Minehunter HMS Cattistock has returned home to Portsmouth following four months in the Baltic sea with Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1).

During her deployment, the Royal Navy say that HMS Cattistock took part in a series of multinational exercises and operations, alongside her NATO partners, with the focus on clearing historic mines from the seabed.

The deployment saw the ship transit up the east coast of the United Kingdom, across to Norway, down the east coast of Denmark and through the Kiel Canal to as far down as the Channel Islands.

Lieutenant Commander Chris Hollingworth, the new Commanding Officer of HMS Cattistock, said:

“Having joined the ship two weeks ago I’ve been incredibly fortunate to inherit such a competent and cheerful ships company. Their approach is entirely flexible and they go into everything with a ‘can do’ attitude. They’re truly a fantastic bunch and it’s an honour and a privilege to be appointed as their Commanding Officer.”

According to a press release:

“February was spent working in Norway searching the Oslofjorden for ordnance dropped during the Second World War to disrupt German shipping in Oslo. During this period, the ship found a staggering 13 mines and torpedoes, accounting for half of the overall task group haul.

HMS Cattistock worked around the clock in subzero temperatures and often heavy snow, using sonar, Seafox and divers to identify objects of interest. Whilst the battle to remove over 1500 airdropped munitions in the Oslofjorden remains ongoing, HMS Cattistock and SNMCMG1 have helped to make the area considerably safer waters for merchant shipping.

From there the ship held navigational training off Denmark, joint force protection exercises off Holland and then spent two weeks in Zeebrugge testing their seamanship skills in a variety of challenging conditions, including rafting, towing and damage control exercises.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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maurice10 (@guest_410586)
6 years ago

What returning home and not getting paid off! That must be a first?