Russian forces are “almost certainly” massing in preparation for a counter-offensive from Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defence warned on Saturday.

“Russian forces are almost certainly massing in the south in anticipation of Ukraine’s counter-offensive or in preparation for a possible assault. Long convoys of Russian military trucks, tanks, towed artillery, and other weapons continue to move away from Ukraine’s Donbas region and are headed southwest.

Equipment was also reported to be moving from Russian-occupied Melitopol, Berdiansk, Mariupol and from mainland Russia via the Kerch Bridge into Crimea. Battalion tactical groups (BTG), which comprise between 800 and 1,000 troops, have been deployed to Crimea and would almost certainly be used to support Russian troops in the Kherson region.

On 02 August 2022, a new BTG had been deployed to Crimea and BTGs are also being re-deployed from Eastern Grouping of Forces. These will highly likely be sent into the Kherson region in the coming days. Ukrainian forces are focusing their targeting on bridges, ammunition depots, and rail links with growing frequency in Ukraine’s southern regions. Including the strategically important railroad spur that links Kherson to Russian-occupied Crimea, almost certainly using a combination of block, damage, degrade, deny, destroy, and disrupt effects to try to affect Russia’s ability to logistically resupply.

Russia’s war on Ukraine is about to enter a new phase, with the heaviest fighting shifting to a roughly 350km front line stretching southwest from near Zaporizhzhya to Kherson, paralleling the Dnieper River.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Starting to look positive for Ukraine again, on the face of it it looks like Russia doesnt’ have the forces required to push forward and defend captured territories at the same time, which indicates that they are likely a spent force and will need to push for peace.

      • Steve, wishful thinking as Putin will send in old ladies armed with carving knives on the end of broom handles if necessary. We must not forget history and how Russia took Berlin, no matter the human costs the objective was all that worried Starlin. Putin is old school too, and he does not think in modern social terms, human life is expendable and that’s why his actions appall most people. I fear Russia will find a way to prolong the Ukrainian conflict as it is having a considerable economic impact on the Western World. This must please Putin and further adventures can’t be ruled out no matter how depleted his fighting capabilities may be. The UK’s new Prime Minister must ensure an increase in UK defence is real and at the same time wisely spent as the value of the pound dwindles. Sadly, I fear it will be a tough period ahead with the vexed question of defence, over health, being one possible nightmare for the Chancellor?

        • I think Russia will feel more pain over time from sanctions then the West. Putin may have to send folk with knives. After all Russia did pull out of Afghanistan… the Ukrainian forces will just become more numerous and better trained by tge West. Also USA will just keep sending weapons… A long campaign would eventually grind down Russia. Russia also needs to keep forces in reserve just in case Russia has a real conflict with NATO.

          The only chance Russia had was to devour Ukraine quickly in one go… they will never do that now….

          • They got out of Afghanistan because the truth was out there and being banned from the Olympics really hurt. The leadership was also less determined than Putin, who believes, his Ukrainian campaign is a vital fight against NATO expansion along its borders. Current public opinion in Russia is very difficult to read in the face of huge international sanctions, but so far the Putin dam is intact. Possibly, the only way the Ukrainian conflict could end soon is if the aforementioned dam is put under impossible public pressure?

          • The Soviets were not banned from the Olympics during the Afghan War. The 1980 Olympics in Moscow were boycotted by a number of Western nations. The Soviets didn’t care. They won more medals. The Soviets then boycotted the 1984 Olympics in retaliation. The Soviets left Afghanistan in 1989. Nothing to do with the Olympics. They left because they could not defeat an enemy that wouldn’t fight on their terms i.e. Conventional v Insurgency.

          • They can however train part time reserve personnel to beat Russian special forces. That may be more of a comment on the Russian army than anything else.

          • The west has has been training thousands of Ukranian soldiers since 2014 and we’ve seen the results on the ground these last few months.

          • We don’t need to as all the monkeys are currently trying to invade Ukraine and getting killed and made to look completely stupid to the rest of the world!

          • Thats right, we don’t. Only someone as dumb as a Russian would spend months training a monkey to climb a tree without realising that monkeys climb trees naturally. No wonder your military is crap.

        • Yes and it’s that and not the nukes that are the main threat. The only way to defeat them is to take out primarily the artillery; and they have a hell of a lot of it.

        • there won’t be any increase in defense spending, both potential new PMs have promised tax cuts, in a period of a shrinking economy and out of control inflation, so the only way tax cuts can happen is if public sector expenditure is reduced.

          It’s really hard to tell as this stage what Russia’s plans are, they might be holding back to regroup and then do a massive push again or they may have run out of resources. Certainly its interesting that the mass shelling has pretty much stopped, which again its hard to know if this is due to the ukraine’s success taking out the ammo depoits or just russia is running out of shells.

          • This is true, could also be that. But either way they wouldn’t move stuff allowing territory they had fought to take to be recaptured, if they had the forces required.

          • It will become a circular problem, the more land they take the longer the front line, the longer the front line the more they are over stretched and eventually they will break. At which point it will either become stalemate or both sides will have to accept that peace with a compromise might be the best solution. How long before we reach that point, who knows.

          • They will have longer lines if in the West. Which isn’t good for them, having to move ammo etc. Its good to see them having to react to a Ukrainian initiative.
            I think they are going to find themselves in a meat grinder situation because the geography is against them. I hope they have to surrender their forward troops.

