expecting economically they eventually lost all their remaining possessions and power on the continent which was one of their main reasons for interfering, in revenge for the loses there stretching back to the Treaty of Utrecht and intervening conflicts which won America for the British colonists and thus that potential for independence and no need any longer for external protection they exploited. The French, the Spanish and the Dutch had to break British total dominance on a world scale and this was their last chance as it was for us when we had to break that the power of the French a century before leading to Queen Anne’s War in America as part of the War of the Spanish Succession which started the major American conflicts from the 17/18th Centuries. As it turned out the French/Spanish/Dutch only delayed the inevitable trading and wealth combination that the Trety of Utrecht so long before had ensured, while setting in motion the destruction of their own country as was, and in turn created a new eventual far bigger beast that no one anticipated in the form of the US. History is a fascinating commodity isn’t it and moments in time lead to massive consequences.

    • (Chris H) Julian – This always intrigues me. Given the French fought a war with the British over British America in the Franco – Indian War 1756–63 (aka the Seven Year War) and defeated General Washington in the process the fact we defeated the French and saved that colony surely makes us a pretty good ally to the American Colonies?

      Move it on to the ‘Revolutionary War’ the French AND the Spanish were not allies of the USA as it didn’t exist. They assisted some British Citizens rebelling against a British Parliament over British Taxes in a British Territory (British America) and representation in a British Parliament. The irony is that these taxes were to fund the costs of that ‘7 Year War’!

      After the USA was established surely the ‘oldest allies’ were those who assisted the new USA first. Amongst the first was Great Britain with trade.

      The French were nowhere to be seen in the ‘War of 1812’ (The USA’s first war as a country) so at best one might call them ‘fairweather allies’. Of course the USA lost that war and the British retained the freedom of British North America

      So as I say I am intrigued. But not surprised. The Americans have this knack of fabricating slick phrases that never stand scrutiny in historical fact. Personally I, and most folks I know, couldn’t care less about any ‘Special Relationship’ as it hasn’t done us too much good since WWII and even IN that war as we only benefited from what we paid for in form or another. If tehre hadn’t been a percentage for the Yanks in being in Europe after WWII they would have jogged off. Now Trump is POTE we have no relationship other than some forlorn hope we will one day be treated with the respect we deserve. Obama wasn’t much better and don’t even mention Bush ….

      • Indeed they also dont mention that there were as many Americans who were loyalists in that war it was actually as much a civil war as a war for Independence my own families history through Simon Willard was intrinsically involved in it and indeed split by the outcome it was not the clear cut affair that the US would like us and it’s citizens to believe and in the end the result was through foreign interference by those who had lost out in the previous century in the very conflicts that created that newly forming country as was to be. As it turned out the part of North America that stayed ‘loyal’ did rather well for itself without any need to fight the invented oppressor. In the end this was all about minor gentry (Washington and co) and ever more powerful merchants wanting all the pie now that they didn’t want or indeed need to pay for their defence and they wanted the unhindered rights to expand and make more money in the new lands that Britain had won for them when they, including Washington were being whipped by the French and Indian tribes. Do what they did to the Americans now and I think as history has shown the least they would claim would be your ungratefulness. History is full of fascinating irony.

    • Does it go into the Dutch and the Spanish declaring war too, the three of which had rather more to do with the outcome of that conflict than the efforts of the rebel forces themselves despite their version of history. Mind the French bit is the tough one to take, considering the colonists having started a losing war against them in prior years, which was conveniently turned round to their ultimate benefit by the ‘hated’ British Army they then allied with that same French enemy to take all the goodies for themselves. Can’t knock the audacity and self serving scheming mind, even if it did help in the bankrupting of the French, their subsequent naval disasters in the Carribean and their Governments fall down the line leading again in turn of course to US benefit and set them on their expansion big time and their position today.

