An A400M ‘Atlas’ transport aircraft has been conducting routine training in and around Glasgow International Airport.
The aircraft also visited the Isle of Man after leaving RAF Brize Norton.
An A400M Atlas from @RAFBrizeNorton conducting some routine training at Glasgow Airport and the Isle of Man.
— George Allison (@geoallison) January 13, 2022
The aircraft appears to undertaking ‘touch and go’ training. A ‘touch and go’ landing involves landing on a runway and taking off again without coming to a full stop, with the pilot then usually circling the airport in a ‘circuit’ pattern to repeat the manoeuvre.
Doing so allows for many landings to be practised in a short time period.
What does A400M ‘Atlas’ do?
According to the Royal Air Force website, Atlas has the ability to carry a 37-tonne payload over 2,000nm to established and remote civilian and military airfields, and short unprepared or semi-prepared strips. Capable of operating at altitudes up to 40,000ft, Atlas also offers impressive low-level capability.
“It will accommodate as many as 116 fully-equipped troops; vehicles; helicopters, including a Chinook; mixed loads, including nine aircraft pallets and 54 passengers, or combinations of vehicles, pallets and personnel, up to a payload of 37 tonnes.”
The fly in the ointment and what is defence news is that Andrew Windsor has been stripped of his Royal titles – can we have an article?
There’s gonna be no shortage of coverage on news sites. You’ll be spoiled for choice for anything you want to know about him. Same with Boris Johnson’s escapades.
Why is that defence news?
The news was that he never knew his place in the world. Rude, boorish, & arrogant when I met him many years ago.
Also not very bright.
Avoided going to anything he might have been at after that encounter.
Total waste of space IMHO. And I won’t generally say anything negative about a veteran who has been to war.
No sweat. 👍
No sweat indeed …. 😰😰😰🤣🤣😂
😐😐….. 😄
Very good…homage 👏
Hear Hear
And yet he’s The Queen’s favourite.Go figure!
I feel very sorry for HM, after her magnificent service, having this going on without Philip and just before the Jubilee.
Very, very sad.
Agree 100%. And Boris must go-like him or not!
Well I suppose it has something to do with the military titles that he has relinquished.
We are also in an age of unconventional warefare with poisonings, microwaves etc. We will need to find a way to combat malicious prosecutions of royals, policitians, military, civil servants etc. as they are probably going to be just another weapon in the arsenals of unscrupulous states (not that I am suggesting for one minute that is the case here).
It might also be a good move to provide a way for bored royals to be useful and occupied to stop them getting into trouble.
Yes I agree. I met him on a number of occasions and I found him to be an unpleasant person who thought nothing of belittling his gofers in front of people.
He’s off on holiday wi Boris n carrie.
What is that got to do with Aircraft
Also not worth the print ink….
You mean Prince Emeritus Andrew?
I read somewhere that senior army officers had written an open letter to HM asking for his military patronages to be removed. Glad to see after a series of embarrassing incidents within the army itself that they have rediscovered their self respect and the courage to speak out. MI5 has called out the Chinese spy. Boris is being brought down to earth. Gove is funding the cladding disgrace. Time are changing. The people are finding their voice. Brexit and covid are working. We are recovering our self respect.
Yes but was published and gathered by an anti monarchy group ( Always an agenda with these things. Who knows if he is a kiddy fiddler; now it is “he says she says”, plenty of memes on it, but right call not to be aligned with anything military or with “the frim” now until it is cleared up one way or the other.
Not seen the names: supposedly 150 longer one supposes bound by their oath to serve the Queen’s heirs. Part of a general trend…re-fighting the English Civil War. Parliament chose the Orange and hence the Hanoverian line because it couldn’t decide between the rightful Stuart heir and Puritanism; making indecision a signature characteristic of British institutional culture. The rest as they say is history….😂
Been another doing low level around South West today too
Good looking aircraft for such a big transport. Still think using them for all of the SF work Hercules currently undertakes is as discreet as using a sledgehammer to crack a nut!
That’s probably why the project of a “A200M” is on the way.
(And aircraft between the size of the C295 and the C130)
Thats a fantastic picture of a really good looking aircraft (Yes I’m a spotter) on that note, I read something the otherday about a mini me version of the A400.
Yeah, the famous “A200M”, between the size of a C295 and C130.
Some are talking about a smaller A400M with 2 props.
I haven’t heard of the proposed A200 Hermes, seems an odd project to embark upon considering the overcrowded market in twin engine transport types….
“A200M” is a non official name.
For the target (market) of such plane, yeah, its a bit complex, for what I know, its just a talk between Spain and France (Maybe IT too?, highly supported by some french politicians because our C235 are dying).
But I like the idea of baby A400M, just for take a look at the design… I’m a simple man.
We have c-17 & A400M for big long range loads i think C-295 would be good to replace C-130 & -146. also has MPA, Gunship, AAR options so if those could be modular could provide additional surge to numerous types. Only plus for C27J is it has same internal dims as C-130 so pallets can straight transferred but as we ditching C-130’s not an issue.
Interesting proposal. See image below:
Oh yes, it was this with only 2 props and a smaller A400M frame:
C27J uses the same engines as C130J I believe and uses the same glass cockpit. I think the OSD for C130J was brought forward from 2030 to 2023 in the Integrated Defence Review. The AS400 planned numbers do look a bit low compared to France and Germany. It would make sense perhaps if AS200 replaced C130s for SF?
Used by the US Coastguard for maritime patrol and by US Special Operations Command and by Australia….
We should buy a couple of dozen to replace the C130Js and to augment the P8s for coastal work. The US army bought 78 …I’ll bet there are lots in storage going cheap.
Since its a call from french politicians and military, its probably not really considered because not from Airbus.
Wait and see, I love the C27J..
Are we actually getting Pavehawk!!!!!!!!???????
😂that’ll be the day.
I was with you until you mentioned the word “modified” ….Oh dear
Only if
And the wings are carbon fibre, just like the props on the C-130 J…
Unrepairable when damaged…..
Must be a slow news day.
We get them in and out of CWL (Cardiff-Wales) on a fairly regular basis, just doing circuits, easy to identify even when you can’t see them, the A400M has an unmistakeable sound.