          • An excellent definition of politics:-
            Under a collapsing economy, the new incumbent need not spend more, or even reduce, real expenditure on defence, yet still claim that, under their watch, defence expenditure was ‘2.5 / 3.0’ percent.
            I was in favour (relative term) of Sunak until he backtracked. But now, who g.a.f?

        • It seems the distinction between health and defence spending is blurring. The breakdown of the NHS 111 system has been confirmed as a cyber attack.

          • It’s a perfect storm Paul.P, regarding the current state of the UK Army. Outdated armour in virtually every category with little hope of handing truly modern armour over to our land forces in the near future. We all know the catalog of errors that has to lead to the current status, however, little or no news of heads rolling? The poor state of affairs means well-used kit has to continue for at least five years under current programmes. The chances the MOD receiving funds to go out and purchase emergency stocks of Tanks, APC’s and artillery appear to be slim. That said, Gordon Brown did just that when the vehicles in Afghanistan proved to be useless? I feel we need to do what Poland is doing and show some urgency in procurement. I fear if the British people knew just how decrepit the current fleet finds itself there would be considerable public pressure on the treasury. Sadly, the UK news media sees no newsworthy stories about the Army’s state of play, other than sites like this one and dedicated peripheral military publications.

          • This is an attack on the UK. The equivalent of shelling a hospital. A job for GCHQ I would think. How is cyber defence organised?

          • Organised? It’s been rather convuluted, and several gov departments and agencies have a hand in cyber, though Cyber defence lead is now the National Cyber Security Centre at Nova Offices in Victoria. GCHQ are lead in that.

            In old money they were known as CESG.

          • Look at this chart of where our tax dollars (pounds) go:

            OK, that copy and paste effort didn’t work very well 🙁

            Basically, we contributed £634 per person to defence. Out of a total budget of £11,937 per person.

            Under 5% of government expenditure went on defence. In time of war, that percentage tends to go up a lot…

            Point is that an increase or decrease in defence spending doesn’t have the massive effect you would expect. So REALISTICALLY, rather than emotionally, we can increase expenditure by quite a bit without it having a major effect.

            And after all – at the end of the day the defence of the realm is the major concern of government. Ask Ukraine.

          • Best thing about all of this – possibly😏 – is we’re seeing what the risks are in a realistic scenario. Reckon Russia may have few gambits we’re now aware of and can conquer.
            Whatever, the Ukrainians are worthy of a medal or two, or three, for their defence of democracy. Precious few ‘russian speaking’ Ukrainians are going to be ‘speaking to Russians’ from now on in. Nice move, Razzer.

        • Russia never took Berlin since Napoleon’s time. The Soviet Union took Berlin and it was the Ukrainian front that got there.

          • Ukraine didn’t have armed forces. It was the soviet army they were part of.
            Also the Ukrainians in particular were some of the worst treated group of people by the nazis. Millions of your fellow country people killed for no other reason than being who you are can cause revenge to be a factor. They were treated badly by the Moscow masters also across the years so it’s no surprise the Ukrainians so vehemently oppose anyone else ruling there country.

          • No use harking back, though. It’s how people act in the present that counts. Modern British, Germans, Japanese did not commit actions attributable to their forebears. Same would apply to Russians.
            However, if the majority of the latter accede to Putin, then they’re cementing a world view extending into past eras, from which they’ve failed to educate themselves. A country that always grabs politically immature defeat from the jaws of potential victory.
            China following the same simplistic, tyrannical route.
            Losers all…….ultimately. Pain in the meantime.

        • Ethnic republics with greater levels of poverty have seen disproportionate casualties so far.
          Sooner or later to find manpower , especially more than semir literate troops Putin will have to press the Western cities to provide troops. Hence he hasn’t mobilised as the middle classes with money won’t send their kids off to be a code 200.
          I think the moment “volunteers ” are rounded up in Moscow or St Petersburg he has problems. Those parents won’t be bought off with a shiny Lada when son comes home in charred bits.
          If winter closes it will be a case of who fancies it most. Troops freezing in the front lines, Ukraine may feel more motivated.
          The side with most heat sensing drones and precision artillery will do better.
          The west needs to ramp up sanctions.
          Dual use microchips freely sold for white goods are being found in Russian missiles and hardware. They will be refurbishing old kit from depots , cutting all trade would stop that.

          • Very interesting information David. The situation must be getting critical for the Russian forces and the cannibalization of kit must be rife. The winter will be very hard for all concerned but especially for Putin’s army. As for him, the old ladies with kitchen knives on broom handles are already on standby.

        • To be fair, it was industrial capacity that won the Second World War. The third Reich had no hope, it was doomed the moment it ended up at war with the British empire,russian and the US, It probably would have taken russian on its own, but it tried to first remove and fighting the British empire, which had moved to a standstill fight that would in the long term cripple the third Reich, it’s history was the same as that of Frances first Empire, contained by the British empire until it either financially corroded or invaded Russia…both ended the same.

          Modern Russia is not the Soviet Union It’s industrial capacity is pretty weak and as long as Ukraine is continuously supplies by the West, russia is probably going to be on the losing side in the end.

