Belgium has signed a contract with Airbus Helicopters to procure 15 multi-role H145M helicopters for the army and two helicopters, with an option for three more, for the Federal Police, according to a press release.

The contract was facilitated by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) on behalf of Belgium.

“We are proud that Belgium is joining the growing community of H145M users,” said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters. “In Europe, the robust multi-role helicopter is becoming the reference for tactical airlift capability, special operations, and medical evacuation missions. We are sure that the H145M will quickly become a key asset to the Belgian defence and security portfolio.”

The H145M, say Airbus, is a versatile military helicopter that offers a broad range of mission capabilities. It can be quickly reconfigured from a light attack role, equipped with axial ballistic and guided weapons and a state-of-the-art self-protection system, to a special operations version that includes fast-roping equipment.

The helicopter’s comprehensive mission packages also include hoisting and external cargo capabilities. Additionally, the H145M is designed to accommodate future mission capabilities, including data links, advanced communication systems, and digital mission management.

The H145M is the military variant of the H145 helicopter, a light twin-engine model that has accumulated over seven million flight hours globally. It is widely used by armed and law enforcement forces.

Germany currently operates 16 H145M LUH SOF and eight H145 LUH SAR helicopters, with an order for up to 82 additional units. The US Army operates almost 500 helicopters from the H145 family under the name UH-72 Lakota. Other current operators of the H145M include Hungary, Serbia, Thailand, and Luxembourg, with Cyprus, Brunei, and the United Kingdom having placed orders as well.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Old Tony
Old Tony (@guest_827394)
3 months ago

I like the teeth.

AlexS (@guest_827421)
3 months ago

Belgium is completely under French control.

Tullzter (@guest_827566)
3 months ago
Reply to  AlexS

Airbus isn’t only French genius

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_827480)
3 months ago

I’ve flown in a few of these, they are comfortable and stable platforms delivering good cruise and hovering control. Useful for SF operations as well as reconnaissance and VIP transportation.

Angus (@guest_827529)
3 months ago

We have been using them for years in training and ordered more for operations abroad as it delivers what is needed. I hope they go for another half dozen + for UK SF operations which will standardise the overall Helo Fleet. Puma Replacement? Well that is a different answer and something with a decent lift needed there with a sensible number (40+ for 3+ squadrons) as a couple dozen just does not really cut the need to make our forces MOBILE for swift intervention.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_827534)
3 months ago
Reply to  Angus

I have to say, it looks like exactly the helicopter the AAC should have replaced the Lynx with instead of the pointless Wildcat.

Carrying 8 troops, weapons pylon options, it ticks all the boxes as a light helicopter.

OldSchool (@guest_827535)
3 months ago

Get a few of these or similar for the Army. Army give their Wildcats to RN – upgrade them to RN standard ( maybe even give some a FLASH sonar kit for use on non-asw specialised frigates). Then get Blackhawks for medium helo replacement. Keep Army and Navy happy. Simples.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_827538)
3 months ago
Reply to  OldSchool

In total agreement…..

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_827568)
3 months ago
Reply to  OldSchool

Pretty much this.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_827569)
3 months ago

Though was shocked to see the price of those BH for Brazil.