In a new escalation, the Russian Embassy in the UK has publicly accused several British media outlets, including the UK Defence Journal, of promoting “anti-Russian hysteria” due to reporting on the war in Ukraine.

The attack, posted on the Embassy’s official Twitter account, singled out George Allison, editor of the UK Defence Journal, amongst others, as part of a campaign driven by “right-wing conservative forces” in Britain.

The Embassy’s statement read:

“The Embassy has taken note of efforts by certain UK right-wing conservative forces to persist in fuelling anti-Russian hysteria in sponsored media outlets. The reason for this delusional ‘episode’ is a combination of bad news for the Kiev regime.”

This comes at a time of heightened tension between the UK and Russia, with both nations locked in a diplomatic standoff over the war in Ukraine. The Kremlin’s direct accusation against Allison is particularly notable given his work covering Ukraine’s ongoing fight against Russian aggression, especially after his time spent onboard the Ukrainian warship Chernihiv in Glasgow.

Allison, responding to the accusations, said: “It’s somewhat ironic that they’ve painted me as part of some right-wing conservative plot when I’m probably more centre-left,” adding, “But I guess if I’m upsetting the Kremlin, I must be doing something right.”

The Kremlin’s accusations follow his recent work, including his coverage of Ukrainian resilience during the conflict, where he spent time aboard Chernihiv, a former Royal Navy vessel now serving in the Ukrainian Navy. Allison’s report detailed the ship’s crew, many of whom had trained with the Royal Navy, and their preparations for future NATO exercises.

During his time aboard Chernihiv, Allison wrote about the sailors’ mission to reclaim control of the Black Sea and de-mine the region, a strategic focal point in the ongoing conflict. “When the war is over, we’ll make sure the Black Sea is safe again,” one sailor told him, reflecting Ukraine’s broader goals of sovereignty and security.

Allison’s coverage also focused on the Ukrainian refugees in Glasgow, who remain determined to rebuild their lives and return to a free Ukraine. His reporting on both refugees and soldiers has drawn attention to the united resolve of Ukrainians in the face of Russian aggression, which likely contributed to Moscow’s decision to target him in their latest broadside against British media.

Russia’s History of Targeting Journalists

This accusation is part of a broader pattern of Russian hostility towards journalists, particularly those reporting on the war in Ukraine. Russia has been accused of deliberately targeting journalists on the ground, with several incidents of attacks on locations known to be frequented by international media.

An airstrike in August 2023 hit a hotel and restaurant in Pokrovsk, a popular spot for international journalists, raising further accusations that the Kremlin is deliberately targeting the press to control the narrative.

Russia’s long-standing crackdown on independent media within its own borders has seen dissenting voices silenced and numerous journalists face violence or suspicious deaths. International watchdog Reporters Without Borders has filed multiple war crimes complaints against Russia with the International Criminal Court, detailing over 100 incidents involving journalists and media infrastructure.

“For the Russians, the press is the enemy. They do not want their crimes to be recorded and known to the whole world,” said Oksana Romanyuk, executive director of the Kyiv-based Mass Media Institute.

The Kremlin’s attack on Allison and other British journalists is seen as part of its wider disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting media outlets that report critically on its military actions.

Russia’s efforts to suppress free speech have intensified following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with international media becoming a key target in its attempt to shape global opinion.

As tensions between Russia and the UK continue to escalate, the Kremlin’s targeting of journalists reflects its broader strategy of controlling narratives, both within Russia and beyond its borders.

The UK, meanwhile, remains steadfast in its support for Ukraine, with British journalists continuing to report on the realities of the war despite increasing threats and accusations from Moscow.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_855272)
1 day ago


You make me a proud reader!

Achieving the ultimate accolade, and badge of honour, from the nation that brought us Pravda!

Keep up the good work.

Brom (@guest_855282)
1 day ago

Badge of honour to all concerned. The fact is the reporting has been both reasoned and informative with correct context given.

Long may it continue

Jacko (@guest_855283)
1 day ago

Excellent job keep it up👍

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_855287)
1 day ago

Keep the great work up guys 😏 like we all believe what the Russian have to say 🙄

Jim (@guest_855288)
1 day ago

I can confirm UKDJ is definitely anti Russian.

Anyone who tells the truth is anti Russian.

There are not two sides to this war.

Hermes (@guest_855294)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jim

Calm down a bit.
Never trust one side or the other 100%.

Whether it’s UKDJ or any other news source, they’re all biased and have their own ‘propaganda’.

