The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded a £900,000 contract to NSAF Limited in Nottingham for the repair, remanufacture, and maintenance of chain gun control units and associated assemblies.

According to a contract award notice, the agreement, spanning seven years, will run from November 28, 2024, to November 27, 2031.

This contract underscores the MOD’s commitment to ensuring the operational readiness and sustainability of critical firearms and ammunition systems. The scope includes repair and maintenance services classified under CPV Code 50620000.

The requirement was previously advertised on the Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP) and Find-a-Tender in May 2024, referencing Contract Number IRM23/7647.

While the contract was awarded through a single-source process for transparency, it is noted that the MOD has engaged Babcock Land Defence Limited as an agent for this procurement.

Interested parties with queries related to the contract are advised to contact Babcock directly.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Fairly sure your picture isn’t of the chain guns referred to, those rounds look like 30mm ish
    Mods Chain guns are usually 7.62

  2. Another great opportunity for middleman Babcock to perhaps get a slice of the contract monies for ‘management’.
    Contract Repair Branch REME used to have the Babcock role.

  3. Bean counters have put a photo up of the ammo,bring back the brown bess ,money saver and 2 to 3 shots per minute 😀 thats value for money 😆 🤣 😂 ,all kidding aside they would get rid of the chain gun if certain bean counter types had their way,EXCUSE fires to many bullets per minute, that’s how the brown bess bit came about, 18/19century weapon ,don’t be surprised about phasing out the chain gun 7.62mm ,pc brigade bxxxxxds would have them use environment friendly reclaimed bricks 😉 😀


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