      Even more ironically that other close ally Spain got Florida back until they too were stabbed in the back very few years later with US settler occupation and a brief conflict to confirm new ownership. The rest is history… Unless you read American history books anyway which reveals a wonderful skill in re writing it. What we must all learn is that Being an ally of the US doesn’t mean they are actually on your side, something we very much need to heed in the modern world and especially under the Trump Meister because their games at others expence have never change even when you apparently ‘share’ victories.

  1. You’re all spot on. The next time you here someone bring it up ask them one question. In the entire history of the US when have they ever fought alongside us by choice ?

        • Wasn’t it the case that it was Germany that declared war on the US after Pearl Harbour–to me a decision at least as stupid as the invasion of the Soviet Union.

          • Looking back it looks idiocy and if Hitler had been sensible in hindsight he would have simply screwed the Japanese by actually not declaring war having agreed to. However from his point of view it provably looked a stroke of genius. Japan occupies the US war effort while Germany were free to stack all US warships and US defended merchant ships which at the time looked like the only hope of keeping Britain from starving and knocking her out of the war on German terms. If not born the influence of Churchill and Rosevelt it would have worked too. There was no appetite in the US to fight Germany fortunately those two knew it was the priority and did what Hitler and his strategists never expected ie make the European war the priority. If they hadn’t the allies (the Westetn ones at least) would have lost the war it’s purely a matter of who would have won it the Germans or the Russians and the exact timing of development of nuclear weapons along with the ability to deliver them across oceans. The latter was the Germans domain already the former, well they were 2 years ahead in 1938 and big questions as to what happened there after but if the war lasted another few years then only Germany or through them Russia would have had both capabilities. Meanwhile the Pacific war would simply have been a side show. So thank god the Americans had the right leader for a change, he deserves more credit in their own history for preventing a very serious mistake.

        • Could have insisted on freedom of the seas and traded equally with the Entente and Central Powers before Germany became desperate. Also could have been more angry at Britain for using a passenger liner as a ammunition ship and less biased against Germany. Could have listened to the representatives and Governors of border states and merely preemptively invaded Mexico. Thereby strangling the threat presented in it’s crib. So WW1 was very much that arrogant globalist President Wilson’s choice.
          Pearl Harbor?
          You are forgetting that the USN was essentially fighting a undeclared Naval War in the Atlantic from the East Coast to Iceland from winter 1940 to December 1941 when we finally got around to declaring war on Germany. In response to their declaration which was in turn a response to our escorting convoys and to Greenland and from June as far as Iceland, while also reporting the position of U-Boat sightings in the clear so they could be overheard by Royal Navy units. Not to mention the US could have Lend-Lease equipment America could have taken the very Pacifistic line and refused loan any money. After all from that degenerate point of view Britain would been just been using implements of death to kill their fellow man. Thankfully for Europe, Americans are more enlightened than that and didn’t take that point of view.
          As for the WWII itself America should never have taken the Europe first stance. As it placed American citizens and American interests second to those of European countries. Countries with long histories of exploitation and ingratitude.

          • (Chris H) Elliott – Your ingrained arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance. I could dismantle so much of that post but I will just take one quote:
            “You are forgetting that the USN was essentially fighting a undeclared Naval War in the Atlantic from the East Coast to Iceland from winter 1940 to December 1941 when we finally got around to declaring war on Germany”

            The USA never declared war on Germany Elliott. theyu declared war on the USA.


          • Do not try to debate US law when you are from the UK. Declarations of war have to be be passed regardless of who has declared one on the US. This is a matter of the powers of the Military, the Presidency and what they can legally do. For instance impose mass conscription, call the National Guards to their duty en masse. In addition to giving Congress the ability to pay for it all without having to go through the normal process. For your information here is the text:
            “Seventy-Seventh Congress of the United States of America;
            At the First Session Begun and held at the City of Washington, on Friday, the third day of January, 1941.

            JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring That a State of War Exists Between The Government of Germany and the Government and the People of the United States and Making Provisions To Prosecute The Same

            Whereas the Government of Germany has formally declared war against the Government and the people of the United States of America: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United States and the Government of Germany which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Government of Germany; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States.”

