Stuart Crawford
Why is British Army recruiting in such a bad state?
The new British Army recruiting campaign advertisements have caused a bit of a kerfuffle.
New rules for Commonwealth recruits – why?
Secretary of State for Defence Gavin Williamson recently announced that rules regulating recruiting personnel from Commonwealth countries into the British armed services are to be relaxed.
Challenger 2, the wrong tank for the British Army?
The UK now fields only 227 main battle tanks, a far cry from the 900 or so strong inventory only a couple of decades ago.
Disinformation is a weapon we should be aware of – not fall for
There has been quite a bit of coverage of defence issues in the media recently, ranging from the US/UK/France missile strikes on Syria via the Israeli-Iranian exchange of fire over the Golan Heights to the appearance of new and innovative military equipment at Russia’s annual May Day parade in Moscow.