Russia’s invasion and bombing campaign has sparked outrage, with many in the UK asking how they can help the people of Ukraine.

There are several Ukrainian charities working on the ground, we will donate the profits of this item.

You can purchase the t-shirt by clicking here.

All proceeds are going to Ukraine.

What’s the image about?

One particular story has gone viral on Twitter, TikTok and other social media. It is the story of the battle of Snake Island – where 13 lightly armed Ukrainian guards on a tiny island in the Black Sea refused to surrender to a Russian warship. They held their ground and were killed in a bombardment. Audio of the guards’ defiant final words has gone viral on Twitter, TikTok and other social media.

The Russian ship tells the Ukrainians: “I suggest you surrender your weapons and capitulate, otherwise I will open fire, do you copy?”

The Ukrainian guards can then be heard saying “this is it”, before they respond with: “Russian warship, go f— yourself.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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ExcalibursTemplar (@guest_619352)
2 years ago

Those were brave men o7

Jonathan (@guest_619459)
2 years ago

And women I believe.

Matt (@guest_619521)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes – the vid was from a female soldier.

Martin (@guest_619584)
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I was unsure if the Ukrainians were putting up a fight until I seen this video. These brave women and men have probably done more than anyone to bolster Ukraine’s defence and it’s international image. Their sacrifice has not been in vain even China would not support Russia in UN Security Council now. Real hero’s.

Spyinthesky (@guest_619700)
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

All these years later we are still conscious of the ‘infamy’ speech after Pearl Harbor. This and others will be learned and remembered forever. Never has Ukraine been more cut off from Russian hegemony. Putin thinks power is everything he will see if not comprehend, it doesn’t work that way.

farouk (@guest_619355)
2 years ago

One thing that isn’t been mentioned about this story is Snake Island is but 25 miles off the coast of Romania a NATO country.

Last edited 2 years ago by farouk
GMD (@guest_619431)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Hi Farouk, did you hear the story of the Romanian civilian ship being hit by a Russian missile? has it been confirmed?

farouk (@guest_619438)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

It was the MV Yasa Jupiter a Turkish ship now back in Turkey

GMD (@guest_619452)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Do you know what, I’m going to give up me Sky TV subscription, I’m coming to you for accurate news 🙂

farouk (@guest_619456)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Two more have been reported as being hit today:

MILLENNIAL SPIRIT a chemical tanker sailing under the flag of Moldova
NAMURA QUEEN a Bulk Carrier sailing under the flag of Panama
The former has caught fire and has been abandoned and may be the so called Romanian ship you mentioned.

GMD (@guest_619470)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Is it normal for three civilian vessels to be hit in one day? Or is this a tactic to clear the black sea of all shipping so Russia has free reign?

Jonathan (@guest_619460)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

There has also been reports of a Turkish vessel attacked as well.

dave12 (@guest_619483)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Well spetsnaz got its ass kicked to Ukraine volunteers , Russians troops deserting , Russian people protesting the war , all going well for Putin .

Damo (@guest_619670)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Not sure i believe much of that aside from some brave Russians protesting. Lot of seemingky baseless stories doing the rounds but Russian forces seem to be able to move at will

dave12 (@guest_619692)
2 years ago
Reply to  Damo

Well it has been confirmed by the MOD and every where else thats not a Russian source that the Ukraine army had defeated the Russian airborne and SPETSNAZ Forces yesterday.

Damo (@guest_619695)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Cheers, I’ll do some more digging

farouk (@guest_619358)
2 years ago

So I mentioned the other day the large number of trolls who have flooded social media networks and blogs sprouting misinformation , and the sad thing is people are actually swallowing what they are saying here are a few examples from the blog: The Conservative woman:

farouk (@guest_619361)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Just to clarify the above:
1) Ukraine hasnt been running a genocide in the donbas region
2) NATO made no promise to not to expand into the east (Screen shot sunms its up)
3) Say no more but these idiots fail to mention that NATO touches russia in only 3 places: Norway,Estonia and Latvia a total of around 450 miles on a country which has a total border of around 36000 miles.
4) New one on me, had to look it up and its fake as debunked by Snopes and since 2014.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619367)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

As always. 👋👋

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619536)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Absolutely, you should run your own media company Farouk!

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_619735)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Agree Farouk.
Keep it up. Some great sensible, factual comments. Russia says it is being encroached and surrounded by NATO.
Yet it is fact that 400 miles bordered by NATO countries. 35,500 miles not bordered by NATO.

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619374)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Yes I have seen this myself, and not only Russians either, but Chinese, Indian and even African posts. Sickening tseeing that many supportive of Russia’s criminal actions just because they despise the US and NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher Allen
farouk (@guest_619376)
2 years ago

Had a little conflab with a chinese poster on Twitter yesterday, correcting his posts with actual facts, for some very strange reason he stopped replying But thimgs aren’t helped when (an english sounding) Russian journo speaking to an Israeli news station claims there is no invasion and no Russian troops inside the Ukraine and the idiots fall for this

Last edited 2 years ago by farouk
Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619380)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

I have had a similar response from who, I presume, was a Korean and he went on about the attack being Western propaganda that was”only in Western media”, until I showed media sources from middle-eastern and Asian countries all with the same heading “Russia invades Ukraine”, in which he has conveniently decided to comment.

GMD (@guest_619474)
2 years ago

I thought this off Twitter may help those that don’t understand

grizzler (@guest_619562)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

sometimes you just have to know your audience….

Steve Salt
Steve Salt (@guest_619725)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Hi Farouk
Watch a bit of RT Today for the Russian view on this, if you can stomach it. Everything is twisted and it’s entirely down to the the Ukraine.
Why are we giving them the medium to peddle they’re lies ?

DRS (@guest_619403)
2 years ago

It all likely to Russian GRU and similar disinformation campaign. Just call it out for what it is dis info and fake news.

Benjamin Rule
Benjamin Rule (@guest_619444)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Lithuania also borders Russia.