            Signed: Sam Rayburn (TX) House of Representatives
            Signed:H.A.Wallace President of the Senate and Vice President of the United States
            Approved December 11 1941
            Signed:Franklin D. Roosevelt

          • (Chris H) Elliott – You are priceless Pal … You immediately go into arrogant lecturing mode when shown to be wrong. Its not about what US Law says or doesn’t say you introspective twit. When a foreign country declares war on you thats it. YOU ARE AT WAR!

            Or are you saying that an aggressor is obliged to hold off attacking you while a bunch of talking heads in Congress agree? Good luck with that Elliott.

            All that declaration you quoted states is that given Germany’s declaration of war “which has thus been thrust upon the United States” the US Congress gives the POTE full authority to deploy all assets as necessary. Once again you distort facts to play to your anti – British Confirmation Bias. The joke is you put it in writing for us all to see your stupidity. Well done …

            You just proved again why some Yanks live in an alternative universe …

          • Did I ever say that a foreign power had to wait for the United States to declare war? You STATED the United States the did NOT declare war. I corrected you. I also stated we declared war in “response to their declaration.” The US is fully capable of engaging in combat operations without a declaration of war (Iraq, Boxer Rebellion, Nicaragua). Placing the United States on a War footing and ordering full mobilization requires authorization from Congress through a declaration of war. This separation of powers and consent of the governed is what prevents Tyrants and separates the United States from the long history despotism on the the European Continent.

            No I do not have a anti-British bias. I’m an American I do not think any other country is trustworthy. The fact you think that you are somehow special in that mistrust. Merely shows you have an overinflated ego that is easily bruised therefore are a delicate flower. That thinks calling people stupid changes the previous assessment of distrust.

            Also as I have stated previously elsewhere the United States could have simply said “screw Europe.” Then focued on safeguarding American territory, citizens, and protectorates in the Pacific first. Where American lives were actually in danger unlike in Europe where despite Hitlers declaration the United States was under virtually no immediate danger.

  2. On this side of the Pond the UK is actually still VERY popular with the majority of our citizens. Not so much in a military sense anymore but in a cultural one. The endless commercials alone featuring posh accented English actors (usually with a rendition of Rule Britannia in the background) reinforce this daily. We still play the music of the “British Invasion” on our radios, we eat British food, many women opt for the “London Look” (whatever that is) in fashion and makeup, a UK accent is the fastest way to meet the opposite sex at university, etc etc, and for the 50% of our population that have roots in the UK and Ireland the Isles are still considered the Mother Country.

    Granted, the SR is losing its meaning to the young as WWII fades from living memory and the cultural and demographic changes in our country (often forced by self serving politicians and unaccountable judges) have shifted the cultural focus from a Eurocentric one to a very global splintering of cultural norms which has resulted in a “tossed salad” effect of many competing cultures as opposed to the original “melting pot” concept of one which served us so well. Sadly, this is only getting more pronounced as time goes by…

    However, that said, the UK holds a special place in our country to this day. E.G. even in my small town, one of my best friends is a transplanted Londoner and all he has to do is open his mouth on a subject and opine his take on it and that’s it! From the perspective of the locals, “Hey! He’s got a British accent (they don’t differentiate) so he MUST be right”! 😀


    • A good contribution as ever Helions ?

      I think that’s definitely the case, there seems to be this idea that a SR is defined by defence and what we can get out of it. But like I said above one of the main aspects of the special relationship is culture, and it will forever be intertwined, respected and enjoyed from both sides of the pond.

      I’ve never stepped foot in America (yet) and my favourite food is American (McDonalds) my favourite all time band are Nirvana (American) my favourite ever movie is American (Godfather) and two of my all time fave tv shows are American (Friends/Simpson’s) even my current must see tv show is Navy Seals.

      And I think that says a lot about a special relationship.

