As 2021 comes to an end, let’s look at how this year went for the UK Defence Journal.

I think it went very well for a number of reasons. Here are a few of them…

In March, one of our tweets went viral ending up on the national news and in the papers.

It was a bit of good fun.

In May, we caused a stir on Twitter when we shared an image of French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle sailing with HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, showing the former as being several times smaller than the latter two, with many taking it seriously.

In July, we broke the news that a user leaked classified documents relating to the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank in service with the British Army in order to improve the performance of the vehicle in the videogame War Thunder.

We’ve been cited in Parliament, by think tanks and even in academia. Members of our team have appeared on TV, radio and other formats to discuss current events and we continued to attend industry events and receive invites from the armed forces to have a look at new kit or what it is that they do.

We’ve managed all of this with zero outside funding. We spend our own money on the website, on travel and on any other costs. We’re not a company and we’re not a business, we’re a loose association of writers putting work into the website as and when we have the time to do so. The UK Defence Journal has no affiliation to any party or political group, our members are drawn from across the political spectrum and we’re very proud of that.

Our proudest moment

The UK Defence Journal has been rated by NewsGuard against their high standards of credibility and transparency and received a 100/100 score! Well done to our team and to our readers for giving us the motivation to achieve this. NewsGuard is a journalism and technology tool that rates the credibility of news and information websites and tracks online misinformation.

The organisation describe us in the following way:

“An online publication covering defence industry news in the United Kingdom, including military operations, equipment, and humanitarian work. The site also publishes fact-checks on military topics. This website adheres to all nine of NewsGuard’s standards of credibility and transparency.”

With regards to our credibility, they say:

“’s content is generally fact-based and well-sourced, drawing on the site’s own reporting, including interviews with government and military officials and subject-matter experts. Many articles include links to primary sources, such as official Royal Navy twitter accounts and statements by NATO.

Headlines accurately reflect the content. Because distinguishes opinion content from news, NewsGuard has determined that the site meets the standard for handling the difference between news and opinion responsibly.”

What’s next?

As said previously, our habit of engaging with people on Twitter intending to ‘troll’ us has to stop and also been reflecting poorly on our image. This will stop.

Many have also pointed out we have a lack of writers, with most of the content being written by three or four people. While we do have a team of close to 10 people, the volunteer nature of submissions means they come in sporadically. To try and fix this, we’ll be putting out more calls for writers from a wide range of backgrounds.

We will remain entirely free, there will be no subscriptions. We do have adverts and those are used to fund the website running costs, they don’t pay our wages as we all have day jobs for that purpose.

Whatever the next year brings, I hope you’ll continue to enjoy what we publish and I sincerely hope that you’ll let me know if you have any suggestions.

Have a Happy New Year all,

George Allison

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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3 years ago

Thanks for another great year UKDJ – Looking forward to some degree to the next one!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago

That QEC size gag vs CDG was hillarious!

3 years ago

Certainly got me at the time, thought it looked very small and was about to post that the CDG should have been named the Napoleon class due to it’s small stature lol…then realised the Hawkeyes were smaller than the F35s!

Steven Alfred Rake
Steven Alfred Rake
3 years ago

As a newcomer to the site I found it full of info and enjoyed the banter (most of the time) I look forward to 2022 and if you need a radical point of view feel free to let me know. All the best for 2022 for all on the site

Robert Abrams
Robert Abrams
3 years ago

I’m an American who enjoys this journal daily. I have no connection to the defense establishment in either nation, but appreciate the straightforward coverage and information you provide. Thank you.

Steve W
Steve W
3 years ago

Well done on a great year’s work- is certainly become a daily read of mine ⭐️

Peter tattersll
Peter tattersll
3 years ago

A lot of Russian trolls posting on the site

3 years ago


Meirion x
Meirion x
3 years ago

Don’t forget the turncoats as well!

3 years ago

Just because someone has a silly viewpoint does not a Russian troll make. I talk utter crap all the time and I’m not in anyway troll like or even Russian.

3 years ago

Hi George,

thank you for all the work you do for defence and the NHS

this site is a true voice of reason in the UK on defence matters and you should be very proud of your achievement in making it so.

best wishes to everyone on the site for 2022

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago
Reply to  Pacman27

Well said. Seconded.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus
3 years ago

An excellent website, always providing interesting articles and stories. Some excellent commentators as well, providing calm and measured answers.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago

UKDJ and Navy Lookout are the best UK defence websites full stop and for the same reason. They never knowingly post inaccurate info and if unintentionally they do they apologise.

3 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Too true massive respect to both pages.

3 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

I’d also include Thinpinstripedline on the list in its 10th year now and well worth reading.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago

Forgot the CDG picture. Now wondering if Macron saw the funny side ? It might explain the last few months. 😁

3 years ago

It’s a good defence page, to the point and very little nonsense. Keep it up.

3 years ago

Thank you George to you and the team for all your hard work. You have created an important and increasing;y authoritative resource that has tracted many knowledgable posters who also add greatly to the information available on the site.