          Most people forget economics, industry and national will are what win major wars, armed forces win battles and campaigns. But it’s a nations wealth, industrial might and will that win wars…Russia is poorer and has less industrial capacity than the west, so it’s all about will ( Ukraine is fighting, but this is a war between liberal democracy and totalitarian fascist/corporatism.

    • Positive? 😳 Ukraine is losing despite the shite propaganda being fed by the West. It’s time folks wake up and smell the coffee ….

      Even Alexey Arestovych predicted in 2019 in what is looking more and more like a self fulfilling prophecy that an armed conflict with Russia was a “ 99.9% probability” & went on to state “ This conflict won’t stop until, 2035”

      folks should chew on that and consider the implications


        • 😂👏🏻 Tams it’s late put the bottle down son just put it down get to bed 👍🏻


          • 😂 you talk like I’m some kind of Russia supporter in this conflict? I’m not as I’ve stated that many times before all Ive done is express a differing opinion and employed some critical thinking instead of the groupthink mentality you seem to express.

            Anyhoos you just stick to the BBC’s propaganda and crossing your wee fingers meanwhile reality goes on regardless , death destruction misery and a total waste of Ukrainian and Russian lives again unlike the mob in here I don’t get a wee pinger over dead Russians.

            Special,operation ? 😂 its an invasion for sure but propaganda is a 2 way street if you haven’t figured that out then I seriously suggest you stop replying to me at 0300 hrs in the morning 😂👍🏻 There are a multitude of soothing medicaments available for that kind of thing.

            Also maybe if you tried reading (not the Guardian) and digging a little deeper especially from the independent investigative journalists who are actually reporting from the region you might be able to think for yourself instead of doing the lazy shitehoose “ your a troll” routine 😂



      • It is upsetting to see the Russian forces grind forward albeit very slowly recently. Ukraine really needs to get in control and dictate the battles more instead its needing to maintain massive lines and fight where Russia says. Even though it looks like Ukraine has been given lots of stuff it’s not nearly enough. They are fighting Russia. The scrap yard of the Soviet Union. It had massive amounts of war stock, even if most of it is not top range.
        Ukraine needs loads more stuff. A Russian win doesn’t bare thinking about and everything must be done to prevent that.

        • Monkey man I just don’t agree unlike the almost universal opinion in here on this topic I think it’s a disaster ,a tragedy this is happening.

          I say effort should be put into getting round the table to stop this to end this war. Instead everybody just wants to fuel it , keep it going , more death destruction and misery on both sides.

          One things for sure there isn’t really going to be any winners in all this . Ukraine will not defeat Russia , they aren’t gonna liberate the Donbass , crimea or anywhere else that falls no matter how much arms are given to them. I don’t make this prediction with any smug glee or as a Russian supporter (before the wee trolls who can’t debate worth a shit start throwing the usual lame jibes 😂👋🏻) it’s just reality. Too many in here it seems are smoking crystal meth when it comes to this topic😳

          Best thing that could happen is Ukraine elect someone who isn’t a US state dept puppet, who doesn’t tolerate the fascist Asov crowd and is willing to negotiate some kind of peace for the sake of the nation instead of doing the bidding of foreign globalist handlers.

          So that being said the only tickets the folks should be sending my way are for Tannadice stadium Thurs evening in the Europa conference.😉


          • Oh I completely agree on the talks to bring it to an end but you can only do that with people that will be reasonable and stick to what they say and unfortunately Russia has proved repeatedly they cannot be trusted.
            So that leaves the situation as is. Russia invaded a democratic country. Russia has not only secured Crimea and the Donbas. They are trying to go further and attacking outside the areas they say they need to protect.
            I’m all for free and fair referendum/election for Crimea and the regions taken 2014. Find out what the people want.
            I would prefer the west paid every citizen that doesn’t want to be part of Ukraine half a million $ each and pay for new towns in Russia for them to live in if they stop fighting. Also citizens in Crimea and the areas of Donbas within 2014 line that do not want to live in Russian areas the same money to move out. They can pick any nato country to move to if they wish to leave Ukraine completely.
            Russia lost all credibility when it went in full war mode. I think the only way Russia will come to the table is if they are beaten down. I wish it wasn’t like that. I really do.

          • Just to add I often think what if it was somewhere in Scotland. Say Dundee declared independence with Russian backing in 2014. Then in 2022 Russia invaded all of tayside and kept pushing further and made initial attempts on Edinburgh but luckily failed. Would we all just say ok come to the table and we talk? Or would we fight them into the North Sea.
            My view Russians better pack their trunks.

      • Yes. They’re loosing ground. But Russia gas not won it easily. They have not curtailed NATO.theres more countries joined and more troops closer to its boarders. Its had some embarrassing set back like loosing capital ships.

        Most would say militarily the US won in Afghanistan and Iraq.

        So yes if we’re measuring square kms captured its winning. But Russia has lost on many other levels.

        What the west does now is largely irrelevant Russia can take every km but that doesn’t me its won, its an occupier and as we’ve seen that doesn’t end in victory.

  2. I’ve been trying to figure whether or not there really will be a massive offensive in the Kherson area. The principle of capturing the city and forcing the Russians across the Dnipro makes sense on every level (and this is a certified armchair general speaking and I even read a book once.) On the other hand, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that the Ukrainians have been loudly saying so for months giving the Russians ample time to prepare and dig in unless they are so supremely confident in their success that the more Russians the merrier.