Benjamin Rule
Benjamin Rule (@guest_619445)
2 years ago
Reply to  Benjamin Rule

…and Poland.

farouk (@guest_619478)
2 years ago
Reply to  Benjamin Rule

BR wrote: Lithuania also borders Russia and Poland Technically you are correct, but and a big but the subject at hand is regards the eastward drive of NATO East. Yet and a big yet, the same can be said for Moscow and its drive west. Kallingrad is not part of the contiguous Russian state and until 1946 was the German city of  Königsberg which was part of East Germany the rump of which was adsorbed into Poland and the northern part into Lithuania. This was part of the redrawing of the map of Eastern Europe after WW2 which saw the… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_619463)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

This is warfare of the communication age, the west is very open to this sort of attack on moral and public pinion. I would imagine this is not just russian troll factories but also Chinese and some other nations as well. We cannot let this go unchecked but as we need to protect freedom of speech. I think the only way is that tec companies and those who run websites need to be held more to account on what goes on websites. Sites like U.KDJ are a good example of well managed. With clear rules and active moderation. Sites that… Read more »

Lordtemplar (@guest_619655)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

You forgot Poland (borders Kaliningrad) and Alaska, basically on Russia’s eastern border 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Lordtemplar
Combat_wombat (@guest_619805)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lordtemplar

That’s a fair point why doesn’t America mass 100,000 soldiers in Alaska with an amphib force to support it to see if the Russians get jumpy because 2/3 of its land force is effectively on the other side of the country

dan (@guest_619398)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Dude the idiots that use social media elected Biden. Need I say more. lol

Michael Hannah
Michael Hannah (@guest_619440)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

As opposed to Trump who think Putin is a genius and thinks America invaded ukraine.

Lee1 (@guest_619443)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

As opposed to the social media idiots that stormed the capitol?

Trump was made in a similar mould to Putin both are narcissists with extremely fragile egos. Their need to keep having their egos massaged leads them to care little about anyone else as long as they feel they are being told they are great…

Jonathan (@guest_619467)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Dan the whole point of western liberal democracy is that our population can judge our leaders and vote them out if they don’t like what they did. Its what our nations armed forces are there to defend, I think our Primeminister is a bit underwhelming as a statesman and I don’t really understand what his appeal was ( to be honest I think it was more about the leader of the opposition at the time, who everyone was convinced was a risk to our countries future). Calling at least half you voting population idiots, is not the way to support… Read more »

Robert Blay.
Robert Blay. (@guest_619469)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

The same Donald Trump who was presented with overwhelming evidence by his own national security agency about Russian tampering of the 2016 election and did absolutely nothing about it. The same Donald Trump who did nothing but lie throughout his intire presidency, and thick idiot’s like you applauded him like a rock star. Even Trump himself couldn’t believe you idiot’s fell for it. And his finances are still being investigated. Because of Trumps insane deal with the Afghan government and the Taliban, we have the Taliban back in control, and sent Afghanistan backwards 30 years. Shame on you. The man… Read more »

dave12 (@guest_619512)
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Blay.

Well Said Rob.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_619635)
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Blay.


Netking (@guest_619730)
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Blay.

I couldn’t have said it any better.

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_621707)
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Blay.

He and Putin should share a cell!

Don’t drop the soap, Donny!

dave12 (@guest_619509)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

dan when will reality hit your simpleton mind, you do realize Trump called the invasion genius ? do you live in the real world lol?

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619539)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

I have a feeling our Dan might actually have a desk and computer under a bare lightbulb in the Kremlin cellar……

dave12 (@guest_619540)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

For him to be that stupid and repetitive ,and with Trumpskis past history , I think you are spot on .

Sean (@guest_619569)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Well the Trump voting idiots probably can’t read so they’re not likely to use social media 🤷🏻‍♂️

James H
James H (@guest_619411)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Sadly I’ve seen lots of people making excuses for Russia, who appear to be real accounts, including high profile people.
Is that blog the sort of place to have those kind of views anyway?

farouk (@guest_619425)
2 years ago
Reply to  James H

Its supposed to be a pro conservative blog, but of late its been populated by the tin foil hat brigade who are very vocal about the C19 Vaccine, wearing masks . I actually go out of my way to correct a lot of the most stupid statements and yet they are having non of it. Even had some tosser tell me to go back to my own country, KIndly replied that not was I born here, but Ive earned 7 medals and receive a very nice miltary pension for time spent serving Queen and Country and then asked him what… Read more »

James H
James H (@guest_619435)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

I see what you mean, there is nothing worse then an echo chamber. I’m genuinely confused where this sympathy for the Russian point of view has come from in certain areas of society.

GMD (@guest_619454)
2 years ago
Reply to  James H

There seems to be a lot of posts from India that seem pro Russian, I put it down to fake accounts; but it is hard to wade through

James H
James H (@guest_619464)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

I read a lot from South Africa, many used Americas intervention in conflicts, ignoring the context such as the first gulf War, against them.
So somehow giving what the Russians say some sort of truth.
It’s very worrying how things are being spun

GMD (@guest_619548)
2 years ago
Reply to  James H

It’s just not relevant in my mind.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619533)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Third world bots are a lot cheaper even than Russian ones. Plus there are a lot of Indians who think the sun shines out of Russias arse. It goes back to the cold war when India was ‘non-alligned’ Latest UN Sec Council vote condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia veto. China, India and UAE abstained everyone else for.

GMD (@guest_619550)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

I’m sure the 20,000 Indians that choose to study in Ukraine this year will return home shouting out for the Ukrainian cause. Maybe move public opinion a little to pro Ukraine

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619644)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Hopefully. The relationship between India, Russia and China can reasonably be called complex !

grizzler (@guest_619570)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

at least they only abstained….India has gone down in my esteem.

