Our annual charity fundraising effort kicks off this year with a t-shirt proclaiming that, despite nonsense online, 13 frigates are, in fact, being built in Scotland.

We’re selling t-shirts to clear the air about a common misconception: despite what you may have read online, 13 frigates are indeed being built in Scotland. To make this effort even more impactful, a portion of each sale will be donated to a charity chosen by our readers.

Order by clicking here!

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Frank62 (@guest_785321)
8 months ago

Great to fact check SNP deniers, but they could also print their own T-shirts with any lie on them.

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_785332)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Not just SNP deniers. They seem to come from all walks of life. One thing they normally have in common is social media

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785450)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Where are the so-called SNP deniers? Lies like those the Tory Party have been proven to live on? It is a non-story. When the claim was made there were NOT 13 ships being or to be built, merely expressions of intent and subject to change. Now that specific intent was made several years ago and some contracts having been let NOBODY is claiming they aren’t to be built. Keep your fake news feed up to date!

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_785562)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

I feel your pain.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786728)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Surprised that the shirt spelling is right

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_785329)
8 months ago

I really hope all 13 get built. Are the orders really secure? Are the contracts not able to be cancelled without massive charges? I really hope so.
Should of put on the back and we need 5 more

Last edited 8 months ago by monkey spanker
Frank (@guest_785382)
8 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

For a time, the official line “At Least” 5 T31’s, was used. This was abandoned a few years back. Then came BJ’s 5 T32’s…. It is now referred to as “up to 5” but nothing at all has been ordered so I’m not holding my breath.

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785447)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Fact checking. Absolutely right. Being built only counts once contracts are let, until then it is just promises.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786737)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

I think the type 31 will be a success it’s based on a sound design. It needed more ASW,but I can see that evolve as the production goes forward

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786730)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

The actual design is still in Johnson’s head in fantasyand

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785449)
8 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

So does everybody! There are no contracts for all 13 ships, so just unproven expressions of intent. Given the priority of tax-cuts over common-sense there is always scope for delay or cancellation.

SailorBoy (@guest_785478)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Given that most of the ships are actually under construction, we can be reasonably sure that they will be built. Anything less would be a travesty.

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785538)
8 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

2 out of 13 is not most. But the point of the argument is the disinformation and false rumours that someone is spreading regarding the statement, which was true at the time it was made. Subsequent events have changed that. The only people proliferating the pejorative statement are the Unionists!

Jon (@guest_785697)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Nor is 2 out of 13 an accurate representation of the numbers of frigates for which construction has started. Four T26s and at least two T31 have been formally started, and according to some sources, fabrication work for HMS Bulldog also; for example the Wiki has this as under construction and a formal announcement is expected shortly. Following delays to the launch of Venturer, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a delay to the formal announcement of the start of work on Bulldog, but it’s far harder to dismiss the claim that construction has started on most of the frigates… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Jon
Jon (@guest_785528)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Of course there are contracts for all 13 ships. Why do you think otherwise? The main contract for 5xT31 was signed in Nov 2019. The contract for the first batch of 3xT26 was signed in June 2017, and the contract for the second batch of 5xT26 was signed in Nov 2022.

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785537)
8 months ago
Reply to  Jon

That is good news then! I stand corrected. Though what status the contracts are is debateable. A ‘letter of intent’ is not a contract, and somehow I don’t think even the RN would place a contract for ships to be delivered sometime perhaps in the next 15 to 20 years.

Last edited 8 months ago by Nick Cole
Jon (@guest_785543)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

The status of the contracts is not debateable. These are not mere letters of intent. The first eight ships are expected to be delivered by the end of this decade.

HMS Glasgow was launched over a year ago and you can Google the pretty pictures if you like! There are RN personnel assigned to it, and formal delivery should be within a couple of years. Despite delays, HMS Venturer should be in the water this year, with 4 T31 follow-ups coming annually. Expect the last batch of Type 26s to be delivered between 2030 and 2036.

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785557)
8 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Plenty of time for contract changes then. And it depends on the nature of the contracts for the later ones too. Tax cuts do not equate to deliverables!

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_785564)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Keep the faith!

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon (@guest_785572)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Very little scope left. Add up all the authoritarian states, plus Putin keep fingering the Nuc button*, and it will take a – Minister ‘that’s very brave’ – to delay or cancel anything without due diligence, a rapid sovereign replacement & sound strategic reasoning for that decision. Money is not a sound strategic reason of itself, though demonstrable efficiency savings during sustained build are indeed part of the formula.
* starting to irritate, as it happens. Tell the … to expect full payback; it’s what kept the post WWII war Cold, including during Cuba.

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785716)
8 months ago
Reply to  Gavin Gordon

Bravery from a Ministerial team (if that is not maligning the self interest of most of them) that favours tax cuts without any thought or understanding of what taxes are for? They do not understanding ‘efficiency’ as their thinking is merely how can we cut the wages bill!

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786738)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

The MOD Alikes reduction it makes life easier and they can always shift the blam to someone else.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786729)
8 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

Given the outstanding performance of the T45 The royal navy should ask for. More of them and forget about the T32 project.

geoff (@guest_785377)
8 months ago

Slightly off subject, I read an article a couple of days back on how the Royal Australian Navy is experiencing the same issues as the RN in terms of manpower shortages and a crash in the available numbers of frigates/Destroyers. It would seem the UK is not alone in this regard.
Nice T Shirt!

