The UK Government has acknowledged the importance of a skilled workforce for the defence manufacturing sector, outlining ongoing efforts to support apprenticeships, training, and workforce retention.

In response to written parliamentary questions from Callum Anderson MP, Maria Eagle, Minister of State for Defence, stated that “this Government recognises the critical importance of supporting the defence sector in order to benefit from the skilled workforce needed to sustain a vibrant, innovative and competitive defence industrial base.”

According to the Government, the MOD is actively working with industry to address sector-wide recruitment and retention challenges. A joint MOD-industry working group has been established to assess current skills gaps, particularly in STEM fields. Eagle explained that “a dedicated joint MOD-industry working group is collaborating to identify and address skills gaps, including around UK defence sector STEM challenges.”

The defence sector is currently engaged in major programmes, including the Dreadnought-class submarines, the Tempest fighter jet, and the Type 26 and Type 31 frigates, all of which require a sustained pipeline of highly skilled engineers, technicians, and cyber specialists.

The Government has pointed to apprenticeships and graduate opportunities as key tools to develop the necessary workforce. Eagle noted that “Defence supports Defence Industry apprenticeships and graduate opportunities, including national apprenticeship awards, National Apprenticeship Week, the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, and university careers fairs.”

These initiatives are designed to attract young people into defence-related careers, ensuring long-term stability in key industries such as shipbuilding, aerospace, and advanced weapons systems.

Despite these measures, concerns remain over whether the defence sector can attract and retain enough skilled workers amid competition from commercial aerospace, renewables, and other high-tech industries. The ageing workforce and a shortage of experienced personnel pose additional challenges.

Tom Dunlop
Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.


  1. Well start dishing out orders and they will come.
    This has been a decades old issue when such decimation has been ongoing in all the defence orders for equipment.
    It’s not just the Manufacturing sector, it’s the recruitment of manpower too. Who in their right mind would want to give their future to the defence industry and Armed forces when so much damage has been done for so long ?

    Let’s get this Country building again.

    • Working life is 50ish years in the UK, so have the order books filled for at least 20 years at all times to restore confidence. It’s a very tall order but after what’s come before it’s the only way people are going to dedicate themselves to an industry, that means getting into the training/education pipelines and not jumping to another employer as soon as the Government get wobbly feet on an order that holds their lives in its hands.

      That might mean driving vehicles straight off the line into a storage shed, jets straight into hangers or even equipping reserve forces etc.

      Those in defence manufacturing families will remember all too well when a parent was laid off every few years or permanently.

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