The truth is always somewhere in the middle, closer to one side or the other.

Of course, I don’t put UKDJ on the same level as Russia Today, but rationally, bias is human, there’s nothing wrong with that, we just need to be aware of it.

George Allison
George Allison (@george-allison)
1 day ago
Reply to  Hermes

I agree with this; my perspective and that of our team is limited by our own experiences. I would always recommend people read multiple takes on important events as, while we try, we might not get it all in one go.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_855311)
1 day ago
Reply to  George Allison

A very healthy view.

– Keep an open mind.

– Research widely.

– Be prepared to revise opinion.

Everyone has a degree of bias due to a huge range of factors.

ChariotRider (@guest_855314)
1 day ago
Reply to  George Allison

And that level of honesty is why UK Defence Journal has come to the attention of the Kremlin. It is what gives you and your team’s efforts the gravitas that has, I believe, even been quoted by members of parliament..?

Anyway, well done George and everyone on the team… quite the accolade.

Cheers CR

George Allison
George Allison (@george-allison)
1 day ago
Reply to  ChariotRider

That’s right; we are often referenced in reports and statements from both sides of the house, I always advise that I do not care who is in power as long as they don’t mislead the public on defence. Thank you for the kind words.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_855441)
16 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

Although I lean somewhat to the side of Russia in this conflict, I do have to applaud you for always separating your opinions from what you post as fact. I think the Russian government have seriously misunderstood the UK population by adding your fine publication to this list. Any society or even individual that can’t tolerate its/their beliefs being challenged is on a path to madness and misinformation. There are many of us here who viscerally disagree on multiple points yet we all understand that the discourse is the only route to the truth. Long live freedom of expression and… Read more »

geoff49 (@guest_855451)
15 hours ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

Good Morning Luke. Good post and respect your beliefs, but wonder how you could lean on the side of a regime that murders its opponents, stifles dissent, and starts a war that has caused a huge number of deaths and massive damage to Ukraine and the world at large? You are free to give an opinion here but if I gave my opinion in Russia, I would be jailed or worse!

John Robinson
John Robinson (@guest_855488)
12 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

George, Dont accept any cups of tea from men with eastern European accents

Barry Curtis
Barry Curtis (@guest_855752)
11 minutes ago
Reply to  George Allison

I would also like to give thanks to you and everyone at UKDJ for providing balanced and well researched articles that highlight what is happening in Ukraine. It only proves that when Russia is controlling the media within its borders, its citizens will always be kept in the dark, By shinning the light through western media channels will prove that free speech is a force multiplier. Maybe the voice of freedom needs to shout for the war to end and for peace to return back to Ukraine one day.

John Stevens
John Stevens (@guest_855330)
1 day ago
Reply to  ChariotRider

‘well said’

Hermes (@guest_855455)
14 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

And I can only applaud for this.

Unfortunately, many people and “newspapers” tend to forget this.

It has always been important, but today, with the avalanche of media and the lack of verification of what they say, it has probably become more important than ever.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Hermes
Jim (@guest_855364)
1 day ago
Reply to  Hermes

Perhaps you would like to evaluate the two side of the final solution and try and appreciate things for the Nazi’s point of view?

Life is not always shades of gray and different perspectives, some times it’s right and wrong. In this instance Russia is clearly an aggressor invading a sovereign country for no reason despite what Russia’s gray zone operations and propaganda want you to think.

By propagating this your either acting as a useful idiot or a direct proponent of one of the most evil regimes in the planet.

Hermes (@guest_855454)
14 hours ago
Reply to  Jim

What is wrong with you ?
Being extremist is nothing good.

Louis G
Louis G (@guest_855507)
11 hours ago
Reply to  Jim

You can tell Russian politicians are lying when their mouths are moving

Nick C
Nick C (@guest_855300)
1 day ago

As Oscar Wilde is alleged to have said” the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about”. To have come to the attention of the kleptocracy in the Kremlin should be considered a significant achievement.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_855312)
1 day ago
Reply to  Nick C

Wilde actually wrote that in, The Picture of Dorian Grey.

Nick C
Nick C (@guest_855399)
22 hours ago

I thought there would be someone here better read than me ( English A level failed)!

Tom (@guest_855301)
1 day ago

No doubt along with dozens of other Journal’s, websites, associations, the beano annual, etc and soforth.

Well done, and keep up the excellent ‘impartial’ journalism, at the UKDJ.

Dern (@guest_855303)
1 day ago

Good. Just means you are doing excellent work.

Fender (@guest_855306)
1 day ago

and where’s Harold when you need him?