Last edited 2 years ago by grizzler
Farouk (@guest_619602)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

Russia did a deal with India last Oct to provide 40 million tonnes of the stuff to cover the shortage India is suffering

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619645)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

It makes you wonder what Russia whould have to do for India to vote against them ! They’re not our ally. They’re not on Ukraines side. We need to recognise that.

grizzler (@guest_619568)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Apparently not – I understand that India was more under the Russian sphere until recently , which amazed me. There were concern that tonights UN resolution wasn’t going to only show Russia and China voting against.-not sure how the voting went but deeply held political nuances can always be a surprise.

GMD (@guest_619585)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

I also thought India was moving closer to the west. Shame

James (@guest_619661)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Sadly last nights vote has shown how India is standing in the world. Only positive is China didnt Veto which was a bit of a surprise.

GMD (@guest_619667)
2 years ago
Reply to  James

Was expecting more for the worlds largest democracy. Maybe I’m showing my naivety.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619698)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

India plays both sides. Many nations do. The UK have been past masters of it.

GMD (@guest_619715)
2 years ago

Could be a risky game for India with Russia getting close to China, and India have border disputes with China. There choice to make.

David (@guest_620176)
2 years ago

As a country that was colonised, and generally plays te “anti-colonial” line, am I alone in finding India’s abstention extremely hypocritical?

Airborne (@guest_619458)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Fuck me there’s some bell-ends occupying cyber space! These people are so sad and deranged I hope they don’t breed or have jobs which involve doing two things at once!

Jonathan (@guest_619475)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Unfortunately, being an idiot does not stop you breeding. One of the few downsides of civilisation, humanity became anti Darwinian and we stopped evolving.

dave12 (@guest_619486)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Well spetsnaz got its ass kicked to Ukraine volunteers , Russians troops deserting , Russian people protesting the war , all going well for Putin.

Airborne (@guest_619495)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Your average Russkie Tom is still pretty shite, no matter what spin is put out and no matter what the sad trolls like to pretend (JohninMK) More surprises to come yet methinks mate!

dave12 (@guest_619500)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Well I remember you saying that and its all for the world to see , I also remember Johninmk saying the Russian Airborne would sort out the Ukraine forces wants behind the lines lol , hes got to be the worst Nostradamus ever lol.

Airborne (@guest_619510)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Well if he isn’t one of those thousands of Russkie Bots monitoring various websites, then, sadly for him, he has to be one of the shittiest commentators around with no real combat experience just a Putin calendar and lots of crispy tissue on the floor 👍

dave12 (@guest_619530)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne


Farouk (@guest_619603)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Those Ukraine forces apparently were waiting for those Russian Airborne, according to reports they have shot down 2 IL 76s carrying troops. If true and they were carrying troops , expect to see a lot more anti war protests across Russia.

GMD (@guest_619624)
2 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

Russian airborne were likely some of their more effective troops. A plus for Ukraine, I’m not celebrating the loss of life, but if I’m honest (with myself mainly) I want Ukraine to give the Russian forces a good pasting. I am worried of reports of Chechen soldiers being deployed to Ukraine, they are complete thugs and animals by all accounts, possible effective in urban warfare; likely to be deployed to Kiev?

Richard Graham
Richard Graham (@guest_619654)
2 years ago
Reply to  GMD

Yes. Losing what, 200+ mates? Possibly half a battalion. That’s got to have a negative impact on morale amongst Russian Airborne?

Last edited 2 years ago by Richard Graham
GMD (@guest_619669)
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard Graham

I would of thought so.

Airborne (@guest_619818)
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard Graham

Be intersting to find out exactly what the situation was mate in regard to the shootdown. No matter what country you are from, as a uniformed professional, you can feel for the blokes who have died. Getting shot down in the back of a transport, is a friggin bad way to go. But, as a few commentators have said, I have to say im rooting for the Ukranian lads to give the Russkies just enough kicking that it triggers a bit of a response in Moscow and Putin suddenly has a “heart attack”. Cheers.

Richard Graham
Richard Graham (@guest_619916)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Absolutely. Those are my thoughts and feelings exactly – and no disrespect intended if true they were all people at the end of the day with families most likely and in other circumstances probably great to have a beer or 2 with on a night out. I was just wondering what effect such a loss would have on their unit (positive or negative).

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_621710)
2 years ago
Reply to  Farouk


Russian media won’t announce it. Those poor Russian sods dragged into this war will just be forgotten by their government, as if they never existed to begin with.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619511)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Still no sign of him. Nor Ulya.

Airborne (@guest_619513)
2 years ago

Mate you are so much more tolerant and eloquent than me when it comes to those we suspect of wasting everyone’s time when trolling! I’ve gripped him a few time tonight, he is still posting on a few day old stories but ignoring the current ones which conflict with the chuff he is putting out. However he still claims its Ukraine’s fault, and Russkie troops and his poster boy Putin are protecting the Donbas! So troll like it’s no longer even worth arguing…..but you know me I like to chew up the old troll or two!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619517)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Oh, yes OK I found him. You have a way with words my friend, fire away. Am I eloquent, or was I just naive and too accepting of another view? Maybe a bit of both. I still see no condemnation of Putin’ s actions which I find amazing. Sad to say it but I’m glued to the news and SM and cheering on every piece of resistance and every burnt out Russian vehicle I see. Which is sad, because they are human lives. But they are the enemy now, and I want freedom for Ukraine and Russia back where it… Read more »

dave12 (@guest_619534)
2 years ago

Well said DM I new you would come to my side after 3 years on this chat forum of my complaining, only joking well said.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619543)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

It just makes me angry dave.

I’ve defended Russia before, I still argue against NATO involvement within Ukraine, supply of weapons and intel excepted. I still argue against Ukraine NATO membership, due to the consequences, even though I appreciate they have the right as a free nation.

