Hi everyone, just another update from myself on the direction of the comment section.
Over the last few years the website has become more popular than we could have imagined and as such we’ve been lucky enough to attract a large number of informed and civil commentators but on the other hand, there are more trolls here than we were able to deal with.
What are we doing about this? I’ll outline my plans below.
1. Leave our log-in system as is
We almost decided to have people log-in using their using social media accounts but I think the way we have now is best as it allows people to keep their details private while still letting us moderate the comments.
We’re going to keep the requirement for users to enter their username and e-mail address to be able to post.
Nothing is really changing in this regard, in fact it’ll be easier to comment as the system no longer requires you enter a website name before posting.
2. Make use of human comment moderators
Currently the website auto-approves comments from users that have previously had one comment accepted, that’s fine for a small community but it isn’t very practical for a website with thousands of users.
Previously, moderation of the content of comments didn’t really happen in any meaningful way. Comments from first time posters or comments containing a high number of links were automatically placed into a queue for approval. On some days this ‘pending approval’ queue could reach upwards of 500 comments, it became too time consuming to read them all.
Additionally, the website auto-approves comments from users that have previously had one comment accepted which led to an issue where someone could post a rational comment and get that approved only to switch to posting abuse.
That couldn’t continue, so we brought in a human comment moderator.
Comments from first time posters or comments containing a high number of links will still be automatically placed into a queue for approval but a dedicated member of the team will now sift through these to make sure that the comments meet our our comment moderation policy. In addition to this, the moderator will also read through comments from auto-approved users to make sure their comments continue to adhere to our comment policy.
Essentially, we aim to keep watch on every comment from every user posted on the website from here on out.
This team member will also deal with any comments that have been flagged or reported by the community, which brings me on to the next point.
3. Better reporting procedure
Now, about that reporting procedure. We have fully implemented a comment flagging system, this one is self explanatory. Just flag comments you believe violate our comments policy and our comment moderator will review it.
Please note though, we also know who is flagging comments so any abuse of this feature will be easy to see.
4. Enhanced tools for users
Jim is an active commentor, you can see a range of options when hovering over his comment such as the ability to share the comment, link to the comment or even flag the comment to the moderator. If you’re Jim, you can even edit your comment.

When clicking on the ‘i’, you’ll see more about Jim including how many comments he has made and when he was last online.
Additionally, you can also see his previous comments.
We have also introduced ‘User Mentioning’. This option allows mentioning users in comments using @nickname method. Mentioned users will get notification via email.
We’ll update you all if and when more features are added.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments below!
I fully support this approach
I second that. I refuse to have a social media account so that would rule me out of being able to comment. So it is a good move to not require that.
Brilliant stuff George. Thank you.
Seems like a good approach.
I’ve been getting an email asking me to confirm subscription to email notifications every time I post….might be a minor point to look at 🙂
Could you forward one of those emails to me at [email protected] so I can see what’s triggering it please? Cheers.
Me too. Just looked and there are almost a dozen of them!
Testing a post to see if it’s fixed now
It’s fixed
Seems more than fair to me George.
Sounds good. Top stuff
Agree with all comments so far, seems a sensible approach.
Ever onwards and upwards.
Thanks for your dedication George. This is a straight forward decent policy.
Glad you didn’t go the social media way as I no longer have accounts or use social media due to both employment, but more importantly the amount of crap that’s on there. Cheers and keep up the thankless good work.
Totally agree
Good post, thanks.
Wot Airborne says….
I’m not one for social media so happy for it not to be linked. More than happy to ‘log on’ to the forum though if that makes us more accountable. While I’m on a roll, happy to toss in a bit each month too if that helps with paying for this all as everything costs, doesn’t seem right that a handful of you guys are picking up the tab and the rest of us are getting our rant on Scot free.
It would be a pain for us too, having to look after a separate login system and store details.
Totally agree
wait ships go in water? (good changes thanks)
I do enjoy reading your news and updates, I am all for having anyone who posts identify themselves to you by their e mail address.
