U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) announced that its forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi vessels in the Red Sea within the past 24 hours.

According to the official statement, the vessels posed a “clear and imminent threat” to U.S. and coalition forces, as well as merchant vessels operating in the region.

The incident highlights ongoing tensions in the Red Sea, a critical waterway for global commerce, where the presence of Houthi forces, backed by Iran, has been a source of instability.

USCENTCOM described the actions of the Houthi vessels as “reckless and dangerous,” further noting that such behaviour continues to threaten both regional stability and security.

“In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi vessels in the Red Sea. These vessels presented a clear and imminent threat to U.S. and coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region. This reckless and dangerous behaviour by Iranian-backed Houthis continues to threaten regional stability and security.”

No additional details were provided regarding the specific nature of the threat or the circumstances leading to the destruction of the vessels.

This latest development comes amid ongoing efforts by the U.S. and its allies to address threats posed by Iranian-backed groups in the Middle East, particularly in key strategic areas like the Red Sea.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Jim (@guest_845416)
1 day ago

The Russians threaten nuclear war against the west on a daily basis for supplying a democratically elected government with a handful of weapons to defend its own UN recognised territory from an aggressor which also recognises that territory as being Ukrainian, meanwhile a terrorist group lobbs an never ending supply of Iranian supplied missiles and weapons at international shipping and British and American warships and Iran is no even threatened with sanctions.

Double standards

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_845445)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jim

Not so sure that’s a double standard. Iran is already subject to considerable sanctions.

ABCRodney (@guest_845447)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jim

Jim how do you threaten a country with sanctions when you already have them in place ? There have been sanctions on Iran since 1979, and every year they up them. Which is why Iran, N Korea and Russia are all Chummy and sat on the sanctions naughty step. As for Russia’s continuous threats of Nuclear annihilation, it’s one Red line issued after another and each one has been ignored by the West. Russia has supposedly had a trip wire for decades, any invasion will be met with “Massive Russian Nuclear Force” ! Well here we are; it’s 84 years… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_845449)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jim

Iran has a massive array of sanctions against it.

Baker (@guest_845457)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jim

To be fair though, in the last two years, Iran has only supplied a few missiles that have been used against “International Shipping” whereas Russia has lobbed millions of missiles, bombs, projectiles, not to mention millions of Men and equipment.
The moment that Iran does anything like that, NATO will unleash utter Hell. They know it, we know it.

AlexS (@guest_845481)
1 day ago
Reply to  Baker

Iran has only supplied a few missiles that have been used against “International Shipping” 

Why international shipping is in quotes?
Iran has not have been supporting the attacks against civilians ships with missiles and hundreds of drones by Houthis that come from Iran?

Baker (@guest_845653)
14 hours ago
Reply to  AlexS

You miss the point completely, not sure if even explaining it will make you understand the difference between the millions of ordinance Russia has fired into Ukraine with the few that the Houthis have used so far.

Baker (@guest_845419)
1 day ago

Genuine question but, How were these “vessels” recognised as “Iranian backed and crewed by Houthi’s”? did they open fire on American ships ?

AlexS (@guest_845480)
1 day ago
Reply to  Baker

That is not a genuine question. You know very well that there are radio intelligence, , image intelligence, radar etc

Baker (@guest_845655)
14 hours ago
Reply to  AlexS

It’s genuine and you didn’t actually answer, all you have done here is to offer the obvious channels and I’m asking how they knew exactly. It’s not like fighting Navy ships and uniformed personnel, most of these boats are civilian and devoid of any signs saying “This Boat is sponsored by Iran”.

Patrick C
Patrick C (@guest_845563)
1 day ago
Reply to  Baker

in the past they were small boats actively chasing/approaching civilian ships. theyve already conducted pirate action as well as suicide boat strikes on civil ships. every iranian and houthi boat in international water needs to be sunk without hesitation. every houthi linked boat needs to be sunk regardless if its in their own port- they are a terror organization. personally id sink all iranian ships too regardless of where they are but i understand not wanting to deal with the persian gulf turning into a shooting gallery.

Gunbuster (@guest_845634)
17 hours ago
Reply to  Baker

Probably tracked out of Houthi areas.
There is a metric ***t tonne of surveillance in the area.
ROE gives you options.
Radar track indicates intercept course.
Radio calls on VHF in various languages.
LRAD calls in various languages aimed directly at the vessels.
Warning shots
Continue with calls on radio and LRAD warning of consequences
Still no change then…

Baker (@guest_845656)
14 hours ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Thanks, I just think things too much probably when I see the words “Iran sponsored Houthis”.

DaveyB (@guest_845916)
32 seconds ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Not to mention there are a number of Global Hawks operating over the Red S and cover the coast of Houthis controlled Yemen.