A temporary hospital with a potential capacity of 1,000 beds is to be created in Glasgow to increase capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the NHS Scotland-run medical facility at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC) could be open within two weeks and could expand to hold more than 1000 patients if later required.

The British Army have also assisted with the setup of a similar facility in London, the NHS Nightingale Hosptial at the ExCel centre. The London facility will initially provide up to 500 beds equipped with ventilators and oxygen. The capacity will then continue to increase, potentially up to several thousand beds, should it be required.
Pictures from inside the completed NHS Nightingale hospital at Excel Centre, which was built in *one week*. This is an incredible achievement and everyone involved should be very proud? pic.twitter.com/3gMrDC4N00
— Jimmy (@JimmySecUK) March 30, 2020
Jill Young, former Chief Executive of the Golden Jubilee Hospital at Clydebank, has been appointed Chief Executive of the temporary hospital, say the Scottish Government.
The First Minister said:
“Our NHS is on an emergency footing and all health boards have been undertaking extensive work across Scotland to maximise the capacity available to manage expected rise in demand due to COVID-19. There are currently approximately 13,000 beds in NHS hospitals across Scotland and health boards are working to ensure we have capacity of at least 3000 available for Covid-19 patients. They are also quadrupling Intensive Care Unit capacity to 700. We expect this to provide sufficient treatment capacity to meet the rise in demand.
As a safeguard and to provide extra flexibility, we have been working closely with the military to plan and build this facility which initially be for use by those who have been through hospital treatment and are recovering from their symptoms. I hope this facility will not be needed as, alongside the public’s contributed efforts to stay at home and the steps we are already taking to increase the number of NHS beds, we should have the beds we need.
I want to repeat my thanks to all of our NHS staff working to protect and treat those of us who need it and to everyone staying at home and doing their bit to face these unprecedented challenges. It is essential everyone continues to stay at home, except for key workers, essential shopping, reasonable exercise or caring for the vulnerable, in order to avoid overwhelming our NHS staff and facilities.”
Amazing work and well done to all who are preparing these Nightingale hospitals. The SNP will need to take a good hard look at their ‘Independents’ project, once this crisis is over. How the people of Scotland could be asked to reconsider the question, when their economy is bound to be decimated, along with the other three nations?
Independence trancends everything…
That is the mindset your dealing with when it comes to those SNP morons and its voters.
The tiresome referral to people who do not hold the same political viewpoint as morons on this site is pathetic. The SNP has every right to campaign for an independent Scotland….I would prefer that they didn’t….but that doesn’t make them morons. Any Scot that is unsure of how to vote on this issue would look at the viscous, bone-headed, idiot comments presented on these pages and immediately vote for independence.
As for SNP and Ms Sturgeon, after this national emergency is over Mr Salmond is going to wreak havoc in the party. It is an interesting historical fact that Scottish leaders (from the medieval period onwards) have disliked each other more intensely than they have the English!
Anyone voting SNP needs their head looking at. SNP MPs and MSPs are biggest buffoons ever to get into office … Blackford the blowhard getting his weekly drubbing at the despatch box, Alyn Smith the useless Europhile so desperate to get that Seat in Stirling when the end of the Brussel’s gravy train was in sight, Mhairi Black rubbing kit kat onto her teeth in Parliament, ExTory Tasmina Sheikh so desperate to for power she moved from party to party to the SNP, Alex Salmond the sex pest (according to his own QC) who never broke the law, and Nicola Sturgeon who can’t even fly the flag of visiting UK dignitaries, with the face of a bulldog chewing a wasp when she has to shake the hands of visiting British politicians. What a Bunch!
And then we have the awful supporters of this odious party — from the “Rev” down in Bath to the armies of nasty anti-English Scotch Nationalist Cyber-Nats. A quick browse on twitter would show you the nick of them – a seething mass of anti-english racism.
This is the party who predicated their Independence on oil at $113 a barrel … and promised a Land of Milk of Honey to everyone, while requiring £13billion a year in subsidies from the rest of the UK via the Barnett Formula. And where is the price of oil today? So low that producers will lose money on every Barrel sold.
But, other than that, quite a nice lot really. A bit like UKIP! 🙂
They are both cheeks on the same arse, wallowing in self pity and thriving on grievance.
Just maybe the best summary in Christedum?
Yes, yes, I know it’s Christendom.
Fuck me, love it “both cheeks on the same arse”! I will endeavour to use that on a daily basis!
When the SNP were campaigning for the Independence referendum in 2014, they said it was “a one in a lifetime chance” and “one in a Generation chance” to vote for Independence. We are in 2020 which will be 6 years since that vote. Now when did a “lifetime or Generation” be 6 years years? Here in the U.K. a Generation is 30 years and the average Lifetime is 81 years. If we to add those together and divide them by 2 the average is 55 years then minus the 6 years since the first vote they have 49 years to wait until the second Referendum.
Someone can say your first sentence about every political party in the country
Some valid points points you make but I think the point H was making is the discourse is pathetic calling people morons etc
Have the SNP managed to get the Edinburgh children’s hospital running yet, or is it still sat there empty, doing nothing and costing millions for the privilege?
This is what I’ve been doing………..livejumps.com
Glasgow is just another part of the UK to be defended against all foe large or small.