      • Thanks Sole,

        I believe the same. I also believe the single greatest factor that holds our relationship together is less the military and cultural aspects. It’s the fact we are English speaking countries (for how long who knows…). Along with Canada, Oz, and the Kiwis we all share a Special Relationship backstopped by this simple fact IMHO…


    • As a recent arrival from the UK, I absolutely agree with everything you say. I would say amongst white Americans it is more obvious, amongst say the Latin population there is very a lot less awareness of the UK. It makes me laugh that many of the “experts” on subjects are Brits and that makes people listen. I wish my British accent made me more successful selling here though – perhaps I don’t play on it enough!!!!

    • Also speaking from this side of the Atlantic, I would say that your assessment of the relationship between the UK and the US is a generational one and certainly does not prevail in the post Cold War generation and at present. It is also wrong on the facts.

      There certainly is no perception of a “special relationship”. Outside of some “oldies” radio stations with a limited audience, British music, (e.g. Beatles) is just not heard or played on current streaming media. Just what “British Food” is eaten in the United States is beyond me; English muffins? There are restaurants catering to almost every country or ethnic group in this country but you won’t find any serving “British food.” I don’t know which women you associate with, but none I do have the foggiest idea just what the “London Look” is.

      If you honestly believe that 50% of the US population has its roots in either the UK or Ireland, then you are living in the United States on the planet Mork because it certainly doesn’t describe the United States of America. And as far as Americans of Irish heritage looking fondly on the UK as its mother country, you can’t be serious.

      At one time Margaret Thatcher was a household name in the US and would be recognized if she walked down almost any street in America. You could put Theresa May’s picture on a milk carton and nobody would recognize just who she is. Those who do know who she is certainly don’t recognize her as a kindred spirit or someone who doesn’t give much more than lip service to her country’s alliance with the United States. British Media such as the BBC, Sky News, etc. are readily available and wide spread in the United States and Americans have noted their shrill anti-Americanism and their contempt for the United States and its elected leaders. Indeed, they don’t even pay the US or its leaders a modicum of respect.

      The clock has run out on whatever “special relationship” there was and it is delusional to think that the UK is a little more than a minor player in the American psyche. It brings very little to the table and treats the US with contempt.

      • I’ve found a number of traditional British meals in the US. I start with the typical Thanksgiving Dinner which is basically a Christmas Dinner. I also find other dishes such as Shepherds Pie etc. Being a diverse nation, there is lots of choice, so not all options are obvious. I agree with the generational thing too and the huge impact of Latin immigration. But I could say the same thing for the UK too. I actually believe most younger Brits (<60) feel closer to Europe than the US and I see that increasing. British things are considered 'cool' though. English football is massive (surprisingly so to me) as are (the best) British car brands, fashion retailers and of course music. I think America will become a stranger place to Brits as time goes on and I do see the relationship cooling. Shared language is less significant since the whole world speaks English and Spanish is very close to becoming equal in terms of number of native speakers. By the way, American and British English have enough differences so that there can be misunderstandings – different words and subtley different meanings

      • You start your post saying his was wrong on facts then say this

        “Outside of some “oldies” radio stations with a limited audience, British music, (e.g. Beatles) is just not heard or played on current streaming media”

        Are you seriously defining British music currently with the Beatles? You don’t here the Beatles on radio stations in the U.K. for gods sake!

        Adele? Ed Sheeran? Harry styles is more popular in America than he is here. Going back to Adele she has topped the US chart loads of times and spent months on top of the album chart, with that fact she would have obviously been playing on US radio constantly.

        British music isn’t big over here because you don’t hear the Beatles ? this site genuinely makes me giggle sometimes.

      • Hi PK,

        I can’t argue with many of your counterpoints but I would point out this is related to the demographic and cultural changes going on in our country I alluded to. Granted I am a Baby Boomer generationally and my attitudes and norms are totally different from – say a Millenial. However I would also suggest that your the view of the world is also formed by where you live and from what background you come from. A young Latino living in El Paso Tx has little in common with a young Caucasian living in Scranton Pa when viewed from that perspective. How people in the U.S. view the UK is formed the same way IMO. If you are of British descent or live in regions with a heavy population of the same you are most likely view the UK more favorably than if you are of Asian descent (I’m both) or Latin ancestry living in areas with heavy populations of those cultures.