But this aggression by Putin is too much.
I’d hoped they’d “just” incorporate the breakaway regions where there are many who support Russia. There is no defence for what is happening. Im confident many, many ordinary Russians are ashamed, and too scared to speak out.

dave12 (@guest_619554)
2 years ago

I agree with you to a point and have done in terms the Ukraine is not a NATO member in the past but you do have to ask the question if Putin was not such a dick to his ex Soviet neighbors then we would have all a chance of harmony , its Putins obsession in losing the cold war and trying to reclaim it that has bought us to this , and I’m not the one to blow my own trumpet , but I have been saying this since 2014. Its simply a god dam grudge.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619561)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

I think you’re right, he wants the Soviet Union back. The states around Russia that are ex Soviet are generally pro Russia and Ukraine was straying too far from that. They are buffers for Russian paranoia which I believe is in their psyche because of WW2. Ridiculous for us as westerners because we know it is totally unfounded. Now if he is as dangerous as some say I don’t find calling his bluff and risking a wider war to the ruin of us all a wise idea. Both sides need to come out of this with a “victory” Even Putin,… Read more »

dave12 (@guest_619564)
2 years ago

Yep one Highlight out of this for us is what AB has been saying , our western training and quality of troops seems to far superior.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619571)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Yes. Not having been in the military myself my view is of course meaningless compared to real first hand, hands on experience, but I see the same remarks on Twitter.

It would be fascinating to see what a small but brilliantly trained and equipped force could do against them.

That superiority would be sorely tested as our numbers are too few. But as a part of NATO? Unsurpassed. If the Americans withdrew we would be in big trouble though.

Putin’s disregard and ruthlessness can be seen at Salisbury, with Litvenenko, with Navelny, and others.

dave12 (@guest_619576)
2 years ago

And that Salisbury is what made so angry when not enough people were , I think we need our army to expand more, think how good we can be if we had the levels of numbers 10 years ago.

Richard Graham
Richard Graham (@guest_619938)
2 years ago

All very true, with the possible exception of the Baltics. I recall dinner in Heksinki with some Latvian colleagues over 15 years ago. Their absolute hatred of Russia/Russians was palpable, far more extreme than the Finns. They also saw the likelihood of a Russian invasion of their homeland even back then. It was a shock for me at the time. Not sure about calling his bluff either but my worry is that if Putin’s ambition is to roll-back the clock to Warsaw Pact frontiers that means NATO will be confronting him sooner or later. NATO leaders need to get ahead… Read more »

GMD (@guest_619545)
2 years ago

Hear hear

Airborne (@guest_619821)
2 years ago

Agreed mate, at every level.

GMD (@guest_619544)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

I would have thought his unit would be engage with domestic propaganda. You know Ukraine are Nazi’s, Satanists, they invented gayness; all that b.s.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619542)
2 years ago

Interesting that one Daniele, Ulya has on occasion made some quite sensible comments, but the comments he/ she made the other day regarding the general jubilation of the invasion where sadly deluded and shameful, perhaps johninmk, Ulya and Dan are all in fact the same person!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619546)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Ulya and I have a civil relationship. She has always been respectful to me, and I her.
Dan, I don’t think he’s ever replied to one of my debunking posts of his nonsense, so I don’t think they’re the same person myself. But what do I know.
John, his detailed knowledge of the Russian ORBAT fascinates me.

dave12 (@guest_619567)
2 years ago

To be honest Ulya is just honest with her own opinion and if you have familiy in the armed forces like I do you will support them even if its deluded , I hope for her , her brothers are alive even though I’m quite happy to see them crumble in this assult

DRS (@guest_619686)
2 years ago

JohninMK yes you could argue GRU agent etc and had me convinced, Ulya to be fair is transparent and at least gave us the opposite view to what we say which is welcome.

I think your average Russian soldier doesn’t want to be anywhere near Ukraine. But have a madman on the top and orders are orders.

Jonathan (@guest_619527)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

What’s really sad is the bastard is likely to just get more aggressive. He’s clearly gone light on the destruction of the cities and he is likely to lose even that bit of restraint if it does not go well.

dave12 (@guest_619537)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Putin is sounding more extreme as events go along but I dont think his population are going with it , as I quoted off a film before ” I new he had a weakness that being he is a fanatic”

grizzler (@guest_619575)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes thats a point I’m not sure has been realised.
Putin mentioned no one else should get involved ‘or else’.
Now putting aside my disbelief that he made that challenge and the fact some accepted that threat ,and decreed we should back down I wondered what did it say about his state of mind and what might he do if this didn’t pan out as he planned.
We may end up where we didn’t want to be regardless of our spineless response …or perhaps because of it.

Jonathan (@guest_619705)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

Yes the problem is that aggressive authoritarian dictators always keep pushing until they force the less aggressive or prepared nation or alliance into war. They also always underestimate their enemies resolve and abilities. So I hope that NATO backing away is a strategic decision that we are not ready yet for war with sino-russia-Iran ( and we have to be clear it will likely be a war of power blocks and political leaning), as this is only going a couple of ways. 1) Nato lives it’s continued delusion of the victory of the west’s end of history, which we have… Read more »

Steve R
Steve R (@guest_621708)
2 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Not so much special forces as special needs!

Sean (@guest_619566)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Quite a few anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists that I’ve been battling on Facebook for the past couple of years are also spouting this kind of pro-Putin propaganda.

farouk (@guest_619363)
2 years ago

A short video of a Russian embed journo and a very interesting find for Russian intelligence:

Sean (@guest_619572)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

I suppose it’s too much to hope it had already been used to take out a Russia tank…

DRS (@guest_619693)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Never one for loss of life and feel for the Russian grunts who are there in Ukraine against their will. Still saw this…

Airborne (@guest_619824)
2 years ago
Reply to  DRS

I have to say, love it!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619378)
2 years ago

Well I bought the UKDJ T shirt so this will be a must.

Ron Stateside
Ron Stateside (@guest_619393)
2 years ago

Putin is so power drunk I’m surprised he can stand up. He doesn’t even have the patience to listen to his yes men say yes. I do wonder if it’s all an act to make him appear dangerously burrowed into his own mind. Regardless, I doubt the Kremlin is pleased with the results of their 1970s invasion plan so far.

dan (@guest_619400)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Stateside

Putin has dementia worse than Biden. Welcome to the Cold War v2.0. Brought to us by Obama and Biden. Now new generations will have the fun of growing up with the fear of a nuke war. lol

Lee1 (@guest_619446)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Not sure that Biden or Obama created this incident. Stop blaming others for Putin’s mania.