Best wishes to all and Happy New Year.


3 years ago

Just been sent this, funny as F. Enjoy and Happy New Year to you all.

Last edited 3 years ago by Farouk
3 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

Love it…

3 years ago

Well I think you all do a fine job it is interesting to read and even being able to coment on so thank you all and the very best for 2022

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
3 years ago

A really good 2021 clearly for UKDJ and everyone who enjoys posting on this site or, simply reading the posts!

2022 looks set to be another year with plenty to discuss, so on that note have a happy and prosperous new year to everyone!

3 years ago

Thanks for another year for a top notch site! Keep it coming please. Happy New Year All.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRS

My first post to the UKDJ which I have followed for several years I follow defence geopolitics, UK industry and technology closely

Well done George and the team for well informed articles of high quality with great photos.

The comments made by many of the above and others have been informative and funny at times

Everyone one have a good 2022

The Artist Formerly Known As Los Pollos Chicken
The Artist Formerly Known As Los Pollos Chicken
3 years ago

The Carlsberg of Defence websites ……👍🏻 Whilst the others offer Kestrel and Skol of which are frequently consumed by the majority of the U.K. armed forces haters who soil this site with their never ending flow of negative shite.

2022 will see further improvements and getting shit together for HM forces 👍🏻


Quentin D63
Quentin D63
3 years ago

Well said! Best wishes for the New Year to everyone on UKDJ and everyone in ol 🇬🇧 blighty and the British Armed Forces and the MOD procurement Dept. Get things done in 2022!! NYD greetings from Sydney 🇦🇺

3 years ago

Big thanks to George, god only knows the work he puts in. Happy New Year to all.

Ian Sparks
Ian Sparks
3 years ago

Fantastic job. Only website I read every day.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore
3 years ago

Congratulations to George and his superb team and to (very nearly all) of those who post comments. Even the trolls can be entertainining though. Great comments and banter. I left the army in 2009 – it is good to stay current through UKDJ.

3 years ago

Thanks George lets all have a good 2022 and fun.

3 years ago

Thanks to all the UKDJ writers for last year’s excellent output, George in particular. Wishing all of you a great year ahead in all things.

3 years ago

To George and Team-many thanks for the wonderful UKDJ and all the best from South Africa

3 years ago
Reply to  geoff

Happy new year Geoff!

3 years ago
Reply to  klonkie

And to you Klonkie. Lets hope 2022 will be a better year for all of us!

3 years ago

UKDJ is one of my go-too sites every morning!

3 years ago

Huge thanks & appreciation for Gearge & the team providing us with key information on many topics, few of which get into the mainstream news. Thanks too to the serving & ex-military posters who bring such inight to the discussions.

3 years ago

It’s a pleasure to be with you to share and talk about defense and our future, despite our special relationship.

Another year where our politicians will fight.
And another year where our soldiers will work shoulders to shoulders.

France and UK, for the worst and the best.

Happy new year, dear neighbors.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hermes
3 years ago
Reply to  Hermes

Bonne année

3 years ago

Good job UKDJ, lots to be prou of there! Looking forward to another year of good quality content

3 years ago

Well done UKDJ, feels like the site really took off this year. Onwards and upwards

John Hartley
John Hartley
3 years ago

UKDJ is great apart from the pop up adverts. Usually for things I have already bought (bathroom revamp, Blu-ray player, etc.). Now its showing me ads for ladies underwear. Contrary to popular opinion, I have never clicked on those ads. It probably wouldn’t be safe at my age. Oooh, now I’m getting cyber security & gold bullion ads.

lee 2
lee 2
3 years ago

Many thanks to the UKDJ team been reading for a couple of years now. Enjoy some of the info in the comments as well

3 years ago

Hi folks hope all is well and hopefully a happy new year to all.

Many thanks for the best read on defense matters, always a great read, and I value the experts that contribute to my request for more details when requested. Much appreciated!
Take care,

Gavin Gordon
Gavin Gordon
3 years ago

One or two reports of Ops at the North Pole that I seemed to push the bounds of credibility, I thought.

3 years ago

a late thank you to Geoff and the Team for your excellent work in 2021. I enjoy getting onto the site every morning. Best wishes from New Zealand.

Andrew D
Andrew D
3 years ago

Happy New year all 😀

The Big Man
The Big Man
3 years ago

Thanks George. Really enjoy the website and all the discussions especially when the people who actually know the answer post.

Now, should those Batch Two Rivers have 6 inch Mk XXIII guns?

3 years ago

Thankyou for all the really interesting articles and time you spend providing content.A good website that allows for proper discussion and debate without the echo chamber effect. One ask would be a few more opinion pieces around geopolitics in both the 20th and 21st centuries as getting people to understand geopolitical tensions and trends is the only way to get them to really get the importance of investing in defence. As one of my favourite authors, Heinlein ( who was a wee bit of a fascist to be honest) but it best: “Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and… Read more »

simon richards
simon richards
3 years ago

Probably more impartial than all the papers put together