        The examples I gave above were purely from a pop culture perspective, they are certainly not the only cultural icons represented in the U.S. Latin, Asian, African – you name it and they are present in the media daily. The amount of each varies on where you live and the demographic makeup of the area.

        I live in an area with a Caucasian majority, a large African American minority, and a tiny Asian population. You can guess what plays out in the media and advertising here. I would disagrees that there is little British influence here. All I reference above is pervasive even here in the rural sticks.

        If you take trip North to Tuscaloosa Al, home of the University of Alabama, you will find everything from packed British and Irish pubs and eating establishments (usually one and the same), British goods on sale at high end shops, British makeup and beauty products in most better stores, British groceries (real ones) on the shelf at even small supermarkets, and the highest end folk often drive a Jag, Land Rover, or Mini (yes I know it’s a BM). Along with many folks from the UK studying and working here (sometimes retired as in the case of Keith). Go to a bigger metro area and it’s even more pronounced depending on the region.

        As for music – of course the old songs play to a segment of the population but so do the new ones and I can can count at least 6 “oldies” stations in the area – SOMEONE has to be listening… I listen daily even here in my little town. Also here, fish and chips are among the most popular takeout (what do you think Capt D’s and Long John Silvers serve?) which, like roast beef, English crumpets (muffins), and the good old fashoined American breakfast (fry up) has been ingrained and assimilated here. You see British themed commercials constantly on the TV. I personally go to a tiny Episcopal (Anglican church) that’s been here for over 175 years. This is a town of 7000 people.

        Is the UK U.S. relationship the same as it was? No, but from my perspective it’s still very much there and very much an ongoing one. We have to remember that although we share common roots and often concerns, we are two very different nations and pursue very different agendas in many areas in our national interests (that’s known as the Realist School of International Relations).

        The media in both our countries IMO represent mostly a warped and elitist minority view that doesn’t play on main street. It often just pushes common folks ( the sensible middle as described by Gen. Colin Powell) closer together and entrenches our views because – in the end run – would you happily sit there and be told that everything your cultural background has ever done or will do has been / is evil, negative, racist, and detrimental to the “common global community” whatever that is? Probably not. It may force silence in the name of PC but it just hardens our general attitude of “P*ss Off You Losers” IMHO!


    • My brother had a wonderful experience with the girls that’s for sure in California even if they did think he was Australian.

    • Hi David,

      Less the pols, I actually DO believe we have one… Not in the traditional sense (Churchill, Roosevelt, Lend Lease) anymore but one in which our rapidly changing world the old saying of “Birds of a feather” is ever increasingly true. Sheer national survival if nothing else IMO. Remember, our countries have spent just as much time in an adversarial relationship as they have in a warm one…


      • Very true this is no time for short sighted spats. A far bigger picture is forming. One that needs clear heads and certainly NOT naive ideas that staying out of the European conflict or even concentrating on the Pacific one, would have led to anything but disaster to us all including the US. If we fail to see the simplicity of the overwhelming reality of that fact (as at least one does endlessly indeed on here) then I truly do fear for all our futures.

  3. Whenever a Yank mouths off about ‘if it wasn’t for us you’d be speaking German’ just remind them that without the French, they’d have lost in 1776.

    ..winds ’em right up.

    • We forget the U.S. Congress almost made German an equal national language back then. Wonder how THAT would have changed history! 😀


      • 20% of the worlds land surface area

        2.4 billion people a 1/3 of the worlds population

        15% of worlds gdp

        53 member states

        The old empire lives on in the commonwealth Elliot don’t you worry about that my little American friend ?

        An empire unrivalled in history ?

        Rule Britannia ??????