    I thought perhaps that it could be some sort of elaborate diversion for action somewhere else but then is there any other place that they can go that offers the same potential and durability? A Dnipro defense line would likely prevent any further Russian advances in that direction and perhaps free up extra Ukrainian forces for duties elsewhere. I doubt the Russians would attempt any large scale airborne actions or river crossings again given the disasters they have suffered trying to do anything clever. Kherson is politically sensitive and it’d be difficult for Putin to excuse its loss as some sort ‘goodwill gesture’. I also read that Kherson has some importance to the water supply going to Russian occupied Crimea. Added to that is the reality that supplies can be, and have been, severely impeded to that portion of the country through the destruction of bridges.

    Who knows? Good luck anyway. Slava Ukraini.

    • Fingers crossed for multiple fronts opening up from Ukraine. I see that as a way to pressure Russian forces the most. 4 large counter attacks would be a struggle for Russia.
      Kherson was taken so fast in the beginning a lot of civilians didn’t get the chance to leave and have a hatred for Russian occupation now. It’s the only large population centre Russia has managed to take and hold.
      We may actually see Russian forces trying to break out from the south area further north.
      Hopefully Ukraine can manage to keep Russia busy in kherson and launch an operation to iszum and another location or 2.
      Main thing is equipment getting to the front. As a Ukrainian soldier said I have 1 tank, Russians have 12 there. We can’t fight them head on here and will have to pull back.
      Ukraine has to get control of the fight and dictate where and when to fight hard. It seems like Russia has been deciding a lot of the time in the past.
      U.K. needs to get more kit for Ukraine and should of been building stuff by now aswell as sourcing it from elsewhere. After a couple of weeks most knew this conflict would be a hard slog. Get stormer30 plant up and running with different payloads/turrets. Brimstone variant, starstreak, 30mm cannon, ambulance etc etc. I say stormer30 as an example as it’s been designed already. Replicate stuff that can be built quickly and get building it.

      • Given our current manufacturing base I doubt that we could make anything military quickly. A total UK based supply chain doesn’t exist anymore and hasn’t for a while. We don’t even make real Landrovers here anymore.

        • The U.K. is actually the 9th largest manufacturer in the world. U.K. supply chain very much does exist, but Mitch of it is in global supply chains – particularly in the aviation industry.

          • My comment was in reply to Monkey spanker’s on building military stuff quickly. I would respectfully suggest that in that context the supply chain has gone.

          • The Russians don’t build stuff quickly either they prefer to pop over into someone else’s country and steal it! Well, try to steal it and get their arse handed to them!

          • John, are you fessing up to be the leading spouter of rubbish around here? Must admit I did not expect you to have the required level of self introspection to admit that. Maybe there is hope for you yet sunshine !!

          • Uk diverse supply chain is what helped it out manufacturer Germany during WW2. If you can do the high end stuff the reestablished the low end stuff is easy.

        • Ah the Russian stooge who thinks the Russians are actually planning on advancing from Kherson rather than desperately defend it…

          The U.K. is still one of the worlds leading manufacturers, it’s just we specialise in high value items these days rather than commodity goods that anybody* can make.

          * anybody except Russia that is, as the entire Russian economy is built purely on exporting raw resources. Well that and organised crime, but you’d expect that from a country with a criminal as its President.

          • Pretty large defence exporter as well including some high value high tech items like the S-400.

          • Yeah prior to sanctions. Pretty difficult to build hi-tech gear when you can’t get hold of silicon wafers.

            Though who will want to buy them given their dismal performance against western weapons? 🤣

          • It’s difficult to believe any country other than Eritrea would be interested in any Russian military equipment after Putins shambolic invasion exposed the shortcomings of both their men and materiel. A country which went begging to Iran for military equipment, is not one to take seriously on the world stage anymore. Russia is not the same since February in the eyes of the world. Ukraine is Putins Suez!

          • That picture is changing as on shoring is more of a thing.

            One of the few things Rishi got right as Chancellor was the Super Deduction which has allowed a lot of investment in plant and machinery. This is going to feed through into productivity increases pretty quickly but it also allow profitable factories to add new production equipment to do a bit of localised vertical integration. I know a few business owners who have done that.

            On shoring was also being driven by excruciating costs of containers from the East which just went up and up and up.

          • Agreed, in the last year my employer has invested millions in brand new test equipment and facilities that are unique in Europe. And we just design stuff 🤷🏻‍♂️

          • Interesting, Sean, and I am supportive. Curious if you’re employer imported the equipment or we designed and made it here? There is still a weakness on that front.

          • The hike in salaries and lack of labour will actually push companies to invest rather than just throwing bodies at production this should drive up productivity.

        • Got enough tractors though, which driven by motivated farmers does seem to be an effective anti Russkie rapist force! Anyway how about some condemnation of Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine? No, thought not as you fully support rape, torture and murder.

          • Most of the Ukrainian steel came from Mariupol so that’s one source now gone. I’m not sure that we could produce a complete tank from scratch rapidly.

          • ‘You’ have about 10,000 tanks in storage. Estimates suggest around 2-3,000 could be made serviceable in a few months and readied to be set alight before the end of the year providing ‘you’ could persuade enough of the foolish to drive them any where near the front line.