Jonathan (@guest_619529)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee1

Putin is a product of the west’s failure to recognise or accept what was happening in Russia and China as well as a general retreat of the west over the last 20 years.

Paul.P (@guest_619659)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Putin is the product of no-one having the balls to tell him he has his head up his @rse. The Russians need to put him in one of his own psychiatric hospitals.

Jonathan (@guest_619719)
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Hi Paul. But it is our fault as well, if you leave your valuables sat in the front garden, yes it’s morally the fault of he thief. But actually it was your own stupidity that lead to the the loss and the insurance company will tell you so. The west created the opportunity for both Russian and China because of a mixture of thinking we had won and that the world would be come like western democracies, we have let China degrade the west’s power via a mercantile strategy And we have let Russia become more imperial. The west set… Read more »

Paul.P (@guest_619726)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. We have behaved with generosity and openness to Russia in expectation of reciprocity. Our main failure was not to react more forcefully to the invasion of Crimea. The Germans should have canned Nordstream at once. Apparently the UK coalition government of the time refused to send arms to Ukraine; wimp Liberals. We failed to ramp up investment in defence; too much focus on Afghanistan. We failed to replace the Ukraine navy. To our credit UK has trained 22,000 Ukrainian armed forces and recently supplied 2,000 NLAWs. This is a major failure of intelligence. The West… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul.P
Jonathan (@guest_619741)
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Hi Paul, the thing is it’s always easy to say hindsight, but the true we use that as an excuse, some things are impossible to predict others are not and you should always have mitigation in place. Geopolitical lessons are always available, what China has been doing has not been difficult to read since the early 2000s but for all his faults it was only trump that called it out. Russia has been walking towards this since Putin came to power. And even before then with its overreaction in Chechnya after Putin came to power ( which was in iself… Read more »

AV (@guest_619842)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Cock on 👍

Jonathan (@guest_619528)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

The failures of the whole western world from about 2000 onwards to recognise that China and Russia were not going to become friends and the peace dividend and end of history of 1990 had failed.

Lee1 (@guest_619651)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Putin is a product of the KGB and soviet Russia. We have not told him to invade Ukraine or to arrest and torture his own people.

Yes we could and should have cut him off from the west a long time ago but it is a stretch to say the west created him.

Jonathan (@guest_619720)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee1

Hi Lea I’m going to cut and paste what I said to Paul. Everything is sculpted by what others do and that’s true in Geopolitics as well so: it is our fault as well, if you leave your valuables sat in the front garden, yes it’s morally the fault of he thief. But actually it was your own stupidity that lead to the the loss and the insurance company will tell you so. The west created the opportunity for both Russian and China because of a mixture of thinking we had won and that the world would be come like… Read more »

dave12 (@guest_619538)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

You really are a MUPPET dan , god save America from your kind.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619547)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Stop bothering us you unpleasant little man, sitting in your dull cold Moscow apartment….

Last edited 2 years ago by John Clark
Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_619643)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

To be honest, I reckon he’s more of an anti vaccine creationist flat earther from some forgotten settlement in Iowa or somewhere. But a useful idiot nonetheless for Trump/Putin.

Jonathan (@guest_619871)
2 years ago

come on if the worlds not flat how come it does not feel like I’m walking up or down hill all the time…it must be flat, that is the way.

Also fossils are made up and the world was made 10,000 years ago…how can 40% of Americans be wrong on that.

Sean (@guest_619573)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Stop making excuses for Putin

grizzler (@guest_619577)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Are you really that much of an idiot ?

Mike (@guest_619406)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Stateside

I do worry how much has been influenced by China whispering in his ear

Ron Stateside
Ron Stateside (@guest_619423)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Stateside

Can somebody ban Dan from the site please? His routine is extremely tired.

Lee1 (@guest_619447)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Stateside


dave12 (@guest_619579)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron Stateside

Its alright Ron we thinks this nob head is another failed Russian troll , going for the Trumpski avenue. Luv America. My family lived there.

DRS (@guest_619408)
2 years ago

Ordered. Well done.

Paul42 (@guest_619419)
2 years ago

Ordered, a great tribute to very brave men.

Lee1 (@guest_619434)
2 years ago

Consider two if those just purchased.

Louis (@guest_619466)
2 years ago

I don’t mean to be that guy, but whilst I agree with the message and the reasoning behind this t-shirt, I do not believe the last words of 13 brave soldiers should be put on a t-shirt, especially as they died just yesterday. Why not just set up a fundraiser for these charities?

RobW (@guest_619494)
2 years ago
Reply to  Louis

I’d say it was because they died with a defiant message, a message they’d want broadcast far and wide, a massive two fingers up to the Russian aggressors. What a way to rally their fellow countrymen. Yes broadcast for all to see, print it on anything, broadcast it, let their deaths not be in vain. That’s why.

Last edited 2 years ago by RobW
Spyinthesky (@guest_619731)
2 years ago
Reply to  RobW

Indeed 👏

Airborne (@guest_619496)
2 years ago
Reply to  Louis

No way, any professional soldier would love it! Even these militia lads would be glad to be remembered as having such big balls and fucking off their most dangerous and arrogant enemy Russia!

grizzler (@guest_619578)
2 years ago
Reply to  Louis

I’m with you- wear it to sainsburys while you sit drinking your tea and eatng your bacon sarnie.

Matt (@guest_619519)
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619549)
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

T shirt bought, absolutely, F**k your Russian Warship!

Spyinthesky (@guest_619733)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

I was going to produce something similar myself as I have an online shop but can do it cost price but can’t really put it towards charity so gladly bought this and will proudly wear it.

geoff (@guest_619601)
2 years ago

Saw another one this morning “Puck Futin”😄

Sean (@guest_619621)
2 years ago

The NLAWs are working

Puffing Billy
Puffing Billy (@guest_619638)
2 years ago

I’m surprised that nobody has commented upon the fact that Putin looks like a rat – eyes and nose especially. And a dirty lying rat at that. I won’t call him ratty, he was in fact a water vole in the ‘Wind in the Willows’ and was an honourable fellow.

