In a surprising turn of events, the recent reopening of Edinburgh Castle’s Redcoat Café has ignited a flurry of online activity, culminating in a tweet from a Dr. James McIntosh about firebombing the venue.

The tweet has since caught the public’s eye.

The café, named after the historic redcoat soldiers, has been a longstanding fixture at the castle. Edinburgh Castle welcomed visitors back to the Redcoat Café with open arms, inviting guests to indulge in its newly refurbished space. The café’s name pays homage to the British infantrymen, colloquially known as “redcoats” due to their distinctive uniforms, who have played a significant role in Scotland’s military history.

This includes thousands of Scots who served across the globe, as well as those who were part of the forces at the Battle of Culloden.

Despite the historical significance, the reopening announcement was met with mixed reactions online. Some individuals expressed discontent, pointing to the complex and, at times, painful history associated with the British military’s role in Scotland. Among the vocal critics was Dr. James McIntosh, who controversially stated that the site “deserves to be firebombed,” a comment that has since drawn widespread attention and criticism for its extreme nature.

Of note is this previous tweet.

Dr. McIntosh’s Response to Requests for Comment

When approached for a comment on his controversial tweet, Dr. James McIntosh offered a response that was as striking as his original message. With a tone mixing defiance and sarcasm, he said:

“Hahah. Oh no! I made a comment. Woe is me. Jog on ya rich pricks. You better things to do you fucking melt? A clearly purposeful and pointed comment. Lemme open an IRA bar in the queen’s house ya dick. And all monarchs should be beheaded and billionaires hung. Jog on princess. My views are clear and known.”

This response further fuels the debate surrounding his initial statement, showcasing his unapologetic stance on the matter and his broader views on authority and wealth.

Legal Perspective on Controversial Tweet

In the wake of the heated discussion surrounding the contentious tweet about Edinburgh Castle, the UK Defence Journal sought the expertise of a legal professional to elucidate the potential legal ramifications of such a statement. The expert, opting for anonymity, provided an analysis, underscoring that her comments should be considered as guidance rather than definitive legal advice.

The legal expert outlined several key points regarding the potential illegality of the tweet:

  • Communications Act 2003: The tweet might contravene Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003, which prohibits sending menacing messages via public electronic networks. The nature of the tweet could render it in violation of this statute, particularly if interpreted as inciting violence or causing undue anxiety.
  • Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010: According to Section 38 of this act, behaviour that is threatening or designed to provoke fear and alarm is illegal. The expert pointed out that the tweet’s explicit suggestion of violence against a historical landmark could be deemed threatening, making it susceptible to legal scrutiny.
  • Terrorism Act 2006: Furthermore, the tweet might also fall under the scrutiny of the Terrorism Act 2006, especially if it is perceived as encouraging or endorsing acts of terrorism, including attacks on significant sites.

The expert’s insights underscore the need for careful and responsible communication, especially in the context of sensitive historical and cultural discussions.

It is unclear what the meaning behind the tweet was. We also understand this has been reported to Police Scotland, updates will follow.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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1 year ago

Is that not inciting violence, if it was racial or sexual orientated, the police would be jumping all over it?

Something Different
Something Different
1 year ago
Reply to  Warren

Why on earth have you turned this incident (which I condemn) into another anti woke, woe is me, victim rant. Minorities are targeted quite often and until people can behave themselves they deserve protection

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago

Hmm, no rant made there. Warren makes a solid point, had such a threat been made to a building used by one of the Scottish minority groups,
(Lesbian basket weaving, or the 7 remaining SNP supporters ) there would have been an immediate response…..

Obviously the fellow involved is clearly a sandwich short of a picnic, but a very clear direct threat of violence was made, bat shit howl at the moon crazy or not, it doesn’t appear to have been reacted to by the police?

1 year ago

Anti woke is meritorious, since being woke is hate and is precisely denying equality before the law and in much more instances of life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Warren

Seriously? Discussing/reporting one stupid post of a Mr. Nobody? Looks like we were falling behind the target of a daily blog post number.

1 year ago

The problem is this individual could be someone who is radicalised or just a prat gobbling off, either case the tweets are clearly an excitement to violence and some in a police uniform needs to go and have a discussion with the individual.

This is all meat for the political warfare organisations in Russia and China.

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Talking of which, I haven’t noticed any of the usual suspects (or their proxies) from internationally acknowledged St Petersburg Troll farm, tapping away on their Stalintone PC’s of late Jonathan?