          • Well that’s what the paper work says. Chances are most have had no maintenance done in 20+ years. Damp, cold, wet, snow, ice will not be kind to armoured vehicles. Then some have had anything of value stripped off them due to corruption. Copper wires, sights, basically anything worth a few rubles. So now the paper work says a yard has 200 well maintained T72 but in reality they haven’t been and need huge work and cost just to get them back to working order. Then to actually upgrade them and fit them with equipment for the “special operation” will cost more and take even more time if that is even possible for a lot of the hulls.
            This is why we saw some T-62 roll in as some yard had actually done a good job on the maintenance of them. Had there been any higher spec tank in ready to deploy standard that would of been sent instead.
            Corruption has not been kind to Russia during the putin era.

          • Like many things produced in Ukraine and now lost to the new Nazi 4th Reich under Puketin, hence part of the reason for invasion and subsequent cluster fuck! But like many things, the Russkie Nazis could just steal some new tanks, or maybe scrape up the twisted metal of their own, or ask the Ukrainian farmers to give them back!

          • Yes, aware of that. There is more to AUKUS – on a number of strategic levels – than building nuclear subs.

        • ‘We’ are not at war. ‘We’ are watching an aggressor being methodically dismantled bit by bit and helping where we can. The victims of this unprovoked aggression are deeply grateful to us for our principled and stedfast support. Proud of ‘our’ country are ‘we’?

  3. Backing up the update from the MoD over the past week or so the key advisor to the President, Alexey Arestovych had this to say in his near daily updates on events in Kherson. He is bullish both on Ukraine’s ability to stop the Russians and also on the demoralised state of the Russian Army. But he is confirming that there are a lot of Russian BTGs west of the Dneiper and that they are still able to use the road over the dam.

    29th July🇷🇺 VDV is equipped for attack, not defence. Their rear structures are half of normal army, which might have some advantage considering only 2 supply points, that 🇺🇦 will attack. Looks like 🇷🇺 wants to get rid of their paratroopers completely.
    There were 12-15 BTGs already, now added 10 more, possibly can expect more. Yesterday 800 vehicles (5-7 BTGs) crossed Kakhovka dam.
    Bad news: 🇺🇦 offensive delayed a bit. Good new: perspective is better, as there will be nobody left to defend Kherson. 🇷🇺 offensive is th emost stupid thing, they can do (besides all-out mobilisation). It will save 🇺🇦 2 months of battles.
    1st Aug3 🇷🇺 armies (about 30 BTGs) deployed, command posts on both sides. Right bank about 22-25 BTGs. 🇷🇺 plans offensive on Kryvyi Rih and Mykolaiv. Citizens should not worry, 🇷🇺 forces are not battle-ready – inflated personnel, many missing, low morale and bad equipment.
    🇷🇺 objective is to prepare until 6th of August, but offensive could be delayed. Expecting 🇷🇺 to advance in 2 opposing directions, and get stopped. It would be more complicated, if 🇷🇺 would choose not to attack, and only defend.
    🇺🇦 has enough forces to stop 🇷🇺. Enough weapons to stop 🇷🇺 offensive, and create conditions for 🇺🇦 offensive. Yesterday 🇷🇺 train with 40 carts was destroyed. 🇺🇦 has specific intent, the more 🇷🇺 arrives there, the better.

    3rd Aug
    Russians forces are finalizing preparations for an offensive, appears to plan an attack towards on Kryvyi Rih and Mykolaiv, another group tasked with stopping 🇺🇦 advances near Posad-Pokrovske and setting up defences.

    • Putin needs to read the room. Are residents in Mykolaiv waving Russian flags from windows, going on the tv and internet begging for Russian forces to come and expel the evil Ukrainian forces. Conducting sabotage operations against Ukraine forces and infrastructure? No they are not. Why? Because they are happy with the way ukraine is run and the people who are elected and they know if anyone is unhappy they can vote for someone else next election. It’s called freedom of choice and it’s seems it’s something that is terrifying to Russian government.

      • Fact is, even ethnic Russian speakers prefer living in a free and democratic Ukraine than living under a totalitarian Russian regime. Perhaps this is why Ukraine is so dangerous to Putin, because in the Ukraine and the Baltics there are Russian speakers leading free and happy lives. Heaven help Putin if the Russians living in Russia found out that such a thing was possible.

    • Good to see you back comrade, we all thought you got forcefully volunteered for the special operation. We missed you insight and no one else here has access to your propaganda. 😀

    • The more Russian BTGs there the better. Gives the Ukrainians even more orcs to slaughter, and the more dead orcs, the hard it’ll be for Fuhrer Putin to hide the reality from his population.

    • Yaaaaaaawn same shite, different day! You can regurgitate such shit quite well but cannot give a one line answer condemning this illegal invasion of Ukraine! But I suppose you get off on it! Tissues at the ready!

