Citing the jet’s capability compared to the F-35B, the UK will purchase 124 Harrier jets.

It is understood that the capability of the F-35B compared to the capability of the Harrier jet was the driving factor behind this decision.

Speaking in an obscure website comment section, ‘Bring back the Harrier’ spokesman Terry-Bill Boar said:

“This is a welcome decision! While it is true that Harrier is slower and can carry much less than the F-35B, it offers much greater situational awareness than the suite of equipment on the F-35B. For example, flying slower gives the pilot more time to look out of the cockpit canopy and has a more personal touch than using a range of sensors.”

The Ministry of Defence said:

“The F-35B is far more capable than the Harrier and using them in combat would be incredibly unfair and a give a bad image of a new, fairer Global Britain. As a result, we have decided to ‘bring back the Harrier’ on a temporary basis.”

It is understood that the Royal Air Force will be trialling an innovative solution in order to find personnel for the new aircraft. I’m told that anyone who thinks the UK should have purchased more Harriers instead of the F-35B is eligible to fly, as no one else can be found to fly a relatively obsolete aircraft.

Congratulations, and thank you for reading the whole article; this is just an April Fools Day joke. The article above is not true, and if anyone is sharing it after April 1st, please remind them of that fact.

The purpose of this article, aside from our usual April Fool’s Day joke, is to make the point that reading beyond the headline should be the norm every day, not just on the 1st of April. There’s a large volume of misinformation online. Make sure you don’t add to it by sharing articles without reading them. Finally, be careful of the person sharing this article after the 1st of April as they very clearly don’t read what they share.

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Tom Cargill
Tom Cargill (@guest_807268)
3 months ago

April fools!!!!

frank (@guest_807413)
3 months ago
Reply to  Tom Cargill

No Really ? 🙄

Rev Shea MacArthur, AKA Lord Christopher William H
Rev Shea MacArthur, AKA Lord Christopher William H (@guest_818095)
2 months ago
Reply to  Tom Cargill

When I was in the Cheadle Priory with Grandson of guy who designed Harrier and sold plans to USA so UK had to buy Harruers off USA, Geabdson having sleep apnea and nearly dying everytime he slept seemed a kind of Divine Justice for his Geandfather’s treason being avoided because of the Special relationship of UK PM’s having same hand up arsenal as USA’s President’s, watching MI6 Chief Cameron nc Netanyahu on the NEWS looking like they did not know why they was there confirmed for me the Real Government in charge is the Reak Shadiw Government maybe at the… Read more »

Darryl2164 (@guest_807270)
3 months ago

If only !! Happy April fools day

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_807274)
3 months ago

Presumably these are the Airfix kits the MOD mentioned in 2011. As long as there on deck by Halloween 😡 I can’t see a problem.

dc647 (@guest_807287)
3 months ago

Good one!!!! “I pity the fools” from the legendary B A Baracus if you’re not old enough to remember ask your parents
Happy April Fools

Last edited 3 months ago by dc647
DeeBee (@guest_807292)
3 months ago

😂😂 There’s quite a few people who would like this to be true!!

SailorBoy (@guest_807294)
3 months ago

Not sure why the USMC don’t try flying Harriers of them, to be honest. The Ramp and SRVL would probably reduce fuel consumption relative to the America class and also have more sortie rate due to the larger deck

Tommo (@guest_807298)
3 months ago

I’ll have a go and my mate Biggles he often flys undone

rst 2001
rst 2001 (@guest_807299)
3 months ago

Finally common sense has prevailed , a day to remember

SailorBoy (@guest_807300)
3 months ago
Reply to  rst 2001

That had better be sarcastic

rst 2001
rst 2001 (@guest_807332)
3 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy


Sooty (@guest_807306)
3 months ago

Joking apart the premature withdrawal of the UK Harrier force and also the Tornado were massive cuts in capability, something that I still consider unforegivable.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_807307)
3 months ago

Is the pub open yet 🤗

James (@guest_807308)
3 months ago

It may sound like a funny joke but the UK lacks sufficient number of jets for the carriers ! The money spend on Ukraine could have been enough to buy many jets .

