The combined company is called L3Harris Technologies and is the sixth largest defence company in the US.

The new company will have approximately $17 billion in revenue and 50,000 employees, according to a statement.

The company announced on Monday that it has organized its businesses into four segments including Integrated Mission Systems, Space and Airborne Systems, Communication Systems, and Aviation Systems.

As a result of the merger, some former L3 and Harris positions will be eliminated, and some will be transferred from L3’s defunct New York headquarters. Most of those positions being added or removed will be in management, L3Harris spokesman Jim Burke said.

Executives said in a statement that the new company has been organized across four business segments:

  • Integrated Mission Systems, which will include intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; advanced electro optical and infrared solutions; and maritime power and navigation operations. The unit will be led by former L3 executive Sean Stackley and is expected to generate $4.9bn in annual revenue.
  • Space and Airborne Systems, led by former Harris electronic systems chief Ed Zoiss, will include space payloads, sensors and full-mission solutions; classified intelligence and cyber defense; avionics; and electronic warfare. The unit will generate approximately $4 billion in revenue and will be housed with alongside IMS operations in Palm Bay.
  • Communication Systems includes tactical communications; broadband communications; night vision; and public safety operations and will be led by former Harris comms chief Dana Mehnert. Headquartered in Rochester, New York, the unit is estimated to generate approximately $3.8 billion in revenue.
  • Aviation Systems includes defense aviation products; security, detection and other commercial aviation products; air traffic management; and commercial and military pilot training and will be helmed by former L3 electronic systems lead Todd Gautier. The Arlington, Texas-based segment will generate approximately $3.8 billion in revenue.
George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


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