    • JIMK,
      Please allow me to avail you the 7 Ps:
      (Proper Preparation and Planning, Prevents Piss Poor Performance)
      Russia invaded the Ukraine on the 24th Feb 2022 and has captured around 20% of the country (10% on top of the 10% they stole in 2014) One of the aims Well to me the main aim, (but hidden behind misinformation regards Nazis shelling Russian speaking citizens, NATO expansion and parts of historical Russia crying out to be reunited over Peaches & Herb) was capturing the waterway which supplied water to the Crimea, but which was closed off by Kyiv in 2014, after Moscow decided to be an Indian giver and stole the Crimea, claiming that the people there wanted to be Russian.
      Anyway after the Russian troops captured the east bank of the Dnipro River, (and the water channel) they popped across and took Kherson. Made a move towards Mykolaiv which would have given them access to the road to Odessa. Problem was they failed and since then a rag tag army consisting primarily of Infantry has advanced against an army armed with all the latest weapons. So the 7 Ps.
      Well Kherson is on the West bank of the Dnipro river and for 130 Miles (as the crow flies) there are only 4 bridges which cross that huge wide river 3 are to be found around Kherson
      1)     Antonovskiy Road bridge
      2)     Rail Bridge
      3)     A rail track and dual road bridge affixed to the side of Kakhovka dam
      The Ukraine has cut all three of the above lines of communication (Not only have I been keeping tabs on such, but I checked yesterday on various social media accounts to see if that situation is still is)
      The last bridge is to be found in the city of Zaporizhzhia.(in Ukrainian hands) 138 Miles from Kherson meaning that Moscow has problems resupplying tis forces on the other side of the really wide Dnipro. Currently Moscow has knocked out Military ferries alongside the Antonovskiy Bridge and has aired many photos (and films) of them transporting civilians across the river in which to ensure that the Ukraine doesn’t strike their only means of transporting stuff across the river for a while. Troops require resupply and the 35 BTGs you mentioned as gods gift to warfare (oh be still my beating heart) which have traversed the mighty Dnipro will defiantly require resupply. But heres the catch, not only have the Ukraine been knocking out supply areas around Kherson (50+ I have heard this past week) they have reduced the ability of Moscow to resupply (let’s be honest not a strong point for the Russian military these past few months) Now those strikes (looking back at those 50+ supply points destroyed) have been very accurate pictures aired reveal really good grouping for both HIMARs and Artillery and instead of a ruler to check , I could get away with using my size 8 plates of meat.
      My point, whilst Moscow is in a strong position, they have also never been weaker (Think Damocles sword) Russia needs to hold off the Ukraine, all the Ukraine has to do is starve the Russians out. Those 35 BTGs account for just over 5000 vehicles, they require Ammo, fuel, the troops require food and if they don’t get resupplied then they won’t be able to fight. Allow me to point out again 3 bridges link the east and west banks of the Dnipro. Kyiv have cut them and continues to cut them, yes they have knocked out military ferries, but they are limited in what they can do (I know as I have built and operated them. many thanks to Weymouth bridging camp , the Medway river , a inner harbour in a place far far away and a few rivers in Germany my single brain cell can’t remember) both sides of the Dnipro are well in range of Ukrainian artillery and they have been most effective in hitting what they want, when they want. 
      As I said Moscow has the means to pull something out of the bag, but so has the Ukraine and if Moscow fails here, it will be kicked out of the west bank, with huge losses. Something I admit, I really would like to see and let’s be honest here, their 7Ps has been piss poor.

  4. I’ve read a couple of articles (The Guardian and the Express (quite the opposite in opionions)) that Russia is open to assitance from North Korea, and North Korea has offered help.

    I’m a bit sceptical, but if (a big if), North Korean troops/builders appeared in Europe that would be really unprecedented.

    There’s not really a question/statement in my comment, but given recent tensions between China and America, and the potential for China to provide Russia with support, it seems like a lot of different parties could potentially get involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

    • Certainly Pelosi was either being monumentally stupid or pig-headed in choosing to wind up China at this precise moment. Yes she has the right to visit Taiwan, but prudent diplomacy would have said now is not the time given the situation with Russia.

      I’m sure any North Koreans army units appearing in Ukraine would be classified as foreign mercenaries by the Ukraine and treated as such. However who is going to rush to volunteer their troops to fight under Russian command given how utterly incompetent the Russian military leadership has proven to be? They’ll know that the Russians will just use them as cannon fodder, as they’ve done with the separatists, the Chechens, and the prisoner battalions they’ve created from their prison population.

      • Malnourished North Koreans would not be of much use to Russia other than cannon fodder. Not to mention, even Eastern Russia is like Nirvana compared to North Korea. Defection rates would be through the roof.

        As for Pelosi’s visit, it was needed. The PRC were being bullish due to the Ukraine invasion, and democratic allies were still only waking up slowly to the threat of China. This has shaken them awake before it’s too late.

      • Sean wrote:

        Certainly Pelosi was either being monumentally stupid or pig-headed in choosing to wind up China at this precise moment. Yes she has the right to visit Taiwan, 

        This story has more facets than a ashoka cut diamond:
        1)     Pelosi (and her husband) have recently come under the spot light regards insider dealing and any distraction from that would be most welcome (Note he was nicked the other day for DUI)
        2)     China is said to be heading towards bankruptcy and a recession ,any distraction from that would be most welcome 

    • If NK troops appeared then they would be even easier to kill than the current Russian farce of a rapist army! The NK are even worse led and trained than the Orcs and would just be a new wave of cannon fodder to shield the Orcs while they rape women, girls and boys! As for the Chinese I think they will observe from the sidelines and learn from the mistakes the Orcs are making and improve their own TTPs in the future!

    • Jack wrote:

      I’ve read a couple of articles (The Guardian and the Express (quite the opposite in opionions)) that Russia is open to assitance from North Korea, and North Korea has offered help.

