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George Allison

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison

A-10 retirement indefinitely postponed

The United States is to delay retiring the A-10 because of the ongoing fight against Islamic State, it has been reported.

Jakarta attacked, Islamic State suspected

A series of bomb blasts has rocked the Indonesian capital Jakarta this morning, with gun battles on the streets. Multiple explosives and gunfire were reported...

Australia rejects US request for greater assistance against IS

It is understood that Australia doesn't have the resources in terms of available aircraft and pilots to increase their contribution.

Reaper drones complete 1000th mission against Islamic State

The fleet of drones have been operating in the region since October 2014, also notable is the fact they have done so without civilian casualties.

WATCH: Typhoon strikes Islamic State vehicle

A Typhoon uses Paveway bombs to destroy Islamic State mechanical excavator being used to construct defensive positions.

The UK retains full operational control over Trident

It's a common myth that the United States has control over the UK's Trident missile system, that is not the case. Here's proof.

Australia to convert business jets into surveillance aircraft

Australia has confirmed a project to convert two private jets into surveillance aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force. Shortly after Christmas, the United States entered into...

Experts doubt North Korean weapon was Hydrogen bomb

Doubt has been cast over claim North Korean nuclear device was Hydrogen bomb. North Korean media claimed that it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, which...

New Russian forward-swept wing jet spotted

A Russian aviation company has conducted a maiden flight of a new forward-swept wing trainer aircraft.

HMS Queen Elizabeth to sail for sea trials in Spring

HMS Queen Elizabeth is planned to sail in March for 11 weeks of sea trials in the North Sea.