QinetiQ has successfully demonstrated a prototype high-power laser optical chain, marking a significant step in the development of sovereign Directed Energy Defensive Systems for the Australian Defence Force (ADF), according to a press release from the company.

The test, conducted at QinetiQ Laboratories (QLabs) in Adelaide, was carried out in collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG).

The demonstration represents an Australian-first milestone in advancing high-energy laser (HEL) technology, which could provide a cost-effective alternative to existing counter-drone measures used by defence forces.

“This achievement is an Australian-first. Our aim is to accelerate the development of sovereign High Energy Laser technology so it can be offered to the Australian Defence Force, enhancing their ability to manage current and emerging threats,” said Gary Stewart, Chief Executive of QinetiQ’s Australian Sector.

QinetiQ states that once fully developed, Directed Energy Defensive Systems could provide a more affordable solution for countering threats posed by uncrewed aircraft (UAVs) and drones, compared to current methods.

The company is now focused on delivering the next phase of the project—a full-scale prototype of the technology—which is expected in the first half of 2025.

The project benefits from QinetiQ’s strategic partnership with DSTG, allowing both organisations to leverage their expertise in the directed energy field. Additionally, the company is drawing on knowledge from QinetiQ UK, which is a member of the DragonFire consortium, a directed energy weapons programme being developed for the UK Ministry of Defence.

According to QinetiQ, the combination of high-power laser amplifiers—designed by DSTG and built by QinetiQ—alongside QinetiQ’s beam combination technology, has accelerated the development of domestic capabilities in high-energy laser technology.

Directed energy weapons are listed as one of six Defence Innovation, Science, and Technology (IS&T) strategic priorities. QinetiQ states that its collaboration with DSTG demonstrates how Australia’s defence innovation ecosystem is working to translate emerging technologies into operational capabilities for the ADF.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. It’s quite sad how the UK, Australian, Canada and NZ have shown no support for each other, except for a few comments from David Lammy at the G7. It’s understandable given that the Trudeau administration treated the commonwealth with distane, tried to screw the UK over in trade talks for farmers and was also MIA when China was using economic coercion against Australia.

    If these four countries got their act together with a simple defence and trade treaty they could be a massive force in the world and big enough to deter the new bullies of the USA, China and the EU.

    These four countries represent what Winston Churchill refered to as the third leg of western civilisation.

    With the other two legs pretty much knee capped at the moment we desperately need a third one.

    • UK has a population close to 70 million, Australia around 27 million, Canada 40 million & NZ just over 5 million. Combined that’s just shy of 145 million people. Similar type of government, same monarch, all speak English, most qualifications are interchangeable etc. Definitely when they stand together they are a force to be reckoned with.

        • CANZUK concept has been around for a while but it’s been ridiculed by the Canadian liberals and scoffed at by Labour in NZ and Australia while it’s never been mentioned by UK labour or the Tory party.

          It’s worth noting that Australia, NZ and Canada all screwed us in trade negotiations as well.

          The UK may be more isolated these days but we have nuclear weapons, a permanent seat in the security council and NATO membership. Australia and Canada have turned themselves into US colonies to save a few quid except NZ that’s rapidly learning Mandarin.

          All these countries decimated their own domestic manufacturing base to focus on selling properties to Asian buyers and digging holes in the ground.

          Now every strong man wants to “minerals” and these two hold most of them.

          As nervy as I feel in the UK about Trump changing sides I would be bricking it if I was in any of these countries.

          Now Canadian press is asking where are the commonwealth countries after years of acting like the commonwealth was a joke while Australia media keeps slagging off British submarines as inferior to their American masters.

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      • The four combined are a global super power, easily top three in the world but they won’t pull together because of their own political baggage and a desperate desire to placate the USA in all matters.

    • It does seem to be almost political suicide in those counties to suggest joining up with the UK to do something. I don’t quite get why, I think it’s due to some sort of empire guilt.

    • Come on UK and the Commonwealth. Join the dots. Get your act together. We’ve done it before. We are after all cousins.

      Sadly Starmer and the Labour left do not get the Commonwealth, and was it Tony Blair that said we no longer must rely on history?

      Here’s a controversial thought. If Rwanda can join the Commonwealth, then why not invite Ukraine to join the Commonwealth? A Commonwealth Defence Force would be a serious deterrent – let alone with Ukraine.

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