      Russia is indeed receiving help, but from Syria, and Libya who between them have sent between 10,000 -20,000 troops between them. However they are currently been used as rear area troops and have been denied access to vehicles or heavy weapons. (information from the Libyan observer April 20th 2022)

      That said Russia has said to have carried out a deal with iran where in return for UAVs, Moscow will provide Tehran with at least 24 Su 35, the S400 and a satellite, this may explain the increase of flights from Iran to Moscow said to contain the first shipments of UAVs and loitering drones 

  5. The US could end this war if their leaders weren’t old and suffering from dementia and scared of Putin. Instead this suffering will continue to go on and on with no end in sight. The days of America standing up to bullies and defending democracies and the innocent is over. So sad.

    • Too true.

      The footage of Biden looking shit scared crying “that would be ww3” at the suggestion of US support sums up how much backbone he has.

    • Interested how you think this could be the case? I’m not able to forsee a realistic scenario where America could end this. Which doesn’t mean there isn’t one, but I am drawing a blank.

    • End it how?? Enlighten us. It’s lucky for Ukraine that Trump was no longer US president when Putin issued his pre invasion demands that NATO withdraws all its forces from Eastern Europe to the old cold War borders of Germany. Trump would have agreed to that and would probably have attempted to withdraw the US from NATO after vetoing Sweden and Finland from joining. He was in thrall to Putin and was his enabler. The notion that Trump would somehow stand up for democracy anywhere doesn’t stand up to the most basic scrutiny.

    • Please explain how the USA could end the conflict with a different leader? Same congress? I await your response with anticipation

        • Well in essence its failed to prevent a major conflict in Europe which is ostensibly its raison d’etra.
          You could of course maintain that as a non NTAO country it had no alliegance to Ukraine and that would be correct- and you could highlight that some (not all) NATO countries have of course assisted Ukraine obviously outside of the NATO sphere- thus allowing some semblance of deniabilty of direct NATO involvement.
          But ultimately there is a major war in eastern europe involving its main (only?) foe that NATO neither want ,nor has the legal obligation , involved in.
          That could be considered by some as tantamount to a failure of its core objectives.

          • On the flip side, you could say it’s raison d’etre is the collective defence of its member states. Still no NATO nation has been invaded.

          • Precisely that Damo.

            NATO was never to “prevent a major conflict in Europe”. It is “to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members” which it has & continues to do.

    • I don’t think anyone in truth would wish “the killing fields” on anyone but the worst of the worst of evil bastards. Generally agree with you though, this outrageous invasion has made a lot of people very angry. The Russian’s need to be completely pushed out and back onto their side of the fence and need to learn their lessons and to get it that the rest of world doesn’t fall for all their crap, lies, behaviour and falsities. They do still have some very nasty weapons at their disposal so not sure how they’d truly handle losing out in the Donbas, Luhansk and Crimea. We all hope for an absolute Ukraine victory in their own backyard! Hope they can push on. Can’t imagine the horror of all this from the safety of my couch down here in 🇦🇺. It’s a real lesson in the need for strong defences and detterence in peacetime to keep [any] barbarians [behind] the gate” and no further!

      • On that last point, looks like you have your own hands full with Xi. I remain fairly sanguine for both your side of the planet and ours, though. Good to see you doing so well at Commonwealth Games (well, again fairly – this is England / UK). The Aussie spirit just what’s needed as counter to the above.

        • Hi Gavin, I’m actually a Pom originally (+English Dad) but now very “Aussified” after 40+ years down here. They’re pretty good at sports here, bloody competitive at times (mostly) haha. England’s going well too and it you add in Scotland and Wales, GB is on top!
          In the news recently the AUS Defence Minister Marley and others will review their defence needs and I’m sure they’ll rachette up to what’s needed. I kind of like their “we need to do it, let’s get on with it”attitude. And it has to all be done quick!

  6. The equipment being moved into position by the Orc forces include chloroform, gloves, rope and thousands of other items of rape kit! Closely followed by thousands of released dross from prisons, put in uniform and given the green light to be murdering rapist cannon fodder with no skills, ability or integrity as soldiers! Come on Ukraine!!!!

  7. The fact that this is happening in the modern age in eastern Europe is simply barbaric. While certain parts of our society naval gaze ever deeper about issues essentially of no importance, another country on the border of the EU is fighting for their survival. Many of us will work with or be friends with people from Eastern Europe. And they will know that the people are generally good eggs and are essentially rather similar to Brits.
    It really does bring all this closer to home and does make a lot of the headline issues currently vomiting from the news seem very decadent and immaterial.

  8. Meanwhile, down at the mouth of the Danube, the effects of releasing large numbers of badly tethered mines are slowly coming home to roost.

    On July 31, the Ukrainian pilot boat “Orlik” was blown up by a Ukrainian mine and sank. On August 2, a Ukrainian floating crane was sent to lift the Orlik. Which met the same fate, blown up by a Ukrainian mine.

    • Meanwhile down at the mouth Johnskie is still a sad, bot troll who supports and gets off by justifying rape and torture by a group of uniformed Russian nonces!

    • Fact: Russia has launched a war of imperialist aggression;
      Fact: Its victim has been forced to use mines to defend itself;
      Fact: People have died;
      Conclusion: The Russian government and all who make excuses for them are murderers.
      Not certain what point you are trying to make?