Mark Franks
Mark Franks (@guest_619657)
2 years ago

RIP guys and Girls.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619665)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Franks

Morning all, it really isn’t going well for Russia, they are getting bogged down and they thought Ukraine would collapse, it isn’t and the mass issue of firearms, grenades and ammunition to the public will spark off the Insurgency that will surely follow….

The combination of the open festering sore that Ukraine will surely be, plus mounting international pressure abroad and crusally at home, will hopefully bring down that vile regime in Moscow….

I hope one day Putin answers for his crimes against humanity…

amin (@guest_619668)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Ukraine must be given arms support. Maybe there is hope

Sean (@guest_619713)
2 years ago
Reply to  amin

Dutch sending 200 Stingers

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619764)
2 years ago
Reply to  amin

The only chance Ukraine has is if they kill enough Russian husbands,brothers and sons to provoke a reaction inside Russia. Maybe i’m being callous but that’s how I see it.

Steven Alfred Rake
Steven Alfred Rake (@guest_619660)
2 years ago

The Ukrainian leadership are showing the rest of the world how to lead a country under attack, from the front!!
I just wonder how our political elite would measure up if the UK ever came under attack.

Andrew (@guest_619781)
2 years ago

Can’t imagine any of the top tories fighting in the street like the Ukrainian pm is

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619804)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I can see Jeremy Corbyn, Momentum and the Labour youth fighting like tigers in Ukraine. For Russia.

Airborne (@guest_619822)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

No certainly not, as Diane Abbott, Corbyn and the other simpleton squad would appear from the Russkie side, in the rear, operating the mobile bath and laundry unit!

Steven Alfred Rake
Steven Alfred Rake (@guest_620085)
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I cannot imagine any of our Political Elite on all side of the house picking up arms to help the country.

Lordtemplar (@guest_619674)
2 years ago

Tragic, but inspiring. Hope they dedicate a statue/memorial in their honour.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619680)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lordtemplar

Let’s all remember that India didn’t support the UN resolution, shame on them…..

We need to ‘remember’ this when dealing with India in the future.

Their fence sitting is very telling.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619694)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

India gets a lot of military hardware from Russia. Many nations will look to themselves first. Look at Italy!

Spyinthesky (@guest_619706)
2 years ago

Yes that’s their motivation. The problem for them is that as Russia is increasing now tied to junior partner status some might say poodle status to China, it’s going to find that it’s policy of having Russian support for its conflicts with China are increasingly going to be under serious threat, would they openly supply weapons and ammunition? They India will be just more collateral damage in the longer term in the bigger picture and I suspect, certainly hope they get that message loud and clear. Because they are going to have to play a very careful game because there… Read more »

Spyinthesky (@guest_619709)
2 years ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

I will add out of interest that as it’s reported that the Russian head of the military said to Wallace that Russia aimed to become again the Worlds premier military power claiming it already is in nuclear weapons. Wonder what Chins feels about that. Distraction events in Europe might be advantageous to them but there is no way they are going to allow Russia to even kid itself that is it’s future. Presently this is playing into economic hands held by China but it will not want any event develop in Europe or elsewhere that would lead to that development… Read more »

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619724)
2 years ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

I have seen quite a few comments from Indians, and putting aside the sheer nationalistic and arrogant tone of their comments, they are hilariously delusional.

They seem to greatly over-exaggerate their country’s relationship with Russia and support Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, criticising the West for not helping them against Pakistan and Chinese aggression . If they think Russia will choose India over China, they have completely lost it, and if China decides to push their border further into India, their decision to abstain in the recent un vote should be remembered when they inevitably expect us to support them

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher Allen
grizzler (@guest_619786)
2 years ago

Yep exactly – one of th reasons Im amazed the Indians didnt realise this was as much a vote against the Chinese.
Maybe thats why the Chinese abstained-it meant India could abstain as well …Chinese Veto may have meant India votes for…political machinations hey …wheels with wheels.

grizzler (@guest_619784)
2 years ago

Italy and Belgium – capitalismin all its ‘finery’.
I only hope the irony of the Belgiums not providing full support isn’t lost on Europeans…certainly not lost on me- absolute hypocrites.

Geoffi (@guest_619681)
2 years ago

There are going to be a lot more selfless heroes before this is through, like the guy who sacrifices himself to destroy a bridge from Ukraine to Crimea 😢

Jonathan (@guest_619819)
2 years ago
Reply to  Geoffi

That was so sad, makes you both sad and ashamed that we have to leave a nation out to dry and in the hands of a aggressive dictator. But the bravery of that person was something else, hero seems so small a word for that individual and the whole population of Ukraine.

Tommo (@guest_619696)
2 years ago

The french police have just have just stopped and seized a Russian cargo ship in the Channel according too Sky News

amin (@guest_619710)
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommo

What good is it for Ukrainians?

Tommo (@guest_619717)
2 years ago
Reply to  amin

Amin ,the ship is owned by one of Putins cronies who’s name is on the Sanctions list it was a large bulk carrier that normally carry luxury items such as high end vehicles So the French took it that will upset Putins mate

Sean (@guest_619711)
2 years ago

Sky reporting that Ben Wallace organised a virtual conference last night if 27 nations pledging to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, with U.K. also providing logistical aid.

amin (@guest_619714)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

If it lasts a day or a maximum of two days, it is enough, but it lasts a week

Sean (@guest_619727)
2 years ago

Perhaps for a new T-shirt,
Zelensky’s response to the USA…
“I need ammunition, not a ride”

Last edited 2 years ago by Sean
Jonathan (@guest_619728)
2 years ago

I think we are going to start to see escalation, Russia is not looking like it’s getting the speed of advance I needs, so it’s going to have to use more of its advantage in fires. I would say He has been holding back as he was looking for a decapitation not destruction of civilian infrastructure as this plays to his saving is fellow Slavs. But if it gets down to it I think he will use all means. With the west now looking like it’s going to intercept shipping, I think we are going to see NATO and russian… Read more »

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619738)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

From what I have heard many of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine are conscripts who didn’t even know they were invading Ukraine until the day it happened. Makes the entire thing even more tragic if it is true and would explain the poor Russian performance,and the less than modern equipment and vehicles.