Have the Ukrainians knocked out their bean can and string internet connection or they still working their way through the Christmas Vodka bonus?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonathan

-incitement- mate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank62


1 year ago

Dr of what? His response is that of a sad grumpy child, who was not allowed a second helping! Fucking muppet nob jockey! So boring, all these social media clowns, bore off and grow up!

1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

Haha, Bravo Airborne

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago
Reply to  Warren

Well, quite…….

Nick C
Nick C
1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

I wouldn’t want him looking at my ingrown toenail, or any other part of my anatomy! Actually it’s a fine illustration of the way the net has allowed idiots to feel important.

1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

I have a sneaking suspicion it’s a correspondence course doctorate from somewhere like ‘The University of the South Seas’.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

The ideia that education is some sort of civilizational panacea is incorrect. Lots of education is wrong.

This doctor have a neo-Marxist education most probably, hence the extreme hate against rich, monarchs etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

He doesn’t sound that bright…

1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

Dr of what?

Sounds like he’s an expert in sour grapes.

11 months ago
Reply to  Airborne


1 year ago

According to his X profile he is an unemployed Psychologist, I wonder what he tells the DWP when he signs on ? “What have you done to increase your employment opportunities this week ?”

Maybe there should be a UKDJ prize for the best answer ? My offering.

“Well I suggested an act of Arson be carried out to a Government building !, Where’s everyone gone ?”.

John Clark
John Clark
1 year ago
Reply to  ABCRodney


1 year ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Excellent idea.

1 year ago

Breaking news, as**olé makes comment on Twitter, world continues to spin.

Ian M
Ian M
1 year ago

A sad, affected man. Isn’t there some saying about the “oxygen of publicity”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian M

Brain starved of oxygen at birth more likely!

1 year ago

Interesting choice of title he uses. I have a PhD and I don’t habitually mention it because it has little bearing on anything. Were I to do so- say in formal correspondence- it would either be ‘PhD’ appended to the name, or ‘Dr’ prefixed to the name, but not both. Adding both would be weirdly redundant and I can’t think of any reason anyone would do so that casts them in a good light.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

Inferiority complex perhaps?

1 year ago
Reply to  DaveyB

That would be my guess.

1 year ago

Doctor of Psychology more like Doctor of Psychos

His 2022 tweet about how easy houses are to burn, petrol bombs and balaclavas is very disturbing and dangerous

Maybe a proper doctor might consider sectioning him

1 year ago
Reply to  Smickers

Hmmm, problems with authority leading to calls to lash out against said authority using violent methods if necessary. Unwilling to accept the realities of a situation and continues to rail against perceived injustices.
Definitely sounds like a danger to the public to me. You could be right about sectioning him.
…Hang on are we talking about this weird Doctor or former president Trump???

1 year ago
Reply to  Iain

The hat fits!

1 year ago

O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!

1 year ago

Another comment from a sad individual

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago

Pillock…moving on.

1 year ago

On to better subjects, glad to see that 16AA has joined 7 in 1XX, but miffed that they didn’t put 4, 11 and 19 in a seperate formation (yet).

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

Oh!! Been so busy with life I’d missed news on that. We called it months back.

1 year ago

Maybe it hasn’t been released to the public yet. I sat through a brief where a few changes where outlined, that was one of them.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern


1 year ago

Mate I don’t know why I bothered to come back to this site, day one and I’m having to argue with trasnphobic bigots who cry about being called Cis-Het but will try to sneak every condescending anti-trans insult under the sun into their posts. This place really is a cespit.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

Mate. You’re needed, and I respect your experience and input. Ignore the tossers and keep posting quality, informed posts.

1 year ago

Cheers, it’s exhausting though. Before my last deployment it had already reached a point where I really was only responding to a few people here, now I remember why.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

Haven’t a scooby what you’re on about, Dern, but you seem pleased so that’s enough for me. I’ll let you and Daniele hold the fort on OR AT for the rest of UKDJ.