Any chance of publishing any analytics? Top posters, worst trolls, posters by locale too. I’m a data nerd. Good job UKDJ
Thanks for all your effort George. I really enjoy the website, particularly the comments section – which for the most part contains very useful insight and knowledge, with the discussion let down occasionally by rants, and/or little spats.
‘I’m terribly worried about Jim… ‘, as Mrs Dale said.
What a thankless task for the moderator. So thanks.
Wow, that takes me back, Mrs Dale’s Diary….action packed adventure for everyone!
The danger is that it turns into a bureaucratic nightmare causing UKDJ issues and discourages people from posting. That said, if that happens, it will become obvious quickly and I’m sure the approach can be adapted.
Personally I don’t comment that often but when I do contribute it is good to see the reactions in a timely manner otherwise everyone tends to lose the thread of the conversation. I hope it will all continue to flow while the topic is still fresh in people’s minds.
Reasonable flexibility with pragmatism and balance..obviously not a poly ….sorry..that wasn’t offensive was it ? .great stuff.
I value UKDJ highly as a source of defence news & analysis all in one place, plus the contributions of many posters commenting. Well done to George & the team attracting so much growth & educating more to the realities of defence. Like many here, social media was always a non-starter for me & I intend to keep it that way.
Great news, now lets see how it goes.
Sounds good to me, thanks George.
Looks alright to me George. I’m not the most computer literate person in the world but I can’t see any problems here.
Aye seems no bad ,good to see the linkage with what is total shite social media has been dropped 👍🏻 Common sense has prevailed. 👏🏻
Human moderation is the only sensible way 👍🏻 Again glad to see the idea of censorship driven AI that has ruined many other platforms has not been implemented.
I’ve been using this site for years and honestly am struggling to see where all this so called abuse is? .Plenty Anti U.K. anti HM armed forces pish from the usual baw bags but abuse? Nah robust language and telling things like they are should always be permitted. This isn’t a vicars T party the “community” just need to deal with it. This kind of thing is no longer the Wild West like it was back in the yahoo fight room days of early 2000’s .It’s pretty civilised so no need for any wee panties getting all twisted.
IF abuse is so bad then the moderators should implement a 3 strike policy , ⚡️⚡️⚡️ that is my suggestion for the day .👍🏻
Looks like a good idea to me.
Very happy with the site as it is now, George; and thanks a million to you and the team for all your work and the timely, first class ‘gen’. Stay off social media!
All sounds reasonable. In the past, I’ve fallen foul of the automated system and had comments blocked. As I doubt they contained anything very contentious, the only reason I can think of is that they contained a link to another webpage. Is there any directions under the new system as to whether relevant links are permitted or frowned upon?
Links are often flagged up, even if they link to us. Link to where you want to, we have no restrictions on that.
Good Morning George.
Many thanks for this update and the facility you provide for us. I am not a Social Media man so would appreciate your help regarding an issue around the Jersey saga which at least would involve a candidate for the “UKDJ No Planes Media Howlers Award” or alternatively assist us to clarify something-might even warrant an article?
In the Sky News coverage of the dispute and the involvement of the Royal and French Navies over the last few days, there was some footage of a Belgian Navy vessel supposedly in the mix. I spotted it as Belgian by the Naval Ensign(Flags being an interest) and identified the ship as a Tripartite Class MCM. there has been no mention of any Belgian involvement in the dispute so my questions are as follows. Was this inserted by Sky in error from stock footage? If so this certainly qualifies for a Howler Award! If it was not an error and the Belgian ship was involved-how come? Could it have been there representing the EU headquartered as it is in Belgium? it would be nice to know and something from UKDJ would carry proper clout.
It’s keeping me awake-can you help?
Cheers from Durban
Sounds like pretty good stuff George. Keep it up.
Mucho respect to you George and the team. I find UKDJ a very clear and concise site for defence-related news, and 99% of the comments useful and entertaining. I doff my hat to you sir.