Rob (@guest_619758)
2 years ago

Ukraine are saying they’ve killed 3500 Russians to date. If true that is a lot of Russian mothers who are going to regret having Putin in power. Sooner or later the casualty lists will emerge and Russia will have to come to terms with Putin’s war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob
Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619775)
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Numbers could dramatically increase over the next few days.I believe the biggest fear from the MOD is Russia stepping up the attacks. It is obvious they aren’t going all out with this cold-hearted approach to sacrifice a few expendable conscripts with aging equipment to capture Ukraine. I have previously suggested they were holding more the experienced and trained troops and more modernised vehicles for any potential conflict with NATO, given their threats to Sweden and Finland I still think that is the case.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher Allen
Rob (@guest_619777)
2 years ago

Hi Christopher,

If they put the city in the street in Kyiv then there will be literally 10s of thousands of casualties. Also those NLAWs, without any back blast are going to come into their own. How long are the Russian people going to put up with watching their armed forces destroy a major city and their soldiers dying in such a senseless battle?

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619955)
2 years ago

You could have a point. There have been reports of Russian Airborne and Spetznaz troops especially in and around Kyiv so they’re at least not holding them back. Haven’t seen any reports of there top of the line MBT’s though.

Nestor Mahkno
Nestor Mahkno (@guest_619757)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

With the French CSG in the med the russian surface fleet should probably stay in port in Syria for a while then…

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619772)
2 years ago
Reply to  Nestor Mahkno

Isn’t there also a US carrier group there too. I heard HMS Diamond has left Portsmouth to join it in the Med.

grizzler (@guest_619787)
2 years ago

what ? Finally…

Paul Spring
Paul Spring (@guest_619771)
2 years ago

Perfect! But can you do it in larger sizes?

grizzler (@guest_619788)
2 years ago

Just read a piece in the Telegraph highlightng the fact that theres been a 2/3 INCREASE in gas coming through the Ukraine from Russia since the invasion. This is due to European Utility companies going straight to GAZCOM (Russian state owned energy company) and buying gas in long term contracts from them – rather than going to the EU ‘spot market (whatever that is-I assume thats gas already bought) as the gas is more expensive that way. I’ll just let that sink in for a moment …we in the EU are still directly supporting the Russian state directly by buying… Read more »

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619800)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

We get 3% of our gas from Russia and we’re not in EU thank god.

grizzler (@guest_619920)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Not sure what you are implying but I think you may be ignoring the point I am making …I know we (UK) only get about 3% of our gas from Russia- which btw shows we (UK) are partaking in this travesty and I know we (UK) are no longer in the EU but we are in Europe. I was intending to show that The West as a mostlyCapitalist driven market can show incredible hypocracy. We can buy a t shirt and then we can buy our gas so we dont feel cold in our T-shirts. Just to be clear Im… Read more »

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619942)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

If you mean the EU say EU if you mean europe likewise. If you think our gas imports are of the slighest significance i’d suggest you google statista and search european imports of Russian gas by state.

grizzler (@guest_620027)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

If yiu mean we can ignore it because we are not the EU say so, if ytou think we should ignore the point I was making say so.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_620031)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

No we cannot ignore it because it has impacted NATO/EU response to the Russian invasion. Germany and Italy especially. But it has had no effect on UK decisions on sanctions because Russian gas is such a tiny fraction of our gas supply. On hypocracy. I’m a hypocrite your a hypocrite every person and state that has ever existed on the planet is/was a hypocrite. On every subject we make judgments about what we tolerate and what we don’t. Those judgments are never consistent. What I will accept and what you accept will rarely align. The ownership of a football club… Read more »

Jonathan (@guest_619801)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

Yep that’s the weakness of the neoliberal world view, the market wins even if it’s means your proving money to your nations enemy and removing resources and wealth from your own nation.

Watcherzero (@guest_619807)
2 years ago
Reply to  grizzler

The belief is the Russians have increased their supply about 40% to try and offset the economic damage they are suffering with sanctions, they are trying to raise funds for the war. BTW The Spot Market is where you buy immediate supply to offset a temporary shortage. E.g. I need 1000 units tonight because I am temporarily shutting one of my plants for two days.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619792)
2 years ago

Youtube. Search. Russian war in Ukraine – Ukrainian Army in heavy combat with Russian forces in Ivankov. 😀👍

Mark (@guest_619793)
2 years ago

I think it’s such a shame Ukraine has been left out on its own, Russia has belorussian and now Chechen forces at its disposal. Ukraine rapidly needs assistance Ukraine can not keep up for a long protracted resistance . The west can see the Russians fighting force is not to be afraid of and Putin being a bully will only back down to the world standing upto him. Kick them off the the security council and completely isolate them as a country and get an air bridge set up to get aid and supplies into the country. Is the world… Read more »

Watcherzero (@guest_619803)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I think its telling how quickly Russia has had to rely on calling for assistance from its allies in the Eurasian Economic Union, appealing for reinforcements (when they have only committed around a third of the units they had built up in the area) and financial assistance against sanctions, assistance that Kazakhstan has refused. When you hear how Russia has been throwing the separatist forces against the Ukrainian trenchs WW1 style and made zero progress on that front you see how they view their allies as disposable.

Mark (@guest_619811)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

Russian forces running out of fuel and food and surrendering equipment, the mpads and nlaws they got have seemed to make a real difference in countering russian armour and air power and the Russian conscripts having no stomach to fight Ukraine I just hope more help can get to Ukraine as soon as possible to shore up defences. If every country donates 50-60 vehicles and anti tank and anti air missiles even if there old tech compared to our weapons they be a great boost to Ukraine. They just need it yesterday.

grizzler (@guest_619923)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

They have always viewed their own people as disposable never mind their ‘allies & comrades’…..comrade.