Gunbuster (@guest_785386)
8 months ago
Reply to  geoff

The Aussies have had this issue for a while. Big mining companies have been known set up recruiting shops outside the gates to the bases and make big offers to engineers to literally jump ship and work in the middle of nowhere for 3 x the money. Its also surprising how many Ex RN there are over there. I saw a couple of years ago an RAN Commander retiring after a total of 50 years’ service in the RN and RAN. Micky Wrenn was a CPOWEA Tracker Queen when I served with him in 91. He did all right for… Read more »

geoff (@guest_785437)
8 months ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Thanks for info GB👍

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_785426)
8 months ago
Reply to  geoff

Lots of nations are struggling with recruitment and retention. Even the US Navy. It’s not just a British problem.

Smickers (@guest_785432)
8 months ago
Reply to  geoff

Not only the Aussies The US have issues Also most of the newish Irish OPV’s have been deactivated due to manning issues
What is happening? I thought it was down to £$ but could it also be the new generation think service life is not attractive

geoff (@guest_785438)
8 months ago
Reply to  Smickers

They should remember-every gal loves a soldier/sailor/boy in blue 😉

Frank (@guest_785470)
8 months ago
Reply to  geoff

Ah but yeah but no but….. LGBGTQUNFP is the new norm ….. It’s tricky nowadays. 😨

Frank (@guest_785381)
8 months ago

I only see this Myth being highlighted on here, it seems to be a regular topic.

John (@guest_785391)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

The world is full of dreamers mate.

Ex-Marine (@guest_785389)
8 months ago

Bloody good idea George.

Fedex (@guest_785427)
8 months ago

You giving refunds if the 13 don’t materialise?

Nick Cole
Nick Cole (@guest_785446)
8 months ago

When the statement was made there were cutbacks to the plans. Now there are the whole argument is futile and pointless. No body in the Independence movement continued to claim that incorrect fact after the plans were confirmed. It is a NON-STORY.

SailorBoy (@guest_785479)
8 months ago
Reply to  Nick Cole

Who mentioned independence?
There are still people online who insist the frigates will never be built, despite all direct evidence being to the contrary. It’s not an argument, it’s a fact and the charity idea is worthwhile.

Frank (@guest_785491)
8 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

I never see anyone online saying that ….. I just see what seems to be some sort of Anti SNP/Scottish crusade on here that gets posted on a regular basis….. Contracts are placed and going ahead for the 8 T26’s and 5 T31’s, nothing to the contrary has been highlighted on any other Defence related site that I visit.
What i’m more interested in is seeing that these Ships are actually being built in the first place and not the silly Political bashing that seems to be the norm…… The “United Kingdom” works really well, no need to cause division.

SailorBoy (@guest_785510)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Indeed, the Scottish issue is very much overstated on this site. However, when it is brought up, some commenters insist on posting falsehoods and refuse to acknowledge the truth when faced with it. I try to present the truth but the debate usually ends when undeniable facts are brought up that contradict their positions. Equally, many do go for “SNP-bashing” with an equal lack of reasoning.

Frank (@guest_785514)
8 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Indeed….Indeed !

Tommo (@guest_785552)
8 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

When I joined up in training at Raleigh there were some lads from North of the wall wearing T shirts with Royal Scottish Navy embossed on them for a youngster it was bloody confusing it was just a prank

Jacko (@guest_785553)
8 months ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

Whenever Scotland is mentioned old Coley comes out of his box and starts shouting. He retires back into it after a couple days😂

Alan McShane
Alan McShane (@guest_785454)
8 months ago

Also a new frigate factory.

Frank (@guest_785468)
8 months ago
Reply to  Alan McShane

To build the remaining T26’s but what next ? T83’s are in the early stages of design/concept so no specs are known at present, People speculate that these will be a variation of the T26’s but if they turn out to be larger like the US DDG’s and PLAN T55’s then this “Frigate Hall” might just need an Extension !

SailorBoy (@guest_785516)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

The frigate hall can still be used to assemble blocks as is being done with the T26s. If the blocks could then be assembled into “super-blocks” of half of the ship inside to further reduce construction times. It would still take longer than a full frigate factory but, due to the yard having “practised” with the T26s, will still be less than the first few T26s have been.

Marked (@guest_785591)
8 months ago
Reply to  Frank

They need to be larger. Look at the Chinese ships, rammed full of missiles. Speculating how good they are is pointless, we can’t afford to risk the assumption lots will be duds and not be capable of defending against them all.

Then we need space for a credible anti ship load and ideally land attack. With such a small fleet I do not agree with having niche specialised ships, they need some ability to cover multiple missions.

Tommo (@guest_785507)
8 months ago

Andrew Mitchell of the Foreign office has assured MPs the Albion and Bulwark will not be Scrapped or Mothballed and will remain in service until the 2030ts according to Forces News 2 hours ago .Looks like the Marines will still be travelling via Grey Funnel line not Pand O

Levi Goldsteinberg
Levi Goldsteinberg (@guest_785531)
8 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

I really bloody hope that is true. We need MRSS on an accelerated programme now and a resolution to the manning issue as an absolute priority

Jon (@guest_785666)
8 months ago

The crewing issue I 100% agree with, but why do you think we need to accelerate MRSS?

Jay (@guest_785524)
8 months ago

“and enough crew for 6”

Paul Flint
Paul Flint (@guest_786221)
8 months ago
Reply to  Jay

Yes, that’s a real and growing problem, linked to placing recruiting in the hands of the civilian agency Capita.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_785533)
8 months ago

And…..as expected, Albion and Bulwark confirmed as remaining in service.

This rumour surfaces every few years. It was no doubt a suggestion amongst various options for savings, manpower issues put forward by the Admiralty for consideration by the SoS.

A relief. As amphibious capability must remain a part of the UK arsenal, even though it is no longer a core RN role as BoBa pointed out.

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon (@guest_785574)
8 months ago


Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_786727)
8 months ago

It misses the word eventually.