      • Johnskie tries to be subtle on occasion when posting his pro Russian shite, but according to him the illegal invasion (which he continues to refuse to condemn) is all the Ukrainians fault anyway!

    • JIMK wrote:

      “”On July 31, the Ukrainian pilot boat “Orlik” was blown up by a Ukrainian mine and sank. “

      According to Lloyds of London , the crew of the pilot ship Orlik claim they collided with an explosive device and suffered a hole, no causlities reported and the crew were recovered to another ship I somehow doubt it was a anti-ship mine as if it was there would be nothing left of the Orlik (see picture to see why)

      I quote from the lloyds of London article:

      “”Two ships, a hydrographic vessel and pilot boat, sustained holes in two separate incidents after colliding with an explosive device.

      The events occurred on July 28 and July 31.

      The crew on the pilot ship Orlik claim they did not hit a mine, but another explosive object. There were no injuries reported in either accident.””

    • Oh johnskie every time, every single time, Farouk grabs you by the short and curlys and displays your arse, hanging out, for all to see! You need to get reliable sources before spewing your drool my sad little bot! Farouk, you, very much like Daniele, are so much more constructive than me in your engagement with this filth, I can tell you were a well educated RE!👍

    • When did you become an expert in naval mine laying?? Have a quick check and try to see why Ukraine would need to lay a defensive shield of mines. Do you think it would have anything to do with Russia’s genocidal campaign against Ukraine?

      You really don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • You really are quite contemptible, I’ve been using this website for a couple of years now, I’ve commented once or twice. Do you have nothing good to say about the struggling Ukrainians. If you aren’t a Russian troll in a factory you are a Russian boot licker. Airborne is right, just condemn the Russians for what they have done or aren’t you allowed. You pick on every fault of the Ukraine and none ( and there are many) of the Russians. Most of what you say is utter tripe.

      • Keep those principled remarks coming. The comments of ‘JohninMK’ are clearly a team effort written in language school English by Russians or pro-Russians; this is pretty easy to see if you read enough of them as I am sure you have and do realise.

  9. Yale has studied the Russian economy using data from the real world, not official Kremlin stats which are all lies. It shows that the Russian economy is on its knees dying. The only thing keeping it afloat is energy revenues which are falling every month, and Russias large reserves. Govt handouts are the only thing saving millions of Russians from disaster. But these are running out, and each day the economy moves closer to collapse.
    Things are much, much worse than journalists are saying. They simply believer Russian pr.

    Ukraine just needs to keep in the fight for 6 more months and Russia itself will collapse.
    This winter they will cut off gas to Europe, which will cut their revenues massively. If Europe can cope, Russia will be finished shortly afterwards.
    The west needs to grow a pair and tell Russia that any move to cut off gas to Europe will force us to give Ukraine real weapons to take the fight onto Russian soil. Things like long range Himars Tactical missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles.
    We should not just sit back and take it.
    If they hurt Europe, we should give Ukraine the ability to hit Russian targets inside Russia.

    In fact we should already have given this to Ukraine.

    This article explains it. You can find the actual Yale paper online.

  10. So the lightning strike on Kyiv became an astonishing defeat; re-deployment to the Luhansk and Donbas in preparation to taking the Black Sea ports and then encircling the Ukrainian army has become stymied. Ukraine today is not the Ukraine of six months ago. It has stopped the Russians and is steadily getting the upper hand. The only response – other than suing for a ceasefire and peaceful withdrawal – will be to target the cities and larger towns of Ukraine and reduce them to rubble. This is how Putin rescues a people from the threat of Nazísm. He has to pay a price or else. Megalomaniacs don’t go away. They must be destroyed.

    • This is about a Ukrainian counter-attack. The Ukrainians are increasing their army to 1m. Are you talking about them being short of kit?

  11. I remember the video above. Just wanted to ask those tank experts here, if the picture above of bunching tanks, is normal for a British army attack on an enemy position?

    • Mate I’m no armoured expert but the footage above was a few months ago, when, as normal a badly led/trained Russian convoy was hit by (what they say now) is previously laid off road directional mines! The Russkie Nazis did what they usually do as an SOP, flap like fuck, drive around (or run) in circles and fuck off out of there sharpish the way they come as one big cluster fuck! The tactical skill and experience level of a few 4 year olds playing cowboys and Indians!

      • Lol, yes. I thought the same. No expert either but when I watched the video, it was like spraying cockroaches. I can’t imagine a well trained tank unit all bunched-up in a village just sitting around. Another video just a week or so earlier, the Ukrainian soldier saying “I couldn’t believe how stupid the Russians were”. I mentioned it in another post today but in my opinion, this is a major turning point for Russia – like our Suez. If you think that before Suez, we still thought we were some “superpower”. Putin in the space of six months has done more damage to his country than any Russian leader in its history.

          • I think the Russians are now mobilising for the rapidly approaching Autumn, Ukraine has short hot summers and long winters, they will be in three foot of mud again come October.

            It’s going to be a mad panic to redeploy and sure up the south to try to stop the Ukrainians rolling them back past Crimea and severing the land corridor.

            It appears Ivan knows the gig is up, Summers in its final act and he’s failed to break out, the Ukrainians are re-equipping and will cause a world of hurt to the Russians …


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