The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced plans to award a £10.4 million contract to BAE Systems, Global Combat Systems (GCS) International Ltd, for the supply of key components for armoured vehicles and artillery.

The contract will cover a seven-year period, providing vital spare parts to keep the UK’s military vehicles in top shape, according to a recent announcement.

This deal comes under the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011, which were adjusted following Brexit. Because of these changes, the MoD no longer needs to publish the contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

The MoD is moving forward without opening up the contract for competition, as BAE Systems is seen as the only supplier with the technical know-how and specialised experience to meet the requirements.

The notice states, “The contractor deliverables to be provided under the contract can only be supplied by BAE Systems, GCS International Ltd because only BAE Systems, GCS International Ltd has significant niche expertise, knowledge, and acquired specific experience to undertake the manufacture, testing and supply.”

Babcock Land Defence Limited, acting on behalf of the MoD, will negotiate the contract directly with BAE Systems, which is based in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.

The contract focuses on providing spares for artillery and armoured vehicle weapon systems, ensuring the continued maintenance and readiness of essential military assets.

It’s worth noting that this isn’t a call for other suppliers to bid, as the contract is already earmarked for BAE Systems. If there are any questions about the process, Babcock is handling enquiries.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_859202)
1 day ago

Is this a top up of inventory or an extension to an existing contract?

Seems an oddly small contract for a press office to announce?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_859217)
1 day ago

Good observation. It’s little more than £1m per year. I suspect that this will buy very few spares, so is it just an enabling contract to keep a supply line open, with the actual spares costing more?

jason (@guest_859204)
1 day ago

What artillery we hardly have any?

Smickers (@guest_859244)
1 day ago
Reply to  jason

There is still a little bit of ex Vickers armaments business headquartered at BAE Barrow which includes a key part of the highly prized M777 howitzer which the UK have inexplicably not ordered but the US and many allies have in large numbers
There also older heritage artillery whch could be an order for Ukraine for spare parts like new barrels and breech blocks Not sure what the armotred vehicle parts are but could be for some kit supplird to Ukraine or is it to keep some of our clapped out kit to keep them running

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_859436)
1 day ago
Reply to  Smickers

BAE is the OEM and Design Authority for virtually all our AFVs, with few exceptions, so CR2, Titan/Trojan, Warrior, AS90, FV430s etc etc…and Light Gun. A whole load of stuff, basically.

Last edited 1 day ago by Graham Moore
Sam (@guest_859433)
1 day ago
Reply to  jason

Guessing the light guns.

David Lee
David Lee (@guest_859793)
18 seconds ago
Reply to  Sam

Probably we barely have any As90 left