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_619796)
2 years ago

According to the BBC, Germany have finally lifted the ban on German-made weapons being sent to Ukraine. About bloody time, took far too long to make that decision.

Mark (@guest_619797)
2 years ago
GMD (@guest_619914)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Thank you for the update Mark, I’ve been wondering how long it would take for a government to decide to send weapons to Ukraine, to those weapons actually being in Ukrainian hands? My guess 4 to 5 days?

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_619798)
2 years ago

About bloody time for the foot dragging Germans to get ‘involved’ for Christ’s sake…..

I’ll bet it took a lot of brow beating to make that happen!!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Clark
Mark (@guest_619849)
2 years ago

Yes just hope everyone else does the same and its able to get to where it’s needed

Mark (@guest_619802)
2 years ago

Found this page on Facebook showing Ukrainian resistance. They don’t like it up em captain mannering.

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_619806)
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by David Steeper
DaveyB (@guest_619809)
2 years ago

Not to degrade the brave and courageous efforts of those lost on “Snake Island”. But will there be a Ghost of Ukraine version as well?

For those not in the know a lone Ukrainian Mig-29 pilot is said to have shot down 6 Russian planes on the first day of the conflict. Their tally is said to consist of two Su-35s, two Su-25s, one Su-27 and one Mig-29. Which would make them the first ace since Vietnam I believe.

Mark (@guest_619813)
2 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

Saw this yesterday, yes an amazing story

Lordtemplar (@guest_619841)
2 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

The Ukranian pilot story is an unverified claim, which is probably not true. But tall tales can help galvanize Ukrainian troops determination and morale, which is important.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lordtemplar
DaveyB (@guest_619947)
2 years ago
Reply to  Lordtemplar

It probably is an urban myth used to boost morale. But….

Lordtemplar (@guest_620058)
2 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

…. but we all want to believe in the Kiev Ghost, a bit of inspiration in a tragic time started by a psychopath’s ego.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lordtemplar
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_619933)
2 years ago
Reply to  DaveyB

Ghost is all over Twitter but is it for real? There’s certainly footage of 2 Ukrainian Fulcrums at low level, one ridiculously so, and another of a Fulcrum rocket attack.

Alan Reid
Alan Reid (@guest_620029)
2 years ago

I think The Ghost is a resistance myth, Danielle – but a good one! The Americans got a bit jittery about an ace Vietnamese pilot, Colonel Toon, during the Vietnam War – although he doesn’t seem to have been real. In comparison with their Russian counterparts, the Ukrainian air-force has probably lost its fixed air-defence radars – and has limited situational awareness. Perhaps NATO may quietly be sharing some intel on Russian air-strikes. Ukrainian fighters do still seem to be flying interception missions, operating at ultra low-level. There are reports that at least one Russian IL-76 transport was shot-down by… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_620068)
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Reid

Hi Alan. Yes, been following the II76 report. Have you seen the youtube of the huge fireball over Kyiv 2 nights back? You’re an aviation man, could that have been an IL76? Strange as that seems with it over Kyiv, to me the jet reminds me more of an airliner than a jet fighter as it initially flies past and the explosion is huge with vast fireball dropping.Reports say was was a SU27. All the shootdowns I see elsewhere the explosion, if there is any of note, look less intense? My brains telling me that’s the ILs aviation fuel burning… Read more »

Nestor Mahkno
Nestor Mahkno (@guest_620203)
2 years ago

Is this getting a bit serious?, i wanted to live to retirement…
“I order the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff to transfer the deterrence forces to a special mode of combat duty” – Putin

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_620284)
2 years ago
Reply to  Nestor Mahkno

Sorry, replied to myself above in error.

Alan Reid
Alan Reid (@guest_620255)
2 years ago

Hi Daniele Yes, I did see that huge fireball over Kyiv during the first night. On Twitter, “Babak Taghvaee – The Crisis Watch” reported that it was a Ukrainian SU-27 hit by a Russian BUK-2, with the pilot ejecting. It did sound like a fast-jet as it went over the reporter’s position. Could the intensity of the explosion be the jet’s defensive countermeasures – like magnesium flares – cooking-off? But clips on Twitter are very challenging to interpret – not helped that Ukrainian and Russian air-forces are flying the same type of aircraft! But I’m now going on the basis… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Reid
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_620283)
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Reid

Well I defer to you aviation wise Alan. I thought it sounded like a large aircraft! What do I know!
Whatever, I hope the IL76 stories are true.
Have you seen Myria is probably lost?

Alan Reid
Alan Reid (@guest_620287)
2 years ago

You’re being modest, Daniele, you’re pretty well informed on aviation!
A pity about the Mriya, I’m sure I saw it at Farnborough many years ago. Yet another reason to write, “Fu@ck, Putin!” 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Reid
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_620394)
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Reid

Yes,I thought I’d seen her too. Or AN124.
At Farnborough.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_620281)
2 years ago

Words designed to get the west to back off a bit.
He knows the consequences and so do his generals.
If this doesn’t end CND nothing will as throwing nuclear threats about over sanctions is a ridiculous situation.
Toys out if pram because his invasion is not going to plan or schedule.
Ordinary Russians need to see on TV Twitter and FB what is going on to see the madness of this. Hope enough evade state tv propaganda.

Mattq331 (@guest_619904)
2 years ago

Bought a black one. As it will need to ship to the USA, I may not see it for a while, but worth every penny. Puck Futin.

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_620345)
2 years ago

I hope UK newspapers print blue & yellow Ukraine flags, so readers can cut them out, stick them in their windows, to show support for Ukraine.

Caerus (@guest_621593)
2 years ago

Pukin (sic) (literally) is a megalomaniac, who wants his place in Russian history.
It may be that I am the only one old enough here to remember their invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.