I salute all the authorities and the public (including politicians) who are coming behind the UK Government in the fight. A thank you to all those taking part!
Of all the food that’s avail in China and the people of Wuhan I can’t believe some wee fucker decided to munch on a Bat or a Pangolin to satisfy his appetite and desire, resulting in a complete global nightmare. China has to pay after this, politically, financially and in trust.
I find it utterly hard that the UK could lose 20k of its citizens to this and equally the estimation of potentially 240k Americans.
What’s happened has been staring China in the face for decades. I’ve been in the markets of Beijing, and remember thinking wtf.
I dare to think what the fallout of this will look like as Chinese and US debt is insane.
Conspiracy theories must always be treated with scepticism, but, can someone correct me on this theory that is going round.
Is it true that Chinese businesses and factories are reopening?
And that Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities were barely affected ? Despite populations of millions. And after the cultural event in Wuhan visited by hundreds of thousands who then dispersed around China and the world. How?
Is it also true that China is now benefitting from this? The virus spreads to the rest of the world, who get sick. China then supplies the balm, in the form of masks, ventilators, and other supplies. Very handy!
So China reopens for business and gets its economy moving ahead of all others, giving it an advantage.
I’d love someone to disprove this stuff that I’m hearing.
If you have 8 mins spare:
That farouk, is the video sent to me that I based my comments on.
Thanks for the link bud, watched full video.
In all honesty I’m not so sure.
We have to be careful with this imo like Iraq and 9/11. We need solid evidence to suggest wrong doing and secondly we must not allow the 9/11 theory that the US Gov or CiA were involved in twin Tower attacks.
Agree Steven. It is just so compelling! Which is why I mentioned it here.
Hi Danielle. Whilst I would not dismiss it – China has been waging economic warfare on countries for some time and with much success. Chinese companies would have been ramping up to deal with their own outbreak and to be fair many countries would have outsourced production of such kit there in the first place. I would also not rule out a much more ruthless crackdown on any hotspots. In China it is Society which is important not the individual.
The key question for me is if it were deliberate why introduce first in your own Country?
Indeed things are re opening in Shanghai at least. My other half has family who work in the city they got the F outa dodge when it all started and were unable to return until very recently. I’ll hopefully get a proper insight soon when they come back to U.K. on hol. As you can imagine texting info on the reality or phone calls saying what’s going on can lead to being told bye bye no more job and go back to your own country due to the state control so they have been coy on saying to much. The gov supplied apartment they live in has cameras inside would you believe ! All in the name of security not my cuppa T .
Such an Authoritarian form of government I guess certainly helps combat this sort of thing.
Hi Steven, I’m not sure anyone did have a bat for lunch, my understanding is that a bat infected something like a chicken or a pig – and the slaughtering of such a creature in a Wuhan food market, late last year, resulted in transmission of the virus across into humans. The rest is history – with over 800, 000 cases of COVID-19 now across the world.
From what I’ve read, Chinese authorities certainly have questions to answer over their secrecy surrounding the initial out-break, with suggestions of a cover-up at local level.
Oh no, they have batches of these bats in markets, make soup or to eat separately.
China have been warned of this for about 20-30 years with regards to consumption of wild mammals etc and other wildlife.
The trouble with bat’s is they have no immunity and are great carrier of viruses. I’m not sure how long the consumption of bat’s has been going on for, that said with any ecosystem they’ll have mass volume and to the Chinese that’s free food as they consume absolutely everything.
And trust me masks being made for about half a penny won’t kick start the rich Chinese economy.
On the flip side to that video and conspiracies going about and as sad and unforgiving this pandemic is, I think as a nation we’ll be better for it as a people, services learning and reinventing business models etc. Its perhaps the reawakening that the UK needs and shows that we are better together as ??
Disinformation is rife, i call it politics of perception, if you want to believe something that suits your theory, you will and people have and we’ve seen the effects of that here throughout the UK, politics imo hasn’t been based on facts only one perception.
I’m a frontline NHS staff member, I’ve seen my wards being rearranged with patients being moved on in preparation for a shit storm that’s about to come my way, I’ve seen anxiety levels go through the roof and even had to think about my own mortality if this thing gets me, I’m at peace with that now and once we are all out of this. I think we’ll reflect a little and come out a better people. The big difference for me hasn’t been the rallying around of various food providers etc it’s been the opportunity to park cost free. I bussed it as parking was a nightmare, now I take my car, park and even get to have an extra hours sleep. Makes such a difference and shortens a potentially 14-15 hr day before your back on again.
Anyways ramble over ????❤️??
I was sent a video the other day of a dog been cooked in a wok from one of these wet markets, I was f-ing mortified to see that the poor thing was still alive. On asking my mate who has spent a bit of time in China, he replied that the mindset they have is the more pain the animal suffers the tastier the food. I read tweets from this defence journalist /Analyst
He has just posted a short film clip of a dog on a Bar-b-q. I fully understand people will eat what is at hand and I shouldnt judge other cultures, but at least kill the poor thing first before you kill it.
The Chinese knowing that the world are looking at them, have started to police these wet markets, not to stop people eating anything that moves, but to stop people taking pictures.
That should read :
“but at least kill the poor thing first before you cook it.”