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John Sayle

John Sayle
John Sayle holds a MA with Distinction in Writing from Liverpool John Moores University, where he previously lectured. He currently works as a security professional, in addition to lecturing at the University of Liverpool at the Centre for Lifelong Learning. From a multi-service family, John’s interests led him to conduct research for his PhD thesis on the topic of future war.

Review of women in close combat roles

In May of 2014, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond brought the proposed review of the exclusion of women from close combat roles in H.M. Forces...

Review of women in close combat roles: An analysis

In May of 2014, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond brought the proposed review of the exclusion of women from close combat roles in H.M. Forces...

Terminator to Taranis, robots on the battlefield

Military robots have featured in science fiction for decades but how practical are they in the real world, fighting alongside or even replacing humans? Military...