U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) has confirmed that American forces carried out multiple airstrikes against ISIS-affiliated militants in Somalia on 25 March 2025, in coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia.
The precision strikes targeted operatives in the Golis Mountains region, an area known for insurgent activity. According to an initial assessment released by AFRICOM, the operation resulted in the deaths of multiple ISIS-Somalia fighters, with no civilian casualties reported.
A statement from U.S. Africa Command described the threat posed by the group as ongoing and significant: “ISIS-Somalia has proved both its will and capability to attack U.S. and partner forces. This group’s malicious efforts threaten U.S. security interests.”
AFRICOM underscored that the mission was part of continued efforts to degrade the terror group’s ability to plan and execute attacks against the United States, its allies, and civilians abroad.
“U.S. Africa Command, alongside the Federal Government of Somalia and Somali Armed Forces, continues to take action to degrade ISIS-Somalia’s ability to plan and conduct attacks,” the command stated.
Operational specifics were withheld to maintain security and allow for the continuation of future missions in the region.
I really struggle to understand what the hell if any cohesive thinking is behind US foreign policy… it’s actively in Somalia really bring that home to roost.. what if anything is their actual end game in Somalia or are they just going to keep throwing bombs at a few people sat in mountain camps.. they shattered al-Shabaab and their isis enemies as the governing powers years ago..b they are now essentially a criminal organisation and you cannot air strike a criminal organisation out of existence.
In reality this do nothing but bomb is feeding and supporting Somalia as a failed state.. maybe getting behind an actual government in a meaningful way and working with Kenya and Ethiopia..instead of this profoundly clumsy way of somehow undertaking great power competition in Africa with air strikes.
‘Working with Kenya..’. Aren’t we doing that; Ranger regiments or something?
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This is more about the US working with Kenya and Ethiopia to have a cogent approach to supporting and developing a government in Somalia that works for the people of Somalia and gives regional stability.
This is exactly why Europe has become irrelevant! Your mentality all is stuck to 20 years ago! Somalia no longer is a failed state! It’s a Federal country and the militant terror group lost all towns and cities and few remaining in the hideouts that need to be cleared . The US is there due to it’s strategic location and natural resources. Somalia has plenty oil 🛢️ and gas uranium gold rare earth minerals. Trump pulled not US forces out even because soon he will make big deal with Somalia ! At the moment he prefers Somalia over the UK because they are offering him hundreds of billions
I don’t think there is a policy behind this. Failed states recover through support, not bombing the crap out of them.
My assumption this is purely media story driven. Look at how different trump is, a man of action. In practice it won’t achieve anything other than maybe short term success as they regroup and rearm.
Sanctions and air strikes have never proven to work, I can’t think of a signal scenario that they have. Unless you count nuking Japan, but equally they were close to giving up anyway.
Let’s just hope we don’t see terror attacks in the UK led by this as mainland UK is far easier to get to to than the US thanks to the Atlantic ocean.
Sorry you just don’t understand the 4 dimensional chess that Donald Trump and other TV celebrities play in government.
Clearly this bombing will help secure minerals, break chinas hold on Russia, force China to sell TIK Tok and they will get the European’s to pay for it.
It’s only through super high level thinking like this as well as building a better American youth by removing vaccines and strengthening their immune system through exposure to Mesals and other forgotten diseases that they can truly Make America Great Again.
This is trump we are talking about, he wouldn’t settle for just 4d chess, that would be an insult to his ego, 5d min
Mesals? Is that genetically engineered measles?
Yes, it’s the Texas variant, too much for any foreigner to withstand 😂
There is no policy.
They drop a few bombs, claim they’ve killed some Jihadi leader that no one’s ever heard of, to get their MAGA base hyped up and screaming “USA! USA! USA!”
Trump can then claim he’s fighting global terrorism.
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In fairness the US and UK (and Italy and Turkey tbh) have both been pretty active in supporting AMISOM and the SNA, it’s just very rarely in the news, largely because a lot of the mass is provided by AMISOM.
Turkey due the most ! Despite Somali arms embargo they trained thousands of pilots and drones operators. Tens of thousands of officers and troops . Equipment them with modern Turkish weapons. Italy is the only European country that gave meaningful weapons like helicopters logisticcal military vehicles directly to Somalia . The UK just all talk and the US trained the most elite Danab force which the most senior US officers praise for being the best they have worked with and their bravery and cohesion. Around 5k is Danab equipped and trained by the US . This is why the US and Turkey will get a lions share of the oil contracts . Turkey is completing a 3D seismic this April and start drilling within this year , Turks never wait . The US likely will use this to leverage Gulf states to bring oil prices or unleash Somali oil which offshore alone has more oil than the UAE or Kuwait. Many people never understand why so many countries are present in Somalia …it’s due to it’s huge natural resources from oil to gas to gold to uranium to rare earth minerals huge livestock and fish stock and a strategic choke point location linking Africa Asia and Europe .
It’s the Chump and Pants regime.
There isn’t any coherent thought.
AMISON LEFT Somalia 5 years ago! ATMIS followed They did nothing there just stuck in their bases fighting nobody . Somalia now has received TB2 drones and Akinci Turkey biggest drones available to it’s allies with 5000km range upgrading Somalia air force and now it’s recieving T129 attack helicopters similar to an Apache significantly boosting their capabilities. Somalia was stuck for decades due to arms embargo that has been lifted . Within this year it will have an air force more modern and capable than Kenya or Ethiopia that have soviet era tech . Somalia offered Trump 2 air bases and 2 ports in the most strategic locations of Africa 🌍 making the US control of the red sea and Indian Ocean Plus oil 🛢️ gas contract preference and spaceport to Elon Musk due to it’s close proximity to the equator making space travel . cheaper . Forcing Europe out of Somalia and countering China in Africa .
Here before the scammers arrive
It’s not a scam. See, what you do is- you give them all your credit card numbers, and if one of them is lucky…
Can’t wait to read about it in the whatsapp group i’m in with half the DOD and the Pentagon
I can’t help thinking that was a deliberate leak. I suspect we will see more of them. Not all Americans are happy with trump trashing their reputation with their allies.
Yes, this is more of the 4D chess they play. They deliberately added in a journalist then proceeded to commit a bunch of felonies so they could later commit perjury about the content of the classified information they leaked then they could deny it all as fake news.
They are trying to convince everyone that they are inexperienced, incompetent weirdos while secretly in the background they are undermining china and fighting the alien lizard people that have controlled the Republican establishment and the East Coast liberal elites for decades now.
I’m sure Daniel Morgan will be along soon to explain it to all us dumb freeloading European’s
Make America Great Again 🇺🇸💪💥
Thought Trump was a hippie now, make love not war.
Think you’re confusing “love” with “rape” there…
To be fair to trump and co, something needed to be done. The area is a major shipping route and attacks on merchant shipping is costing the world’s economy. I just am not convinced this is the right solution to the problem.
That is a completely different question and is around piracy’s around the Horn of Africa.. the pirates are actually driven by and from issues in the Somalia fishing communities..essentially over fishing from international trawlers keep on collapsing the fish stocks in Somalia waters and every ti,e this happens you see a piracy spike..it’s got zero to do with isis and extremism terrorists.
Dropping bombs on terrorists make better news stories than dropping them on people in poverty forced to fight for food.
While there is a major IDP problem in Somalia, the issues with AS and ISIS in broader Somalia, and Piracy in Somaliland/Punt (which are essentially independent) are pretty unrelated. It’s not a “what makes a better news story.” Question.
Also as I said above, several NATO members, including the US have had forces deployed to Somalia for a while, so it’s not like nobody has been doing anything.