1 year ago
Reply to  SailorBoy

So long story short, last year a change to the Army’s orbat was announced, but public follow up on what exactly the changes are has been limited. Daniele and I are orbat nerds so it’s been a bit frustrating for us. One of the changes that we speculated on and is now official (though maybe not publicly official) is that 16 Air Assault Brigade, that was in “Field Army Troops” (A Division level command which has all sorts of random units in it) has been moved to 1st Division, meaning that Division now, theoretically has 2-3 deploy-able Brigades and is… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

Yes, I enjoyed those conversations.
Can you comment on 5 AAC going over to the “new” UAV Group? Assume it’s in FAT anyway.
Looking forward to something official regards 1 UK soon. I’d speculated the whole Div might become the GRF.
4x needs regular CS CSS to be fully deployable, so maybe it’s best out of the division.
I’d also suggested, and was wrong, that 7 might go into 3Div to give 3 full brigades, if you don’t count DRSB, acting as a sort of strike light with its wheels.

1 year ago

Well I’ve had a lesson in why the Reserves are pretty shit today first hand from a reservist. Frankly would rather have nobody serving next to me than him.
(Btw if you happen to stumble across the article about Army rejections and see someone using the C word additional reporting of abusive behaviour would be appreciated).

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

I’ve just read through the whole thing! You were v busy there. The limit on Commonwealth recruits seems pretty logical to me so I don’t get the issues posters have. This is the British Army after all. There will be security clearance issues too in some obvious roles in various Corps, going on up to DV. I’ve often wondered about tatoos and beards so was v curious on those comments. Every UKR soldier seems to have a beard, and many UKSF I’ve seen too, so I’m interested on whether that rule will change. What in my view should never change… Read more »

1 year ago

Beards and Tattoos should definetly be looked at, my comments about nail varnish, while slightly tongue in cheek touched some nerves because they have a hint of truth to them. Nail Varnish, Beards, Tattoos, one of these have any bearing on operational output (although maybe you could argue getting a facial tattoo is a sign of someone’s [lack] of forward planning ability) IMO. (Also I’ve seen plenty of soldiers get tattoos that are visible while wearing uniform after signing on so the point seems a bit moot to me). Beards are already effectively allowed in the Army, as the only… Read more »

1 year ago

As for AAC, sadly nothing I heard of, my briefing was largely about my own role and where my unit sits (no mention of that on open source either so not sharing) 16AA was mentioned in passing.
No mention of 7 going to 3 div either so that looks like it’s not happening.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Dern

As always, that is understood mate.

Levi Goldsteinberg
Levi Goldsteinberg
1 year ago

Whatever, its just some schizo on Twitter

1 year ago

More Scots have been killed by Scots than the RUK. Call it Redcoat, Highlander, whatever you like. I for one value highly the Scots & their masive contibution to the UK.
Inciting violence is a non-starter, wether it’s a disgruntled nationalist or a derrenged pocket-Musolini presidential candidate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank62

But not from an “activist” and “green” a “progressive” a “Fabian” ?

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon
1 year ago

Perhaps another cup of Janet’s tea would prove beneficial, doctor?

1 year ago

Can’t see anything wrong with the statement.
The rich want you and you kin to go die for the insurance premiums.

1 year ago

Not sure where his beef is here. Last time I saw them the Scots Guards No 1 dress is still red tunics. Many Scottish Regiments historically wore red coats or tunics. As did Welsh and English. What we know would call atrocities were no doubt com Committed historically by many armies,groups and clans. In the case of clans it was Scots fighting Scots. Is he looking to ban the use of those names of famous Scottish clans involved in those. I grew up in Scotland and much of the history we were taught in School was Scottish based. Much of… Read more »

1 year ago

Maybe they could rename it the ‘Clearances cafe’ ! Oh what it is ,still to be a colony !

Graham Cairney
Graham Cairney
1 year ago

A lot of people forget that there were also Scots in the red coats, mostly from lowland areas. All this uproar because of a name is pathetic, woke nonsense going too far. We should be asking them “Have I offended you? If not give me two seconds and I’ll get right to you.”

1 year ago

Is this not the historically illiterate SNP (Scottish Nationalist Prick) tendency on parade?

1 year ago

This doctor has brought his profession into disrepute. The BMA needs to convene a Hearing to consider the matter and impose an appropriate penalty. The tweet shows incredible ignorance. Culloden and the whole of the ’45 Rebellion was lot anti Scots. Many Scots were loyal to the Hanoverians just as some English were loyal to the Stuart heir.

A Real Doctor
A Real Doctor
1 year ago

The title is a bit misleading – the subject of this article isn’t a medical doctor, which is the suggestion. Don’t want the entire profession being brought into disrepute by the actions of one misguided individual.