Athelstanthecurious (@guest_855308)
1 day ago

What’s his name from MK (MosKbva) must still be keeping an eye on us! I read, but don’t post much because I cannot pretend to know what many of the regulars do, and I guess this is a swipe at them too.
What’s remarkable is that the Putinogarchy is so pschycopathic as to feel the need to suppress an online special interest group newspaper.
You’ll really know you’ve arrived when Olga Skagbeeva mentions you in despatched George.

Frank62 (@guest_855309)
1 day ago

Putin hates news sources he can’t shut down or control.

Old Tony
Old Tony (@guest_855318)
1 day ago

I agree with everything that everyone has said. I don’t find myself saying that very often.

Finney (@guest_855327)
1 day ago

Congratulations! Your first gong!

Laurence (@guest_855337)
1 day ago

I have always found articles in UKJ informative, Well researched, and balanced. Keep up the good work of telling the truth and providing accurate and truthful information. You should be immensely proud of what UKJ does. Well done and thanks to all contributors.

Rob N
Rob N (@guest_855342)
1 day ago

George keep up the good work. It is hard to see how Russia thinks it will not get criticised for invading Georgia, then invading Ukraine in 2014 and then trying to capture the whole of Ukraine in 2022. is the West anti-Kremlin, if we are it is because Russia has brought this on itself.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_855356)
1 day ago

Wow, George. UKDJ has arrived!

FieldLander (@guest_855357)
1 day ago

Poke the Bear.

Iain (@guest_855378)
23 hours ago
Reply to  FieldLander

And watch out for men with umbrellas in June

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_855442)
16 hours ago
Reply to  Iain

Hahaha, I was thinking the same. Wasn’t that the Hungarians though?

Iain (@guest_855553)
9 hours ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

It was although it has been reported in other news and information outlets that this was with technical assistance from…well you don’t need me to tell you.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_855562)
9 hours ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

Bulgarian dissident killed by KGB I thought.

dwightstrut (@guest_855361)
1 day ago

Of course we all have our own perspectives formed by our own experiences, but that is very different from a deliberate bias.

The difference between this country and Russia is here we are free to choose our news sources and accept, embrace or reject any bias, whether deliberate or otherwise.

Wyn Beynon
Wyn Beynon (@guest_855365)
1 day ago

Well done George, you must be doing something right!

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_855402)
22 hours ago

I am sure that if Russia were to do something positive in Ukraine such as withdraw all it’s forces and make reparations then UKDJ would report positively on that and indeed it would be welcomed by the entire world.

lordtemplar (@guest_855426)
18 hours ago

a badge of excellence if i ever saw one.

David Owen
David Owen (@guest_855427)
18 hours ago

George,Lisa keep at it ,they don’t like the truth the putin puppets,keep bashing these bxxxxxds, they know we don’t like them and more so not afraid of these tossers,

geoff49 (@guest_855449)
15 hours ago

Good Morning George from an overcast and drizzly Durban(Did I ever mention that Summer is the worst time to visit us weather-wise?)
An unintended accolade of note from the Putin regime-well done to you and your team at UKDJ. There are no absolute right sides nor wrong sides-we in the West are not perfect but we should never doubt that we are the good guys and the likes of Kim Jong Un, Mr. Putin and Chavez are the real villains.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_855462)
14 hours ago

Hillarious. Russia accuses a valid defence interests website whilst literally flooding social media platforms with pro Russian content. Some of their propaganda has a similar slant to what the Nazi party were producing in the 1930s about a wholesome country and a motherland whilst declaring their armed forces invincible and the whole world is frightened of them. The volume of pro Russian content out their is massive, truly overbearing and intended to undermine voices of reason and objective debate. I’m surprised the UK government and those of our allies nations haven’t put measures in place to challenge this PSI ops… Read more »

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_855463)
14 hours ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

In summary. It is Russia that seems to be winning the propaganda battle

HamishUK (@guest_855505)
11 hours ago

Sublime work to everyone at UK Defence Journal for their reporting…Bravo!
The fact is that the long term ramifications for exposing Russia’s BS will mean they won’t recover on the world stage for many years to come.

Mike Emmett
Mike Emmett (@guest_855541)
9 hours ago

Keep up the good work UKDJ it’s obvious the Ruskies are rattled as they cannot stand anyone from stating true facts and are afraid there own people will find out the reason why their sons are dying in Ukraine.

Davy H
Davy H (@guest_855755)
1 minute ago

Shouldn’t have given them your name, Pike.