        • (Chris H) Solesurvivor – Good to be able to agree with you again. Just shows the limited knowledge of this idiot when he has to peddle ‘Empire’ to score some pointless point. No doubt he will be telling us soon we all pay a fortune for our Royalty as well …

          On which subject you missed a very important point – Our Head of State (the Queen) is also Head of State of 16 other independent nation states. By choice. Not sure how many countries would ever choose as US President as their Head of State. Even Hawaii was stolen from their King although they did make the point of keeping our Union Flag in the corner of their State flag as gratitude for our friendship

          • Likewise Chris

            Good point about the Queen and that actually made me think of another point

            There seems to be a couple of our friends from across the pond who are dubious about our relationship in regards to culture etc.

            But what was it recently that was the second most watched event in the US? Only the Super Bowl has more viewers? More than the Oscars? treble the Game of thrones finale? That’s right the amazing British Royal Wedding, on 15 US channels live, watched by 30 million, enjoyed by 30 million.

            So PKCasimir & Elliott if you guys love our Royal family that much they can be your Royal family as well, we like to share, ask nicely and play nice and you can become the 54th member of our lovely commonwealth, you will back in the circle of trust ?

          • Chris,

            interestingly, IRT Hawaii (I was born there!), then U.S. President McKinley ( a Honolulu high school is still named after him) declared the actions of the coup plotters illegal and ordered the arrest of the principals and return of the keys to the kingdom to Queen Liliuokalani but he was assassinated shortly after and his successor TR thought otherwise. If he had lived things could be very different there.


        • The fact you think the Commonwealth a organization where 2 members repeatedly threaten to Nuke each other is an Empire is ridiculous. How many of the other Commonwealth members regularly engage in coups, civil war, rampant corruption and kleptocracy disguised as democracy?
          That is not Empire. That is a club with the right to use a postage stamp. While depending on the charitable nature of the observer either is a naive dupe or sinister manipulator trying to earn a few Sterling on a trade deal. By handing out a thin veneer of legitimacy to dictators who pay lip service to democracy.

          By the way Chris idiot stopped being a debating tactic in 2nd grade when it should have been disciplined out of you.

          • (Chris H) Elliott – Look please stop with your ignorance. You lecture me soon enough on not discussing US Law etc so butt the hell out of ‘Empire’ and ‘Commonwealth’ as you clearly do not know the difference or that our Empire ended by choice decades ago. And by the way its none of your damn business. Neither I or Solesurvivoir called what exists now as the Commonwealth an ‘Empire’. That is your alliteration and a stupid one. The Commonwealth contributes far more than just trade and if you can’t comprehend that then I can’t explain it to someone with such a closed mind.

            Oh and idiot is as idiot does. And you ‘do’ frequently …

  4. I love this.

    This is an article about a US carrier entering France and the debate is about our special relationship with the US.

    And some people say we’re not bothered ?

    I think a few on here are jealous that’s its not entering Britain and are throwing their toys out of the pram ?

  5. I remember attending an Iraq/Afghanistan war memorial service on USS Intrepid in NY 2 years ago. I was there since my wife’s cousin was in the USMC and was killed in Iraq. By chance, there was a Platoon from one of the Scottish Battalions of the Rifles. They had just rowed up the Hudson Valley and were attending the event. The US military and ex-military folk attending made a b-line to the Brits. They were gushing with their respect and admiration. That really brought it home to me and dare I say it, gave me goose bumps!

  6. Nearly all the Brits I know refer to Americans as “our American cousins” or a variation of that. Whether yank or brit haters either side of “the pond” like it or not we are linked by ancestory and a common history. No amount of nick picking will undo that. Cousins will argue every now and then but they’re still family.
    IMO America should really be in the Commonwealth! Its a shame they have chosen not to join… so far.

  7. I still remember going over to Kanas City last year with the reserves, walked into the hotel lobby/bar in our uniform and about 6 rounds of drink appeared in 10 minutes. People coming up and chatting with us wanting to know about stuff going on in the UK at the time. There is definitely some form of deeply ingrained relationship and long may it continue.


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