Two US Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bombers assigned to the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at RAF Fairford, England, have completed Bomber Task Force (BTF) mission Spartan Sword, demonstrating NATO’s “combined strength and interoperability”.

The strategic bombers were escorted by Turkish Air Force F-16s before conducting inert weapons drops in coordination with US and Turkish Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs), approximately 150 miles northwest of Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.

“Employing weapons alongside our partners and Allies demonstrates the collective strength through unity of NATO,” said Lt. Col. Joseph Cangealose, commander of the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron.

The mission was part of the US Air Force’s Bomber Task Force initiative, which ensures allied forces maintain readiness and enhance deterrence across Europe. These BTF deployments showcase NATO’s ability to integrate high-end combat capabilities across multiple nations and provide a visible demonstration of the Alliance’s resolve.

“Every Ally and partner had a crucial part in the success of this mission and serves as a model for future operations,” Cangealose added. “The allied Joint Terminal Attack Controllers seamlessly integrated with the bombers to hone our collective lethality and ensure stability.”

Spartan Sword is one of several planned joint missions scheduled during the current BTF deployment in Europe.

“BTF will continue to push for enhanced integration with our NATO partners,” said Capt. Aaron Gurley, a US Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa BTF planner. “We will continue to play our role to establish and maintain security among NATO, and deter Russian aggression.”

The mission, say the U.S. Air Force, underscores the strategic role of B-52 bombers in supporting NATO’s defence posture, particularly in an era of heightened tensions with Russia.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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3 hours ago

Any chance the UK actually closes down those US bases, since it’s obvious the US is now a Russian outpost

jonathan w
jonathan w
3 hours ago
Reply to  Tullzter

I really hope not as without US Europe is finished militarily…….

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 hours ago
Reply to  Tullzter

None, unless the US pull out themselves.
Which I doubt.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Tullzter

I hope they do, maybe then we will take our defence seriously.

2 hours ago

The Putin boost Trump awarded yesterday must be addressed by the Europeans without any dithering around the edges. The damage done in the Oval Office will hurt Trump’s administration more than Ukraine’s in the long term. The US DOD seniority will be incandescent with rage at the insidious turn around in foreign defence policy. There will be growing anti-government movements led by a significant body of US intellectual classes and past Presidents, and God help the White House if talks with Putin hand Russia a golden egg. There is growing evidence that most Americans must demonstrate to the World that… Read more »

2 hours ago
Reply to  maurice10

Nice fantasy. Polling indicates the American public does not consider Ukraine “their war”. Democrat or republican.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Chris

The way Trump is acting it seems like it IS his war, but on Putins side. Trump may be delusional about being a great man & statesman, but while he’s taking the USA off the world stage as a force for good, Putin will take UKR, parts of Europe, Xi will takeTaiwan just for starters & by the time America wises up she’ll have either the Russian/Chinese+ bloc invigorated & far stronger(he is also cutting US defence) & alienated many key allies.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Frank62

And…? The USA isn’t coming to the defense of Taiwan. Even Taiwan knows this.

“Key allies” in what sense? Most of America’s allies are defense freeloaders. Spending the bare minimum on their own defense, offering little to nothing to the collective defense of the alliance (read: Offensive capabilities). While designing their own defense strategy around “holding out until America plays hero.” – mark ruttes assessment, not mine. Americans rightly identify them as a liability, not an asset.

4 seconds ago
Reply to  Frank62

3rd time lucky this has many meanings one will work +🚫

1 hour ago
Reply to  Chris

True, but remember the USA is an international player and their trade, economy and security pledges are what keeps the current status quo going, and that is not going to change overnight, there are too many vested interests.

2 hours ago

News reports coming out now that Trump was throwing a hissy fit that Zelenskyy wasn’t wearing a suit, it’s becoming more clear by the minute this was a stitch up and he was never going to be diplomatic.

2 hours ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

yet he doesn’t seem to mind when Elon is wearing jeans, Tshirt and cap with his kid around his neck in the Oval office

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus
22 minutes ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

The draft dodging president Bone Spurs gets intimidated by military style attire as it reminds him of his previous cowardice and how real leaders and real men will always be his superiors.

2 hours ago

Trump asks nothing of Russia & everything of UKR. He virtually carves up UKR between Putin, himself & big U.S. mineral companies. He believes Kremlin properganda without question & insists “Peace” consists of surrendering, being disarmed & compliant until Russia is ready to finish it off. Trump is an enemy of western democratic, civilised values. He’s totally silent on Russian aggression, atrocities, lies(he goes along with all of them), the outstanding warrent for Putin as a war criminal, ready to exact petty vengance on Zelenski for not supporting his election bid, attacking UKR draft while silent on Russian & Putin… Read more »

Last edited 2 hours ago by Frank62
2 hours ago
Reply to  Frank62

“I hope democracy USA survives the Orange Fuhrer”
in 2028 we may get Vance or Don Jr both Bearded Fuhrers, they are even more hardline than senior .
scary thought

2 hours ago
Reply to  lordtemplar

I still think that half way during his term more and more MAGA senators will start floating the idea of changing the constitution so he can run again.

1 hour ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

thankfully MAGA don’t have the 2/3 majority in Congress to do so

2 hours ago
Reply to  Frank62

That is it in a nutshell👍
perhaps it might come to the oath American officers swear ‘To defend the constitution from enemies both foreign AND domestic’

2 hours ago
Reply to  Frank62

The Trump/Vance berrating of Zelenski was like watching Lord Haw Haw/Quisling berrate Churchill.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Frank62

The US can “ask” Russia all it wants, they have the upper hand and don’t (won’t) do anything.

If Europe didn’t smugly gorge itself on the peace dividend for 3 decades straight, this wouldn’t have happened. Europe failing to plan doesn’t constitute an emergency on America’s part.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Chris

I certainly agree European lemming like disarmament has played its part enabling the likes of Putin. Many, if not most, on this site have been raging against dangerous excessive cuts for many years.

1 hour ago
Reply to  Frank62

Hopefully the one silver lining of that farcical meeting is that polling will indicate the British public will be more than happy to increase defence spending if it means relying less on the US.