Mohammad Sohail Farooq has today been convicted of preparing for an act of terrorism, contrary to Section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006, following a three-week trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

Prior to trial, he had already pleaded guilty to possessing an explosive substance with intent to endanger life, firearms offences, and the possession of terrorist material.

Farooq will be sentenced for all offences on a future date, yet to be fixed.

The 28-year-old Clinical Support Worker from Leeds was found in the grounds of St James’s Hospital in the early hours of Friday, January 20, 2023, in possession of an improvised bomb, knives and an imitation firearm.

Farooq was discovered by Nathan Newby, an inpatient at St James’s. He engaged with Farooq, who was clearly agitated and very open about his plans to detonate a bomb at the hospital. Despite being on the premises for some time he appeared conflicted and had not yet acted on his intentions. Mr Newby had been in the grounds by chance and was able to calm Farooq before calling 999 to seek the help of West Yorkshire Police.

The investigation that followed showed Farooq had radicalised himself online. Detectives from Counter Terrorism Policing North East discovered he was self-motivated and heavily inspired by Daesh propaganda. Farooq had procured weapons and successfully manufactured a viable explosive device in readiness for an attack.

Farooq had identified two potential targets for an attack. RAF Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire and St James’s Hospital in Leeds. He had conducted reconnaissance at the RAF base on three separate occasions, before shifting his focus to St James’s to pursue a long-standing grievance against staff at the hospital.

Head of Investigations for Counter Terrorism Policing North East, Detective Superintendent Paul Greenwood, said:

“This trial clearly evidenced Farooq’s intent to act on his beliefs and carry out an attack. He’d researched and prepared for his actions, building an improvised explosive device and prioritising his targets. He was primarily motivated by a Daesh-inspired ideology, but also by his own, deep-seated grievances. It was these extreme, personal grievances which ultimately led him to St James’s in January last year.

We are sincerely grateful for the actions of Nathan Newby that morning, whose bravery and willingness to calm Farooq prevented him from fully realising his plans. Had he not intervened the outcome could have been devastating. We’d also like to acknowledge the strength and resilience of staff at St James’s Hospital, who acted swiftly to the potential threat to ensure the safety of their patients and staff, while maintaining business as usual throughout the incident. The commitment of these people to protecting others forever changed the course of events that day. I hope they are immensely proud of their actions and are reassured by today’s verdict.”

Chief Executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Professor Phil Wood, welcomed the verdict.

“This was an extremely difficult time for staff and patients, and I am immensely proud of the calm and professional way in which they responded on the day to keep everyone safe. I would like to thank the police for their support during the incident and throughout the investigation to get us to this point and I am extremely grateful to Nathan Newby for his courage and initiative that morning.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831539)
2 months ago

Good luck with trying to attack Menwith Hill.
Firstly, it is RAF in name only. Second, a contingent of MDP are located there.
Having walked the perimeter myself, they do not mess about. Too many “peace protesters” have targeted it over the years, including one hilarious incident when a group, dressed up in missile outfits, ran through the main gate and dispersed around the admin area of the base.
The Ops side is safely much further within. But sure, terrorists like this don’t care about that.

George (@guest_831560)
2 months ago


Jon (@guest_831643)
2 months ago

Very true. St James Hospital on the other hand is a little less secure.

Jonathan (@guest_831810)
2 months ago

Sounds like if you wanted to get through just dress up in a costume…

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831816)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Well yes, lol.
I still recall the footage.
That could apply to many locations if a bus stops off 30 people dressed as rockets and they run in!
That escapade, and that idiot Mark Thomas floating over in a hot air balloon I think improved matters somewhat.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831817)
2 months ago

Also, last one found holding out I recall was found up a water tower.

George (@guest_831561)
2 months ago

We certainly need to REFORM all aspects of national security.

Jack (@guest_831566)
2 months ago
Reply to  George

I’m not sure if you allowed to even imply that on this website.

George (@guest_831624)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jack

It’s ripe for REFORM too.

ChrisLondon (@guest_831608)
2 months ago
Reply to  George

Hello George,

Over the last 9 months you have made 3 open calls for a military coup if Labour win the next election and what I see as one partially coded one. Is that still your position?

I think you should take over the leadership of Reform. You are far more honest than the current clown.

George (@guest_831626)
2 months ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

Cast the fly and the comrades always rise to it.
The embedded Trots Corbynistas will do a better hatchet job on Labour than I could ever wish upon them. Even in my wettest dreams!
You have a good one.

Aaron L
Aaron L (@guest_831680)
2 months ago
Reply to  George

You okay..?

Tom (@guest_831785)
2 months ago
Reply to  George

What, or who are “Trots Corbynistas”?

Jonathan (@guest_831811)
2 months ago
Reply to  George

Stop LABOURING the point. I prefer a more CONSERVATIVE debate…to much REFORM in one go makes me go all nauseated and GREEN around the gills.

Baker (@guest_832005)
2 months ago

I always thought that Farook’s behaviour on this site was a bit iffy.

Zac (@guest_832153)
2 months ago

This is never going to end you know. I have no idea why such a vile ideology is tolerated just because it was grandfathered in as a religion.

Enoch (@guest_832443)
2 months ago

One of our new doctors, surgeons or nuclear physicists no doubt.
I’m feeling so enriched.

Last edited 2 months ago by Enoch