The Harrier looks like a beast ! One of the best looking fighter jet in history and the most unique it was . When Britain had industrial capacity and could do things alone

Arson Fire
Arson Fire (@guest_807474)
3 months ago
Reply to  James

Have a day off.

andy a
andy a (@guest_807770)
3 months ago
Reply to  James

No country in the world currently has capability to run f35 type project alone, even the US brought in others.The cost of cutting edge platforms is so high its made aircraft development a team sport.

David Lee
David Lee (@guest_807309)
3 months ago

Joking aside the decision to get rid of the sea harriers before we had a replacement was idiotic

Drew (@guest_807320)
3 months ago
Reply to  David Lee

The whole article is rubbish not at all funny

Arson Fire
Arson Fire (@guest_807476)
3 months ago
Reply to  Drew

I bet you get plenty of dinner party invites.

Drew (@guest_807485)
3 months ago
Reply to  Arson Fire

Butt out

Lee John fursman
Lee John fursman (@guest_807417)
3 months ago
Reply to  David Lee

As I see it lots of things we do are strange and almost idiotic, tornadoes, harrier, hercules and on and on, just have to look at these three platforms and the countries still using them and still buying one of them to think that we are not really as we should be… Merry Monday lads 🍻🍻🍻

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_807372)
3 months ago

Well done George, quite the coup getting a snippet from the future Labours governments first defence announcement.😂😂🤣🤣🤣

“The F-35B is far more capable than the Harrier and using them in combat would be incredibly unfair and a give a bad image of a new, fairer Global Britain. As a result, we have decided to ‘bring back the Harrier’ on a temporary basis.”

Absolutely golden……

David Owen
David Owen (@guest_807373)
3 months ago

The way things are going ,airfix should build the f35 b ,save money ,Britain’s model builders being called up for the build ,CONSCRIPTION BEGINS 2ND OF APRIL,LOL

Steve (@guest_807392)
3 months ago

🤣🤣 👏 👏 👏

Keith Hitchman
Keith Hitchman (@guest_807407)
3 months ago

If only it were true. This government has a lot to answer for especially the Harrier’s untimely retirement. The state of our military is a disgrace. We are now the laughing stock of most of NATO , and Russia. The air force is depleted to an all-time low. Now they are retiring he older Typhoons..if ever the Russians try their luck, we would not last long than a month.

Rgh (@guest_807408)
3 months ago

Seems reasonable to me and in line with HMG spending plans. Will they resurrect the 25 mm Aden gun and Redtop missiles to round off the package?

Arson Fire
Arson Fire (@guest_807479)
3 months ago
Reply to  Rgh

They have put out a tender for Zepplins

Dave (@guest_807522)
3 months ago

It would have been a sensible choice as would a third carrier but just from the headlines we knew it was an April fools joke, no British government from the past 40 or so years has done anything remotely sensible regarding our defence, actually regarding anything at all

Lee Hammond
Lee Hammond (@guest_807637)
3 months ago

What a stupid joke. Especially when scrapping the Harrier wasn’t much a stupid idea in the first place. Our combination of MPs and civilians servants have for too many years destroyed their defence off thistle once great nation.

Ed Baines
Ed Baines (@guest_807809)
3 months ago

I’d say HMS Princess Diana is a more hilarious use of Avril Fuller’s time.

H Holt
H Holt (@guest_808136)
3 months ago

who was the fools WHO SOLD all our harriers to the Americans for buttons. And now they are thriving with them. Did they know they didn’t need a Airport. and the could have modified the engine. We do have some Numties in the collar and tie fraternity. It’s a shame it was a April fools. did they ever think about they could be transported very easily around the world . I once stood in front of one. a couple of hundred yards of course, it looked and sounded fearsome , it’s maneuverability was unbelievable, and when it faced me with… Read more »

CB (@guest_808238)
3 months ago

Oh so that’s why we spend so little on defence! We have to give the Russians a fair chance you know. If we actually tried we’d win to easily!